
ALL TRUE MAGIC ( Fate Dxd ) Omega Verse

What is existence? What is time What is a soul? What is purpose? Reality a dream that encompasses us all. What is the true meaning of existence if in the end all is for naught. Can anyone grasp the truth with their own hands? Can one be truly understand what it truly meant to exist? A journey to find the root with all true magic.

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


!!!!NARUTO Universe- 2885647 Land of Ancestors (Heisei Era of an Alternate timeline)!!!!!

A portal appeared in the middle of a forest with a Kaleidoscopic hue barfing out a man with a red shroud and a boy with messy grey hair with a T-Shiet and short pants.

Both landed faces flat perfectly on the ground eating dirt after their royal escape from their pursuers.

Archer slammed both of his fist on the ground pushing his body up spitting mouthful of dust.

Edem rolled over with face covered with dirt.

The multiverse travel was a patch work made by him in a short time.

He needs to make something to decrease the strain of calculations and smooth travel.

Edem would have traveled in another part of the world but his kaleidoscope and third magic picked up a warning about imminent arrival of the ouroboros dragon.

If his emotional limiters were there then that mishap would not have happened.

His hissy fits caused a blunder.

Which is unacceptable as a Knight.

He needs use to fourth magic to restrain the memories of his past.

There was nothing good about his past in the first place.

Edem looked up and gazed at the night sky completely shocked and mesmerized by the sky full of starts, free of pollution and redness.

Edem was gulping and burning the image in his mind.

He only saw these skies in books or terminals.

Edems musing was cut short with Archer looking over his face with a scowl.

It seems his actions has caused quiet the inconvenience for his caretaker.

Archer: Mind explaining where we are and why you decided to blow up a mountain?

Edem: ...….

Edem ignored Archer and stood up dusting himself looking over the place noticing the planets energy and making sure he is on the right planet.

Archer: ...…

Archer: Answer the goddam question! You have been ignoring some of them for some time.

Edem: ...…..

Edem looked at Archers steel eyes and sees the irritation on his face making him amused.

Edem: A necessary step taken for our survival.

Archer closed his eyes and let loose a sigh.

Edem keeps beating around the bush.

How is he going to work together with Edem if her refuses to share critical information.

Archer: Who were those people that you vaporized without batting and eye. You have been ignoring the question about the world we are and its history. Are you hiding something which will cause me to flip over everything.

Edem: Exactly.

Archer: ...

Edem: Look here I do the work you just follow me and nothing else. Some information I will share in due time. It is inconvenient to fess over news that has no use in our current dilemma. I lead you follow.

Archer: ...….

Archer: I REFUSE!

Edem: Hmm?

Archer: We are a team. In a team we work together and share information. There is no superiority in a team only understanding in a mutual relationship.

Edem: Can you say that to the very comrades that hanged you?

Archer: ...

Archer gave a stern glare to Edem.

Edem just shrugged it off dusting himself off from the dirt clinging on him remembering his team mates. The same Knight in Arms throwing him in that cell in the cavern.

Edem: I once had a team you know. We fought together and bled together. In moment's notice when all seems lost, they turned tail and ran. So, I have reservations in putting faith in people who I just met. If it comes to it I'll accomplish the mission myself and do my own bidding against God.

Archer: Then you will die a lonely death just like me. Just like when you fought the Spid-

With a single burst Edem released his killing intent with mana from his body, startling the forest with Archer refuse to buckle under the pressure. Archer has been in scenarios in the counterforce fighting Gods. This is nothing.

Edem was trying to materialize his knight arm to cut Archer down but his body was not able to handle the strain refusing to manifest.

Just what is he doing wrong.

Why is his Knight Arm "Slash Emperor" pride and joy not manifesting.

Was it a psychological block or a curse given by God.

He feels that his sees for manifesting his Knight Arm is there.

But it refuses to buckle.

Just why is it so stubborn now of all times.

Edem was bought out of his musing with Archer sarcastic mocking.

Archer: What happened? Can't hold you shit together?

Edem gave a glare at Archer and decided to drop the issue restraining his Aura.

Looks like he is getting hissy fits much more since he has no strings attached.

Nothing to fight for.

Nothing to protect.

In that realization Edem looked at his right palm.

Maybe that is why his Knight Arm refuses to budge.

He has forgotten his oaths.

His Ideals shattered.

His people abandoned.

Edem held back a sob and bit his lips.

The pressure of the realization has finally buckled down on his shoulder.

He has no home anymore.

Only thing was left was himself remnant of a dying world.

Edem fell on his bum and looked on the ground defeated.

He hated it.

He hated the helplessness.

He hated coming short in every battle he fought.

Edem looked at the stars that hanged in the sky mocking him not reaching the boundary of infinite.

His golden eyes stared at the sky.

He remembered he gave a prayer when he completely split the sky when fighting Type Jupiter.

The Prayer of a Miracle.

And Miracle, he got.

Just not the one he was expecting.

It was not the time to fall in despair.

He needs to live.

Just like all the people he left behind in his wake of carnage.

All the sacrifice so that he would reach here.

Back to zero.

A miracle of a fresh start.

Edem stood up.

With Eyes now filled with conviction.

There is a battle to be fought.

Edem looked at Archer tuning his head at the calculating grey eyes with a smirk.

He hated that smug look.

Edem: What do you want?

Archer: It's simple really. Whatever you do you consult with me before executing any plans. An equal footing in any operations you do.

Edem narrowed his eyes trying to find any deceit.

Edem: ...

Edem: Fine. So, let's go back why I did what I did.

Archer: Forget that let's go step by step. The History of the world in a short version. The beings that were searching us. Last of all where are we and why are the stars aligned differently?

Archer noticed something wrong when he looked up at the sky when Edem looked up mesmerized.

The constellations of zodiacs were missing.

Which tells him that they are in a different world as Kaleidoscope was used.

Edem raised his hand and made a table and chair with bonfire in the corner.

Edem went floating and sat on the chair inviting Archer to sit.

Edem: Okay I admit I was not truthful in some aspects.

Archer: So you confess your crimes.

Edem: ....

Edem: Anyways. As you know that the world both of us came from where age of gods ended. The world we were in was not. Gods were able live in Harmony with humans without interfering with their lives with little amusement here and there. The year we were in was 1970. Way before shit hits the fan.

Archer: ...

Archer was dumbstruck.

He knew from the little information he was given that he was in a world of the age of gods with 21st century

But Gods living along with Humans?

Is it not beneath them?

Edem looked at Archers confused face allowing him to digest and continued.

Edem: I know you are confused but let me give you a summary why they are doing it. You see while everything was happy and merry for them. Lucifer and Yahweh though it was a good Idea to duke it out with no moral consequence barred to start a war with both their faction along with a Third to fight on Earth.

Edem: You and me know Lucifer was is a certified cunt. So instead of going toe to toe with Big Man himself. He schemed to rile up conflicts with other pantheons and pitting them against each other by doing assassination of certain individuals as it was not helping with Yahweh trying to expand his influence amongst his so-called children, I would like to see that love when Jesus was crucified the starting point of the war with Lucifer declaring God as incapable of his throne. Then Blaming the whole of his actions on his dad or if his plan failed on other pantheons. A free for all. Things were already shaky with other pantheons.

Archer: ....

Archer: A war with all pantheons INCLUDED?

Archer cannot imagine the scale of the blood bath that will occur with gods of different pantheons duking it out.

Biblical Pantheon, Greek Pantheon, Lucifers Generals, Aztec Pantheon, Norse Pantheon, Hindu Pantheon, Chinese Pantheon, Shinto Pantheon and others.

Shit was bound to get crazy.

Archer: So how did it end.

Edem: ....

Edem: That's when things get complicated.

Archer: How much can the story go down the rabbit hole?

Edem: You heard about Beasts of Humanity, right?

Archer: .....

Archer: Oh come on!

Archer held his head.

Edem: Well you see Lucifer here wasn't the one to cuck Big G but the Antithesis to his light Trihexia. Formed from all the sins of the world. It was not helping as humanity was in despair with gods nuking places here and there. The faith would surely take a hit.

Archer grimaced at the number of unjust deaths that would have occurred in the war.

Edem: The copy of the Big G had to use its own body and power to seal it. That was not even the rest of the headache.

Archer: There's more. Wait copy?

Edem: Complicated anyways, I don't know what this version of God was thinking. He gave weapons to kill gods to humanity as a giveaway for his failures. I know you are confused as Lucifer should have been the one to be a beast. But you see plans backfire when you try to harness the sins of humanity.

Archer: Haa so an alternate world where lucifer failed to get control of his powers and Transformation. What a blunder and the beast is not even dead. How is God dead?

Edem: He lost his body and sealed his soul in one of the Longinus he made. Some I plan to obtain.

Archer: Wait! Multiple Longinus?

Archer had a bad feeling in his gut.

He remembers the spear of destiny.

That thing was broken when he was given the chance in one of the missions as a counter guardian to make sure Jesus was not assassinated before his fateful demise.

At that time, he was questioning his hope in humanity.

Those mission was supposed to be under Grand servants but Alaya thought it was not efficient to spend energy for simple corrections.

He wonders of Grand Caster made sure to Hypnotize people for the fateful demise.

Archer leaned back and processed this information.

Multiverse travel is a bitch.

Now he knows why.

Archer looks at the starts thinking about good times and went up to hear the rest of the information.

With Edem playing with a rubix cube in his sigh, he is appalled how he can stay calm.

Stealing weapons like Longinus.

Edem has lost his mind.

Such wielders of weapons would have quiet the strength and security.

Archer rubs his head in frustration.

But he remembers the fact the concept are weak so he is trying to see it as a relief.

Those weapons may be watered down anyways.

Archer stared at Edem at was formulating a plan to make sure Edem does no go over the top while trying to lay foundation for his mission.

Also what was the plan just now Edem saying?

He already has a plan?

Archer: Anything else you want to share.

Edem: Haa I'll transfer my memories to you when I master the fourth magic. Or give you a total overview when we are on a journey on a different plane or dilated timeline.

Archer: ...…..

Archer: Any more important information you would like to share before I figure out where we are?

Edem: Our Targets sent scouts to probe the universe we are in.

Archer: ....

Archer: And you thought it was not the bad news because?

Edem: To keep your and my sanity.

Archer: ...

Archer: Haa fine let's go your way. I am mentally drained with all this farce. Where are we anyway.

Edem: A book I read long time ago while scavenging for resources in my time.

Archer: Hmm?

Edem: It was called "Naruto" a fun read but not realistically applicable to real life. I wonder. If this universe of fiction exists would my one be fiction too? That gain box theory.

Archer: ...….

Archer gave zero fucks.

He wants to keep his sanity, he really does.

But with all such secrets spewing over from the one connected to Akasha. He might just commit suicide as not be hunted for rest of eternity.

Edem: Let's Go.

Edem jumped of dematerializing the furniture catching archer off guard but managed to spring up from his position.

Archer gave Edem a stink eye.

Archer relaxed his posture and sighed.

Let's see where this journey carries him.

Archer: After-

Suddenly archer was picked up into the air along with Edem in the air.

With a sonic boom they both went to the direction of a Large white tree now in view from the thick canopy of trees.

Now that Archer thinks about it.

The forest is awfully silent.

!!!!!Back to the sacred tree!!!!

It hurt.

It hurt a lot.

She trusted the beings of this world.

But she was backstabbed by the very people she loved.

She now ran away in protection of the children she now bore of the very man he treasured.

She needs to live.

Not only for her sake.

But for her children.

She was caught off-guard from the ambush by her own husband's soldiers.

That ambush took the only person she could trust in this world.

Her dear Aino.

She thought it was a mistake.

She thought it was dream.

But reality can often be disappointing.

She ran away to the forest.

To the sacred tree.

She needs it.

For her to survive.

For her dream of peace.

Absolute silence and obedience.

!!!!Back to Archer and Edem!!!!

Archer was having his face redecorated by the air pressure that he was colliding with.

Edem was having a blast.

He felt free.

Fourth magic for the win.

He only needs a broom like the six sisters.

Scratch that.

This was fine.

Archer: MmmmmmmmmmmmmHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Edem gave a smirk looking at Archers face.

A first ever smile he had after being reborn.

He put his hand forward and moved toward the divine tree.

Edem wonders if he should recruit a particular being in his group.

He can decide after he talks to her while he makes the copy of a certain fruit with the first and third magic.

An insurance before he visits a certain world.

Edem uses his eyesight to observe at a particular land.

Seeing how he made really close with his haphazard use of second magic, he still has time.

The torch to burn witches has already been lit.

He just needs to douse the flames of foolishness before these fools invite a greater disaster if his calculations are right.

Edem notices his target and lands with grace Infront of the towering white tree.

Observing the red fruit inside the tree he knows what to do.

Edem dropped Archer on his face again making him eat dirt the second time around.

Edem uses the fourth magic to see if there are any traps.

His eyes with a green hue analyzing the surrounding.

Ignoring the rumbling behind him.

He got startled with Archer screaming profanities behind him.

Archer spit dirt out of his mouth now all on his fours.


Edem ignored the ranting and went towards the tree.

He put his hands and closes his eyes to focus analyzing the tree and fruit.

Edem remembers the rumbling and looks back at Archer and gives some warning.

Edem: Buy me some time from the zealots.

Archer: Huh?

Suddenly archer hears screaming from behind and sudden lick of air from behind, distinct tell tale of an arrow release.

Archer quickly turns around and looks at the massive number of people with torches chasing after a woman wearing a white kimono wet with blood.

Completely ragged from exhaustion and blood loss with arrows sticking behind her.

Her appearance caught him off-guard.

Complete white skin with white irises.

With little horns on her head.

Archer has no Idea what is going on.

But his instincts of a hero tell him he should not let her die for whatever reason she is being put to death by society. But he knows better to help an unknown being

Archer was in a dilemma

Should he save her or ignore her plight she was giving form her eyes. Begging to be saved.

Archer scratched his head.

He needs to buy time so it doesn't matter.

Archer made his bow and prepared to make a grand distraction.

He extended his right arm and materialized a spiral sword.

A sword that was emitting blood lust.

Kaguya who was on her last legs widened her eyes.


It was similar to hers but entirely different.

She mustered her strength to look at the person with her blurry vision from blood loss Infront of her.

It was a man in a red shroud with a dark complexion white hair and cold eyes.

He had a spiral sword floating on his right hand.

He took the hilt and put it in the bow completely making Kaguya dumfounded.

Sword as arrows?

All thought was emptied from her head as the man turned the sword into an arrow and aimed straight at her.

She cursed under her breath and gave a look of fury towards the man.

She will die with her unborn child.

She held back a sob.

It was wrong to betray her kind and comedown here to not be sacrificed to a tree.

It seems she cannot escape the fate of being sacrificed for something greater.

Peace at the cost of single life.

Was it peace at all or just a stop gap for more carnage?

Kaguya closed her eyes accepting her fate.

But she does not want to DIE!

She wants to LIVE!

Kaguya opened her eyes using her power one last time to defend herself.

But to her expectation.

She was not the target.

She heard few words that will forever be etched in her mind.

A brush with death.



Space twisted from the tip of the arrow grazing past kaguya.

The amount of power it contained sent chills up her spine.

I am straight line the arrow impacted an empty field.

With a flash of light.

The world was engulfed in a new light.

The shockwave pushed kaguya towards the tree pat Archer.

Archer feels like a Dick

But he does not know this Alien being.

So it is better to leave it be and watch what it does.

He will get an explanation from Edem later about this world.

While Archer was making fireworks.

Edem had finally analyzed the sample with fourth magic and structural grasping.

He extends his left hand and makes a perfect replica of the fruit.

He then pulls his right hand out with the fruit that was residing.

This caused him a lot of mana.

But infinity has no problem.

But his body in question is finally feeling strain of his actions.

He needs to end this fast.

Edem looks over his shoulder and sees the huge mushroom cloud.

Edem: Never knew Archer had Nuclear Protocol. Anyway.

Edem: I want that!

!!!!!Back to Kaguyas Husband!!!!

Teshin had reservations in his actions.

He knows the actions he is taking is questionable.

But he had to choose.

It was WAR or his love.

He cannot sacrifice the lives of people who others love and adore.

He has no right to ask for the lives to be sacrificed for a single person.

He was hesitant to agree to the agreement to the land of Thet.

But he had suspicions.

But after he saw Kaguya and her power he was filled with fear.

The fear of unknown.

Kaguya wanted peace.

But as she was a person form the stars and not a being of this planet, he had to consider the greater good.

But he wonders.

Was his decision right.

To ambush and kill his own love.

Will this decision come to haunt him.

Slowly but surely, he answers came into light that engulfed his vision.

!!!Back to Edem and Archer!!!!

Edem has replicated the Chakara fruit.

A different form of Energy that will give abilities to his arsenal.

Now he needs to make sure the rightful owner has her birth right.

He made sure the fruit was purified as there was some negative nature energy. Probably from the people's emotions on the land.

As the tree stands on a leyline, it absorbs what it gets. Later the energy purifies itself.

Edem turns and walks toward Kaguya looking at her haggard state.

She was looking at him with venom, but when she realized what was in both of his hands she can never be so shocked.

Two fruits of the divine tree?

How is that even possible?

Edem walks over to Kaguya with Archer observing him closely.

Edem walks over and gives a nod to Archer with a reassuring mental link.

Edem crouches down and matches his eyes with Kaguya's.

He made sure to increase his mental barricades to make sure she does not put him in a mental trap.

Several emotions and thoughts went through Edems head.

Should he save her?

Is this a separate reality?

Would she have gotten the fruit if he was not here?

Will her death bring the horrid future closer?

Will it inspire her clan to conquer this planet?

She would have albeit barely.

With that last thought Edem asked a question that would etch in kaguyas memory.

Kaguya was having several thoughts about the being Infront of her.

He looks like a human.

But his presence tells otherwise.

She can feel it.

Something incomprehensible.

Something limitless.

She was sure this being was not from her clan.

As such power was unheard of.

If there was.

That person would be a being close to a God.

She makes eye contact with Edem and sees how hollow such beautiful golden eyes are.

Edem: Do you want to live?

Kaguya: ...…

Kaguya was struggling to stay conscious with such blood loss, struggling to from an answer.

She gave a look of desire of live burning beneath them.

Edem: I see.

Edem: Then show me what you do with this renewed life. The choices you make with this power.

Edem put one fruit on kaguyas mouth along with him putting the copy whole in his mouth.

Kaguya greedily gulped down the fruit of power much to Archer's horror.

With Edem gulping it down.

With a blue burst of energy, a change happened in the fate of the world.

Edem was experiencing massive pain from the metamorphosis his body is going through.

His body is adapting quickly to accommodate the change.

A harm was detected so the body he was gifted was responding in favor.

Kaguya has regained her strength feeling better than ever.

She watched in fascination Infront of her at the man's limitless power.

Twin Gods were born that day.

One is the moon.

Other is the Sun.