
chapter 3 when all goes down

My name is alex sun. although i git the bloodline to summon a black sun and a moon. But the funny thing is i couldn't cultivate as 3 years ago i suddenly lose the ability to cultivate. At the time i though it will be fine but oh damn am j wrong. Once my parents found out they disowned me their only sun and sheila she she..... decided to throw me away like no bodies buisness even my good friend shalyn left me. But all was not lost as my best friend jarvis decided to accept me and let me stay at his house. His house was at the very end of the slums where he and his poor family stayed.

At this time i though nothing could get any worst by fate decides to prove me wrong. As on my 18 birthday my friend jarvis family and everyone close to me is killed by my ex-girlfriend sheila's family as they were scared i pass down my bloodline .

In the next few years it was the worst time of my life. I stayed on the street looking for food but eventually died.