
chapter 4 years which pass quickly

when i died , i was suprised that i still can see . But too bad all around me grey and spinkly everywhere. i was floating around for awhile and saw nothing but the same thing for as far as i can see.

------many years have past-------

I don't know how long i have been floating around this pkace for. But god damn, it is boring as hell.

-----even more years have past----

i was floating around and i finally saw something floating too. It was all transparent like me so i decied to try my best to float over there. I was curious and touch it to see if my hand with pass through it anot. but when i touch it , the transparent body suddenly flow into me.

---afew more years have pass----

in this few years , i have understood what i have touched it was a soul . In his life before reaching here , he was living on a planet similar to mine but smaller by alot. When he was living his name was the same as mine alex sun. He was living in a place on the planet called earth and in a country called japan and he was a otaku.

As i was going through his memories i saw him watching something called anime. And it was entertaining .

------many more years have pass-----

I usually go replay the anime that the other alex been watching. in this years , i have already gone through countless animes, novels,fan-fics,manga etc. If i got to say which was my favourite it got to be seiken to world break , the fate series , one piece , fairy tail , dragon ball . For novels it got to be the world turned into a game after i woke up. As it reminds me of my time in my life and make me wish i could redo it all. i also like mangas like the gamer , TDG , verstile mage etc.

----even more years have passed----

When i was getting bored watching and reading the same thing like a thousand time. it started getting boring until one day a person calling himself god came to get me. i was suprised by this but so was he.

when he touch me , we transported to another place . The place we transported to is all white. God was there looking at me while sitting on a chair but the funny thing is that he is not sitting on the throne behind him. As i was about to talk , he started to talk.