
chapter 2 the very begaining

My name is alex sun , this year i'm sixteen with a wonderful family and a lovely girlfriend. By the way my lovely girlfriend name is sheila sky and my parents name is derrick sun and foster moon(i know the mother's name is weird but just ignore it) anyway my family buisness is mainly in the development of magic and its uses.

In this world magic is a normal orccurance. Everything uses magic from working to trabsportation. This version of magic is called lifestyle magic. But magic is under two groups mainly combat magic and lifestyle magic.(btw its not fairy tail. just let me continue) In order to use it you got to cultivate source energy to your soul and body to strengthen your magic power.

As the body is the container to the magic power/source energy (soul).

My parents company is called four elements . And its mainly selling magic tailsmen and spells.This is after my parents retired from being the strongest magicians in the world. As my mom foster moon at its strongest can summon a freaking moon to crash onto earth and freeze everything with it. And my dad oh ho damn he is one overpowered piece of shit. he could freaking summon the a black sun to destroy the entire planet. As for my girlfriend although she is pretty strong but not enough to use her bloodline talent to collapse the sky itself. Its tge same as destroying the heavens itself. But do you know what the ironic thing is i couldn't use my magic.(give it afew more chapters before alex goes to seiken to workd break)