
All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me A Natural Disaster!

Story of: All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! It's a world of job change. There are ceiling professional saints, nuron angels, nightmare assassins, dragon blood warriors... There are also C-level necromancers who are as ordinary as the protagonist White Night. Until this day, Bai Ye found that his skill level did not have an upper limit? from now on Basic skills, summon skeletons (lvmax), small skeletons turn into skeleton kings, and slaughter gods with one sword. Advanced skills, Life Link (lvmax), Summoned Immortal, I Immortal. Aura skill, legion aura (lvmax), undead legion health +1,000,000%, attack +1,000,000 percent. There are also Hell Bones, Knights of Heaven's Punishment, Skeleton Dragons, Succubus, and Night Elves. C-level necromancer? Please call me a disaster of God! Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: "All people change: necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! 》; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Video Games
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282 Chs

Chapter 89

Chapter Eighty-Nine: Really Breaking the Reward Cap???.

And these two screams were obviously not made by the white night.

Snapping White Night looked at the two broken arms on the ground, and swept around in confusion. What kind of profession is this?

Ordinary assassins, when attacking, or after being hit, will definitely show up directly. But the two assassins in front of him, both with broken arms, have not even appeared?

The attack of the two appeared almost instantaneously, and in such a short time, the one who was able to cut off the arms of the two assassins was naturally the night elf on the side, Aurelia. Although the opponent's attack will not cause any substantial damage to Bai Ye at all,

But White Night was still ready to give Aurelia a thumbs up. And at this moment, Aurelia moved again, this time, hey~

The two gray energy arrows instantly pierced through the two palms that poked out of the void. When Bai Ye looked at the ground, he saw that the two hands were directly nailed to the ground by arrows, and it turned out that the other party wanted to pick up the dropped dagger. From the brilliant luster above, you can tell that this is a diamond-grade dagger.

No wonder the other party wants to pick it up. And Bai Ye, only then found that the other party 11 seemed to be hiding in another layer of space.

Like this kind of sneak attack that appears out of thin air, ordinary people are really difficult to dodge, and can only resist hard. Without having to speak in the white night, Aurelia directly pulled the energy arrow and pulled the two out.


"My hand, young man, please spare your life, we are wrong!"

"Ah my hand, young man, please spare your life, we are wrong!"

Listening to the exact same voice of two people is like saying the exact same thing.

Bai Ye was slightly stunned, and then after thinking of something, he asked,

"I'll give you 30 seconds to say why you're coming against me?"

"However, in order to prevent you from talking nonsense, I decided to interrogate you separately."

"By the way, Aurelia, if they dare to escape, they will kill them directly."

The reason why Bai Ye wanted to interrogate the other party was to know if these two people who dealt with him were the same people who tricked themselves into offering to the [Goddess of Light] before? Now White Night recalled,

The other party obviously wanted to borrow the hand of the [Goddess of Light] and kill himself. And the other party must know themselves well.

Otherwise, he would not deliberately say the phrase of sacrificing a large amount of materials or living beings to guide himself. The purpose is to let himself sacrifice a large number of undead creatures, and then let the embarrassed [Goddess of Light] kill himself. If it weren't for the fact that this is the territory of the [Bone Demon Lord],

I'm afraid I have at least one layer of skin off.

Although his current self is definitely strong enough, in the face of these gods just now, Bai Ye is still very weak. This kind of scheming opponent must be pulled out.

Because he had just glanced at Aurelia's skills, Bai Ye knew that these two gray arrows were the arrows with the forbidden effect. Unless the arrow is removed, there will be two minutes of forbidden time.

As long as these two people can't use their skills, they can't hide in other spaces. That in front of Bai Ye, it is no different from the meat on the board.

So, Bai Ye directly dragged one of them aside,

"Say, who are you two? Or who sent you? "

"As long as what you say is different, I will kill you two immediately."

The one in front of him, his face obviously hesitated, but he still said firmly,

"We were just passing by, just watching you kill B0SS, and decided to see if we could kill you and grab a few pieces of equipment."

Bai Ye also did not ink, directly carried it back, changed people for interrogation, and this time,

Without asking in vain, this person said directly,

"We were just passing by, just watching you kill the boss, so we decided to see if we could kill you and grab a few pieces of equipment."

Bai Ye shook his head, eh?

Have I just seen this scene? In this regard, Bai Ye pouted, cowhide!

It is worthy of being twins, and the words they say are really exactly the same, only the words are not bad. You don't even have to ask yourself.

And this person, Bai Ye did not continue to ask who sent them, but suddenly asked,

"I'm not really interested in who sent you or what you want."

"You tell me where the [Goddess of Light's] sacrificial props were obtained just now, and I will release you, and I will do what I say. Hearing the words of the white night,"

The man was visibly dumbfounded.

"What sacrificial props? I don't know where it came from, I really don't know this. "

Hearing the other party's answer, Xiu Baiye directly shot out a [Bone Spear], which instantly pierced his head and fixed the person in front of him to the ground. This scene directly scared the person in front, how could it be?

His own brother is unlikely to tell him a different result.

Bai Ye slowly walked back,

"Finally give you a chance, you just tell me that the sacrificial props were obtained there, and I will release you, and I can even make a contract with you."

And this man's face was as dazed as his brother's,

"I really don't know about that."

So, in this man's terrified expression, what greeted him was the same [Bone Spear].

White Night, out of obsessive-compulsive disorder, also shot in the same position.

After picking up the two diamond-level daggers on the ground, they were just left for the other night elves. After that, Bai Ye directly chose to leave this dungeon. In fact

Bai Ye had not planned to ask which organization had sent them to deal with him.

As for what to interrogate separately, it can almost be regarded as satisfying Bai Ye's own curiosity about the twins. The main purpose of White Night is to see if they are the same people who use sacrificial props against themselves. If it was really the same group, Bai Ye would choose to torture more.

After all, for these reckless men who use force against themselves, Bai Ye does not care much about 140 at all.

Just kill back.

If you really can't beat it, you will let the undead summoner break off and go straight away. And this person who uses his brain against himself must be found out.

Since the two people in front of him seem to have no understanding of sacrificial props at all.

Even if he said that he had drawn up a contract, the other party still couldn't even make up a word, thinking that this was not the same group of people. Anyway, since this group of "reckless men" chose to deal with themselves, they would reappear sooner or later, and Bai Ye would not bother to pay attention to it. As for the person who used the sacrificial props, Bai Ye planned to try to see if he could lure it out. White nights back to the accommodation,

The first time opened his previous bounty trading platform, said to the man,

"Great, your method can really break the boundary, I have completed the second turn."

"Out of gratitude, I want to complete the deal in person, thank you for your help in person."

White Night and attached a screenshot of the tip to break the boundary.

Anyway, the effect of the function [Supreme Summoning] is not explained above, and Bai Ye is not afraid to expose information. And this can just be used as a decoy, a bait to lure the other party forward.

"Mo Shao's side?"


When he saw the news of Bai Ye, Mo Shao was directly stunned. After seeing the screenshot, my jaw almost fell to the ground. Or did the mud horse break the reward ceiling of the two-turn shackles? I hadn't even heard of this before.
