
All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me A Natural Disaster!

Story of: All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! It's a world of job change. There are ceiling professional saints, nuron angels, nightmare assassins, dragon blood warriors... There are also C-level necromancers who are as ordinary as the protagonist White Night. Until this day, Bai Ye found that his skill level did not have an upper limit? from now on Basic skills, summon skeletons (lvmax), small skeletons turn into skeleton kings, and slaughter gods with one sword. Advanced skills, Life Link (lvmax), Summoned Immortal, I Immortal. Aura skill, legion aura (lvmax), undead legion health +1,000,000%, attack +1,000,000 percent. There are also Hell Bones, Knights of Heaven's Punishment, Skeleton Dragons, Succubus, and Night Elves. C-level necromancer? Please call me a disaster of God! Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: "All people change: necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! 》; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Video Games
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282 Chs

Chapter 88

Chapter Eighty-Eight: This Night Elf, One-Three-Five-Seven Belongs to Me!.

When White Night kills the boss here,

The three people who came to chase and kill Bai Ye hurried towards the direction of the boss. But to be honest, except for the boss at the head inside, the vest man,

The other two are twin killers, and neither of them quite believes the information about White Night collected earlier. When watching the vast number of summoned objects and killing tens of thousands of "wild monsters" videos, they were both very disdainful,

How could there be any necromancer with so many undead creatures? And is he a newcomer who has not broken the shackles of the second turn?

It must have been some big guy lent him a summoning prop. They prefer to believe that this is actually a means by the official people of Lancheng City to deter these crooked people. Especially the two of them, who are already close to LV75, use [level memory],

After using this item, it will take months to slowly extract the stored level item, and they will not be able to gain experience during this time.

In other words, they will not gain a single bit of experience points during these months, which will make them unable to level up for a long time.

Although the two felt that they were making a fuss, under the gaze of the [Demon Puppeteer], they could only obediently use props.

After all, compared to being made into a puppet because you disobeyed orders, the slower the upgrade, the slower. But this also made the two twins have a great grudge against Bai Ye.

Bai Ye must die, otherwise wouldn't this [Grade Memory] be used in vain? In fact, it's no wonder that these two don't take the white night seriously,

Because the two of them are twins, both of them are S-class [Time and Space Assassins]. It is a natural function that can hide near the void.

This function allows the two to quietly approach other professionals, and then suddenly appear from the gap in time and space around the opponent to launch a fatal blow.

Especially against mages, professionals with a brittle body are simply hand-to-hand. Imagine that, unprepared, an assassin with strength close to three turns appeared in front of you out of thin air,

And what greets you is still the killing move that the other party has prepared in advance. How can a normal crispy professional react?

The two relied on this method, but they successfully hunted and killed the existence that completed the three turns. The other party was cut off his head, and there was no reaction.

You know, this professional who has completed three turns has the protection of an A-level guild with good strength. Even so,

But it was also the day after this man's death that a group of subordinates discovered the problem. In the end, even after checking for a long time, I could not find the slightest information about the murderer.

With this function, it is really easy for the two of them to enter and exit certain places. And the twins, originally liked to swap identities and tease others since they were children.

They even especially like to go to a new place where no one knows them. After living for a while, they exchanged games with each other.

Since becoming a professional, after tasting that kind of evil, others basically can't find out any information. The two used their ability to commit several major crimes in a row.

In the end, he was taken under his command by a bigwig-level figure in [Heretic], [Demon Puppeteer]. After that, he took over a lot of tricky things and gained benefits unimaginable to others. After that, under the strong strength, the two naturally swelled. Only the middle-aged vest man at the head,

From time to time, his eyes swept over the [Bone Warrior] who died along the way.

These [Bone Warriors] are all exactly the same way of dying, which means that this is all done by Bai Ye alone. In just 20 minutes, he killed 300 [Bone Warriors], including time to find monsters. Bai Ye's strength is definitely not as simple as few people think.

The vest man constantly raised his vigilance.

Although the level of the three people was extracted by props, their attributes did not change at all. Under the characteristics of the assassin's class, the three soon arrived near the boss.

When the three of them looked at the corpses of the [Skeleton Warrior] in one place, all of them were shot and shattered into slag in one place.

They were all stunned for a moment.

Because they rushed over at full speed, it took 2 minutes, and in such a short time, Bai Ye actually solved the battle like this? As for where the boss went?

The white ring-shaped pillar of light that was thrown from the sky, that is, the teleportation formation, said it all. Apparently, White Night has already killed the boss.

The vest man led by him looked at the group of night elves suppressed by the black around the white night, and his face was still solemn. The other two [Time and Space Assassins] scanned the large area of night elves around the white night. No wonder it fought so fast, it turned out that there were so many night elves.

If I had so many night elves, I would have turned three times a long time ago. Also, Why does White Night have the ability to summon night elves? The eyes of the two looking at the night elves were full of greed. In the thought of it,

If you kill White Night, you can bring Bai Ye's corpse back to the [Demon Puppeteer], and when the time comes, as the hero of killing White Night, will the two of them be able to ask a few night elves to come and play? Thinking of this,

The two of them can't wait to kill Bai Ye now. Just as the two were about to make a move, Bai Ye took out the sacrificial magic array props and summoned a bunch of undead creatures. The three of them were at a loss on their faces, what was Bai Ye going to do? Aren't all the bosses solved? This... It seems to be a sacrificial formation.

Could it be that White Night was preparing to sacrifice to which demon god to obtain benefits? And after the sacrificial formation was activated, the three were even more dumbfounded,

Why is the White Night sacrificing to the [Goddess of Light]? What is he going to do?

It's like giving Ollie to your school's school flower. Isn't this pure looking for death?

And the demon god aura that appeared immediately afterwards startled them again. Which demon god is this?

Why did they fight with the [Goddess of Light] as soon as they met? Listen to the movement, it seems that you can't beat it?

What the hell is White Night doing? Provoking a war between gods and gods?

Has the realm of White Night reached this point? After the sacrificial formation disappeared, the shock in the eyes of the three did not disappear.


Looking at each other, the three of them stared at each other, as if asking what to do now? At this time, even the two twins who were originally inflated could not help but retreat.

A person who dares to tease the [Goddess of Light], and finally has no, how can this be provoked? As a result, at this very moment,

White Night put away all the night elves.

Then an even more exaggerated Night Elf was summoned.

If you say that a normal night elf is the kind of pure and lovely existence, with a trace of evil charm. The one that White Night now summoned is like a mature version of the Night Elf, with the ultimate evil charm and a ripe figure. That's a real breathtaking.

The two twins instantly stopped preparing to retreat. The familiar use of eye contact between the two of them probably means,

This night elf, one-three-five-seven to me, two-four-six to you.

No, one-three-five-seven belongs to me, two-four-six belongs to you, I used to let you, but today this can't work. How about Sunday together?

Deal! Then, the two of them retreated into the void. This side of the white night, haha,

It is worthy of being a [divine substance], and it really broke the limit. Bai Ye hurriedly opened the introduction of the new function.

LV1 Supreme Summoning: Each type of summoning skill can summon an additional legendary existence, each skill has only one, and the current number can be [0/1]. ]Legendary existence? What is the meaning? Again, practice brings out the truth. 3.3 White Night immediately put away all the night elves. Then turn on [Supreme Summon], buzz!

As more complex teleportation arrays appeared on the ground. White Night gets a brand new Night Elf.

Night Elf Aurelia Legendary] Oh?

Actually has a name?

Looking at the breathtaking night elf in front of him, Bai Ye unconsciously began to smack his lips.

Gee, isn't this a crime?

How to describe this night elf in front of you?

This Aurelia in front of her can be regarded as Sister Mengling with purple dazzling skin. Just as Bai Ye was preparing to check its specific information.

In front of Bai Ye, an arm holding a dagger suddenly appeared out of thin air, stabbing straight towards Bai Ye's face. And the rear of the white night,

An identical dagger also appeared.

With the cooperation of the two, all of Bai Ye's retreat was directly sealed. And immediately after, two screams sounded.