
All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me A Natural Disaster!

Story of: All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! It's a world of job change. There are ceiling professional saints, nuron angels, nightmare assassins, dragon blood warriors... There are also C-level necromancers who are as ordinary as the protagonist White Night. Until this day, Bai Ye found that his skill level did not have an upper limit? from now on Basic skills, summon skeletons (lvmax), small skeletons turn into skeleton kings, and slaughter gods with one sword. Advanced skills, Life Link (lvmax), Summoned Immortal, I Immortal. Aura skill, legion aura (lvmax), undead legion health +1,000,000%, attack +1,000,000 percent. There are also Hell Bones, Knights of Heaven's Punishment, Skeleton Dragons, Succubus, and Night Elves. C-level necromancer? Please call me a disaster of God! Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: "All people change: necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! 》; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Video Games
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282 Chs

Chapter 90

Chapter 90: Envy Raman, Mo Shao's Death.

Mo Shao said that he had never heard of breaking the limit.

And coincidentally, he also recently broke the shackles of the second turn. And he was only rewarded with the second gear.

In contrast, White Night is an SS-level reward, while he is only A-grade.

He only gets 150 assignable stats and 15 assignable stats per upgrade. And White Night, each attribute was added by a full 300 points, that is, a total of 1200 points. Here alone, the two of them are 1050 points short of attributes.

The value of 1050 is already more than his total attributes. Not to mention, the data added by subsequent upgrades is 45 points worse for each level. Seeing this, Mo Shao could only say that his eyes were red and he wanted to eat people. By what?

Why can Bai Ye obtain so many attribute points? Why not the SS level reward I received?

As for the function [Supreme Summoning] behind, just by virtue of the word "supreme", we know that it is definitely not simple. If envy and jealousy have a level, the current Mo Shao has directly reached the full level of 100. That feeling,

It's as if you chased after you for a long time, but you couldn't look at your goddess at all, and directly pasted Bai Ye without saying anything, and also pulled her twin sister to paste it upside down together.

Although he is extremely jealous now, it is imperative that he quickly ask his father what to do. When Mo Shao's father, Mo Zhengyang, saw this screenshot sent by Bai Ye, his brows instantly wrinkled. As an existence that has been mixed in the A-class guild for decades.

How could you not know the horror of the reward of White Night? Not counting the others, just the attribute points of the reward can already pull the current data of Bai Ye from a C-level necromancer directly to an S-level professional.

Moreover, with the reward alone, the data is directly close to the data of LV60. Not to mention, data points are often not the most important.

Functions are the most terrifying.

The four words "Supreme Summoning] made Mo Zhengyang immediately think of the [Swordsman] on that ranking. I heard that his third function seems to be called [Supreme Slash].

It was with this function that he helped him kill dozens of professionals who completed three turns in one fell swoop and seize the artifact. Relying on the artifact, directly climb to the top ten ranks of the combat power ranking.

You know, that's the top ten of the entire Blue Star over 10 billion people. It is an existence that I can't even imagine.

And this is only the second function of White Night. Other words

The upper limit of White Night, in the current view, is definitely the existence that can reach the top ten of the ranking in the future, and the ranking will definitely not be low. Thinking of this, Mo Zhengyang's originally gloomy face suddenly became unconcerned.

Speaking to his son,

"You don't have to worry about this, I'll leave it to someone else."

Mo Shao was puzzled,

"How about we take someone directly and kill him directly when trading in person?"

"Or maybe we pretend not to know, bring back the 100 million spirit crystals of the contract, and then use this spirit crystal to quietly reward the white night?"

Hearing this, Mo Zhengyang's face that originally didn't care became kind again,

"You don't have to worry about it, go to the warehouse first to get me some Warcraft rations."

Although I don't know what my father can do.

Mo Shao still walked towards the warehouse very consciously. After all, his own father is absolutely indispensable.

And when Mo Shao walked into the warehouse,

"Huh? Why don't you turn on the lights? "

At this moment, a strange sound of footsteps came, as if something was coming from the depths of the warehouse.

Mo Shao's nerves tensed instantly, and he turned his head with difficulty and looked into the depths of the warehouse. At this moment, in the dark warehouse, two blood-red eyes suddenly lit up. Followed by

It was Mo Shao's miserable wail that came out, but it only lasted for a few seconds, and then there was no movement. After Mo Zhengyang heard the movement, his face became gloomy again.

It's just that it's not because of Mo Shao's death, but because of the jealousy of the white night.

Although Mo Shao is his own son, he offends such an existence as Bai Ye.

In order to prevent himself from suffering in the future, Mo Zhengyang felt that it was the easiest way to let Mo Shao disappear directly. After all, it seems that Bai Ye should not take Mo Shao seriously for the time being.

A Tianjiao like Bai Ye should not value his waste son too much. Especially himself, in fact, gave his son a chance.

As long as he stays at home obediently, he will still find an opportunity to find a way to deal with Bai Ye. But just now Mo Shao's words have been determined, his brain is definitely not very good. You still want to complete the contract?

Go to complete the transaction in person, or bring enough manpower and directly do the white night? Isn't this pure death-seeking behavior?

Normal professionals, who will release screenshots of their rewards, especially top-secret information such as breaking boundaries? White night, this is obviously leading the snake out of the hole.

Bring enough people to kill White Night by the way?

Not to mention whether the location of the transaction is suitable for the use of force, since Bai Ye dares to say that he will meet, he will definitely be prepared. In the case of the white night arranged in advance, with that terrifying number of undead army, people under three turns, no matter how many they bring, they will just send them to death. So

Just in case, to prevent this waste son of his own from running to provoke Bai Ye again. Mo Zhengyang chose to let his monster completely erase Mo Shao's traces.

Previously, the reason why Mo Zhengyang asked Mo Shao to sign a contract with Bai Ye was actually ready for this part. In order to prevent using your own account, you will expose yourself.

As for the 100 million spirit crystals, they were simply severed heads.

Although Mo Shao is only one of his dozen children, more he is not more, less him is not much. But after all, he suffered a loss on Bai Ye's body.

Mo Zhengyang thought for a moment, but still contacted the leader [Demon Puppeteer] of the Lancheng [Heretic].

[I have a copy of the latest functions of White Night, and I want a high-concentration [Dragon's Blood]. ]

[Rest assured, this news is absolutely true and definitely worth the money.] ]