
Chapter 11 - A Dad Without Even Getting a Potential Mate

I can't help asking myself, how did I end up like this in the first place.

It's not enough turning into a giant lizard with the power of nature itself, then you got adopted by a baby dino, then meet a friend with unconventional method, almost got killed, and now, I become a dad!?

What did the universe wants from me!?

I saw Baragon squeak cutely while staring at me curiously. I simply sigh before giving the caught fishes to the hatchling. I have to say, he eats a lot for a newly hatched baby.

"So, how's your day as a father?" I groan before glaring at Anguirus grinning ear to ear towards me.

"I was hoping that I would pass my daily life without any weird things happens around me." I deadpan at Anguirus who simply snickered.

"Don't be like that. You look like you enjoying it." I stare at the bastard with the flattest stare I ever give to anyone. Yeah, right.

Baragon suddenly squeak again while patting my chest. I grab a fish and let him ate it again.

"For a baby, he eats a lot." I commented.

"Oh, that's normal. You do eat a lot like him." I sigh. I guess he's right, I do eat a lot as a hatchling as well, and mom and dad have trouble to feed me because they never hunt in their lives.

It's the reason why I always made traps to catch fishes, it was a habit since I was a hatchling to ease ny parent's burden raising me.

"Well, you did a good job at keeping the baby alive." I have zero idea of how to raise this little guy, scared at one action might killed him by accident. I doubt that counts as good job.

"Goji." I stare at Mothra giving me a concern look. "Do you need help?"

"....if you got any ideas of how to raise a baby titan, then yes. Be my guest." I said while trying and failing to hide my desperation of help to arrive.

"You could've just ask from earlier, you know." Anguirus points out. I really want to facepawed myself. Why didn't I do it? I'll look weak at-!

Hold up, where did that mindset came from!?! I never think such thing!

Did.....did my titan side starts influenced me!? And why does it took a century to start developing this side of me!?

So many questions yet no answers....

Okay, let's not think too much about it. Got more important issues.

How to properly take care a baby titan?

I'm stuck in a situation that I wouldn't think it's possible.

Wait a minute, it is possible! Goji Jr!

I want to facepalm so badly for forgetting that! All the pre-monsterverse Kaiju exist here yet I didn't consider that Goji Jr might've appear!

This is what happens when I was too busy napping, eating, relaxing, and enjoying life too much.

"Gojira?" I snaps out of my frustrated rant before looking at Mothra giving me a concerned look.

"S-sorry, got a lot in my mind." I said sheepishly.

"Is this about Baragon?" I nodded. "You'll do well, Gojira. You are a kind Titan."

"I'm not...." I mutter.

"And I don't doubt that you'll raise him into a great Titan." Mothra said enthusiatically.

"And I'll be a great uncle who will teach him how to have fun!" Anguirus decided to butt in.

"And I'll show him the world throigh the sky!" Rodan exclaimed.

"No!" I yelled in horror. There's no fucking way I'll let this flaming chicken fly with the baby!!

"See? You already act like one." I blinked before I felt heat rush into my face. I do sound like one of those overprotective dad.

Wait, no, all dad with a pinch of common sense will agree that flying with a baby is a very bad idea!

...did I just accep the dad role like that!? I have to groan at how chaotic this moment is.

"Come on, Gojira. It won't be that bad. I mean, you got raised by a pair of amazing parents." Mothra said, trying to reassure me.

"They are amazing parents, Mosura. But, one problem is that, I'm not exactly a great father material." I said while rubbing my head. It's been a century and I'll never stop finding my scaly bald head weird. "I have zero ideas of how to raise a hatchling, my body would constantly cause unnecessary mistakes, and I'm very emotional that it might affect the baby in a bad way! This is completely out of nowhwre and I have zero ideas of what to do!"

"Son." I look at dad giving me a smile. "Don't overthink things. Do what you think is right."

"Dad....you raised Anguirus and I. It can't be that simple." I said.

"Raising hatchlings were never simple to begin with. In fact, your mother and I were like you as well, unable to find ways of how to raise you properly since you're not our kind." I lower my head in shame. I guess my existance did give some trouble. "But, we did the best we could. Sure, we might made mistakes here and there, but that's how life works. You do mistakes. But, you must learn from that mistakes."

"Dad..." I mutter as dad grinned at me.

"Raising you was a tough challenge, but with trials and errors, we manage to succeed. Just look at you now. You become a strong and healthy titan with such kindness. And let's not forget, you have your friends to help you with this." I look at Anguirus, Mothra and Rodan giving a smile. "It's okay to not be ready or make mistake, son. Life always be unpredictable. You simply need to learn and adapt."

".....thanks for the pep talk, dad." I said as dad bumps his head on my side.

"You're my son, it's my job to help you out." I hug him as a thank you. I guess dad is right, life is unpredictable. Just gotta adapt into it.

If I can adapt of being a giant lizard, then surely, I can adapt of raising a baby, right?

To be continued