
Alive again

Is there anything worse than watching your mother get murdered by your father after he used her to get ahead in life in any way possible? Well except you get killed next, then, Yes! I'm stuck in this hallow dark place. I think I've been here for days or months, I don't know. Wait! I feel like I'm moving What's that white thing I'm going to the light Nice, at least it's not hell then... Where am I? And why on earth is that girl looking at me like I stole her money? She's pretty though. Wait, I'm suppose to be in heaven, why am I here? Wait how am I seeing, I feel like my eyes are closed. They are. Gosh I'm soo tired, let me try and get up. My hands definitely did not look like this before I died, this is not my skin.

Sleepyglasses · Urban
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34 Chs

Chapter 13

The next day...

Tia and Marie went to the shop to sign the contract. When the owner was introduced to Tia, she felt like her whole world view was going upside down.

"What kind of parents give their kids this much money to do whatever they want."

With the way Tia looked, she felt like she could pass as a thirteen year old but did later find out that Tia was sixteen and it didn't really make a difference to her. What is the difference between thirteen and sixteen.

After signing the contract, transferring ownership and paying the money to the ex owner of the shop, Tia asked her about her goods suppliers and if she could introduce them to her since she found all the goods in the shop up to standard.

The woman ended up talking to them over coffee about everything in her shop and realized that apart from the girls age, they were quite mature and business minded to the core.

She saw that Marie always found a way to maximize their profits while Tia strategizes on how to make things happen, it was like a perfect duo.

After they were done with handling all the matters related to their new shop, Marie pulled Tia to watch a movie at the cinema with her.

They entered the cinema and went to the seats at the back since only one person was there, not like the other seats were full, it was kind of scanty. The person was wearing a hoodie and a mask as if trying to hide who they were.

The movie was really good and Tia was obsessed with the female lead, Jenna. Tia was always a fan of Jenna even though now she was under allegation of trying to sleep with her company's boss.

It was said that her boss's wife caught her and decided to ban and disgrace her. Tia still liked her though and hoped it was just a rumor and will die away soon.

Because of this, her newly released movie was flopping so bad that the producers of the movie are planning to sue her for bad representation.

After the movie ended, the hooded person stood up immediately to leave the cinema. The person dropped their phone which Tia picked and tried to go after the person.

Tia was following the person while shouting for them to stop but it only made the person start running. Tia chased the person into an empty restroom.

When the person saw Tia enter, the person crouched while shaking.

"I swear I didn't do it, plea...se leave me a a a alone."

After about five minutes of staying in the same position, she looked up only to see Tia staring at her.

"I wanted to give you your phone, you dropped it in the cinema."

Unknown to her, the mask on her face had slipped off and Tia could see her face. After connecting the dots, Tia understood why she was soo scared, she must have thought Tia was sent by her boss's wife to deal with her.

Tia handed Jenna a tissue to clean the tears off her face and was admiring Jenna's face while smiling since she liked her soo much. Jenna realized that her mask had slipped of but wasn't in a hurry to put it back on since Tia looked like she wasn't out to get her and even smiled at her gently.

"If you don't mind, you can hang out with me and my sister. I'm a really big fan of yours." Tia offered Jenna since she looked like she could use some company.

"Big fan, even with the rumor?"

"Yeah, I don't really believe you would do such a thing."

"No, thank you. I should get going before anyone recognizes me." Jenna collected her phone from Tia and made her way out.

"Alright, uhm I really like the movie. Also can I get your number?" Tia said shyly hoping that she could be closer to Jenna.

Tia's expression of a shy little fan made Jenna smile. "You do know that I may not be able to act anymore right. You know the scandal."

After saying those words, Jenna started to thing she was stupid for thinking that a child that looks like Tia would understand her position.

By looks she meant the way Tia looked like a pampered little princess that hadn't worked a day in her life. Her high class designer shoes, diamond encrusted necklace and clothes wasn't helping her case either.

Most people may not recognize how expensive Tia's clothes fabrics are or if her diamonds were real but with the amount of parties Jenna had attended with the upper class, she could tell at one glance that they were the real deal.

"They are rumors and would clear up soon" Tia said with her eyes slightly tearing up. If Marie was there she would think Tia was cloned because this isn't the Tia she lives with.

"I didn't seduce my boss, it was kind of the other way around. His wife came in and saw us in a compromising position and the bastard blamed it on me.

I have no proof so there's no clearing my name."

"What of security cameras, you could get that" Tia suggested trying to be reasonable.

"I wish I could but it's his office, why would he give it to me and that's if he hasn't deleted it."

Tia thought it through and an idea came to her. If she could fix this issue, basically saving Jenna's career, she could become Jenna's favourite little fan, get to be around her more often, oh and of course get her to work for her and Marie.

Might as well add entertainment company to the list sooner.

"If I help fix your situation, what would I get?"

The moment Tia finished the second part of her sentence, Jenna thought she was either going to be able to get a good backer if Tia was a good person or she would be fu*ked if Tia wants something not soo innocent contrary to her looks.