
Alive again

Is there anything worse than watching your mother get murdered by your father after he used her to get ahead in life in any way possible? Well except you get killed next, then, Yes! I'm stuck in this hallow dark place. I think I've been here for days or months, I don't know. Wait! I feel like I'm moving What's that white thing I'm going to the light Nice, at least it's not hell then... Where am I? And why on earth is that girl looking at me like I stole her money? She's pretty though. Wait, I'm suppose to be in heaven, why am I here? Wait how am I seeing, I feel like my eyes are closed. They are. Gosh I'm soo tired, let me try and get up. My hands definitely did not look like this before I died, this is not my skin.

Sleepyglasses · Urban
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Chapter 12

Marie was a little impressed with the shop's sales woman professionalism and proceeded to pay for the boots immediately to avoid the annoying roach of a lady that looked like she was about to explode.

"How dare you talk to me like this, do you know who I am? Can you even afford to offend me, huh?" Benia pointed her finger at Marie's face.

Marie slapped her finger away and collected her already package boots from the sales woman. Benia immediately took her phone out to call her friend which was outside the shop waiting for her.

Her friend came in with the manager of the shop as Marie was about to leave. They blocked Marie from leaving.

"I'm sorry ma'am but you cannot have this boots, maybe picking another one will suffice, Miss Benia wants this boots and she is a VIP customer here at our shop." The manager said indignantly with a sense of righteousness and disdain as if she was doing Marie a favour.

At this point Marie was already annoyed and was ready to push them out of her way and leave with the boots after all she already paid for it.

"I already paid for it"

The sales lady tried to talk to the manager about the situation just in case the manager has been confused about the situation but it was to no avail since the manager kept on glaring at her. She even threatened to fire her.

Just as it was about to get physical which Marie has been low-key waiting for. She wanted an excuse to really beat up these annoying roaches that are wasting her time. A woman in a red dress came in.

"So this is how you treat customers!"

She was the owner of the shop. Her friend which was currently shopping in the shop called her when as soon as the entire issue started.

The manager saw her and immediately started to explain to her, turning the entire story around and blaming Marie and the sales woman. The woman who already knew what happened was surprised with how the manager she trusted to keep her shop in good condition was lying to her.

Instead of arguing with the manager she turned to Benia and her friend who were already feeling smug.

"Ladies, I apologize but you cannot have these boots. My shop has principles and one of them is that you cannot buy what another person has already chosen."

Benia and her friend felt insulted but since this is the woman's shop, they left huffing as to not disgrace themselves.

"I'm really sorry miss, for the inconvenience my employee has caused you, can I give you a discount for the boots?" The woman said to Marie.

Just as Marie was about to tell her nevermind since she had paid and leave when the woman let it slip in her thoughts that she was about to sell this shop. Marie thought of buying it since the shop actually looked profitable. It was in a good location and was well maintained. A lot of customers were attracted to the shop even Marie.

"It's okay. Pardon my bluntness but are you interested in selling this shop?"

"Yes, are you interested?" The woman was instantly happy to find a customer since not many people had the money to buy a shop this big but then she looked at how Marie looked like a teenager and thought she was being pranked.

"Yes, can you name a price and does it come with all the goods in it?"

The woman and Marie negotiated and agreed to a price of zero point five million for the shop which was a lot. Two point seven million for the goods in the shop including those in the store room of the shop, making a total of three point two million.

The woman called her lawyer and told him to bring the contract for Marie to sign. Marie then told her it would be be her and her sister that will sign it since it will be co-owned by both of them.

The woman instantly felt relieved and thought the sister Marie was talking about would be an adult since she didn't really trust a teenager to buy a shop at a whim. The sales lady, manager and some people in the shop watched as everything happened.

The manager knew that she was in trouble and was trying to secretly leave the scene before Marie noticed her.

"Since I will be buying the shop in a while, can I fire some people?" Marie said with a smile.

"Of course, it will be your shop after all."

The manager was fired and Marie made the sales lady the manager till Tia comes, she didn't want to make any decisions without Tia. The owner of the shop told Marie that they will be able to sign the contract by tomorrow and she should be here with her sister.

That very day, Marie went back to the set to tell Tia about the shop so she can take a leave the next day and they can go sign the contract for buying the shop.

Marie noticed that Tia was doing quite well on the set, she joked and played with everyone even the crew without any sort of attitude so basically everyone was on good terms with her except the female lead.

But she didn't seem like she would bring any harm to Tia at the moment so Marie ignored her most of the time.

Tia also noticed Margaret's behaviour towards her and is already making preparations to take care of her just incase she tries anything stupid.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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