
Alive again

Is there anything worse than watching your mother get murdered by your father after he used her to get ahead in life in any way possible? Well except you get killed next, then, Yes! I'm stuck in this hallow dark place. I think I've been here for days or months, I don't know. Wait! I feel like I'm moving What's that white thing I'm going to the light Nice, at least it's not hell then... Where am I? And why on earth is that girl looking at me like I stole her money? She's pretty though. Wait, I'm suppose to be in heaven, why am I here? Wait how am I seeing, I feel like my eyes are closed. They are. Gosh I'm soo tired, let me try and get up. My hands definitely did not look like this before I died, this is not my skin.

Sleepyglasses · Urban
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34 Chs

Chapter 14

Looking at those innocent eyes, Jenna felt nothing could possible go that wrong, but then again looks were deceiving.

"If you help me, I will do anything you want, unless it's illegal and highly … sexual. I am really not interested in doing things with a girl especially a minor. That would be way worse than my current condition, no offence" Jenna said hurriedly.

"Wait what! No! I'm not attracted to women. Why would you think that? Is that how you see me?" Tia startlingly looked at Jenna.

"Not really but you can never be too careful, right?"

"Riiggghtt, anyways I meant in a professional way like working for me. I will be opening a entertainment company in the near future and having a A-list actress in it would be good publicity and a good investment." Tia smiled.

"Really, you, the kid that's right in front of me?"

"Yes me, what's wrong with being a kid"

"Well, that's okay, my company terminated my contract so I'm all yours. I would need you to employ my manager though, she left the company with me."

"Perfect, the more the merrier. Till the company is legally established you can just work normally, if there are funds needed that I should take care of, just call me.

Also you have to meet my business partner, we are basically sisters."

Jenna and Tia walked back to where Marie was waiting. Before they got there Tia already drafted a contract for Jenna on her phone.

Jenna was introduced to Marie and they talked for a while before Jenna excused herself. Tia asked her about all the information she could give that will help her to find evidence to give Jenna before she left.

All Jenna thought of was how much power rich people give their kids nowadays.

Marie and Tia spent a little more time in the mall before they went to get something for Aimee and left for Tia to go back to the filming location and Marie to go home.

Instead of going to the set, Tia went to her accommodation space. She started hacking Jenna's ex company's boss's office cameras. She noticed that all the footage from the day Jenna told her about has been deleted.

Tia started trying to recover the footages since whoever deleted it did a quite shabby job. Permanently deleting things go way behind just deleting it off the computer it's in.

This is why some people say the internet lives forever.

After recovering the footage she needed which took some time, Tia called Marie before calling Jenna.

After talking about what to do, they agreed that Tia would anonymously post the video to clear Jenna's name.

Since Jenna's ex-company public relations would try to delete it off the internet, Tia had to make sure that it gets seen by as much people and also keep it on the internet.

That night Timber exploded. Some people couldn't open the app with the amount of traffic it had.

On the top ten trending list there were headlines like: "A-list Actress Jenna Framed By Her boss"

"Apologize To Jenna Now!"

"Green Media Entertainment Should be Closed Down"

"Girl That Was Molested By Green Media's Boss"

"Actresses that Green Media's boss has slept with in exchange for resources"

The last headline was a result of Tia tying lose ends, she wanted to give Green Media enough problems to deal with so they don't have time to go for the biggest benefactor in this, Jenna.

She did make sure to blur the faces of the actresses in the videos, she posted. But other people had videos which they posted after Tia's gave them the courage.

Using the body shape and unique features, netizens were able to but two and two together.

After making sure that Jenna's name would be cleared

Tia went to sleep only to be woken up three hours later by Jenna consistently calling her phone till she picks.

"What is it? It's literally 2am. Who calls a child at 2am!" Tia half mumbled, half shouted.

An excited voice of Jenna came through Tia's phone and it only made her want to cancel the call more.

"Me, the woman who now works for you durrhh. I'm innocent, those assholes from the company who kicked me out are begging me to come back and I got back all the followers I lost, even getting three million extra.

People are calling me the Innocent Angel. I even have a lot of job offers, far way more than I've eve gotten at Green Media. I'm pretty sure this is what people call a blessing in disguise."

No matter how much of a fan of Jenna, Tia was. A forcefully woken Tia had never been amicable to people that isn't named Marie.

"You have five seconds more to speak" Tia cut Jenna off before she continues rambling.

"Damn, someone's in a not Soo good mood. When and where should I and my manager come to sign our contract?"

"Today, I'll send you the address."

Those were the last words Jenna heard before Tia hung up on her.

Hours later, on set..

Tia was running lines with Jake since they had a scene involving both of them coming up.

Filming has been relatively peaceful and fast, Tia even estimates that she would be done filming in about a month's time.

Before she went back to sleep in the morning after being disturbed by Jenna's call, Tia sent the filming location's address to Jenna.

So she could come and sign the contract made for her. Jenna didn't really need to sign a contract binding her to Tia and Marie now since the entertainment company have not been legally registered but they didn't want to take any chances.

Just because Jenna was grateful to them now and says she would do anything they want doesn't mean she would be loyal them in the future or wouldn't betray them in the presence of benefits.

The entertainment industry wasn't a place of trust after all, infact the business world was not for the overly trustful.

Jenna was curious as to why she and her manager, Bai Ling would need to go meet Tia at a filming location but figured she would find out when she got there.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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