
Alive again

Is there anything worse than watching your mother get murdered by your father after he used her to get ahead in life in any way possible? Well except you get killed next, then, Yes! I'm stuck in this hallow dark place. I think I've been here for days or months, I don't know. Wait! I feel like I'm moving What's that white thing I'm going to the light Nice, at least it's not hell then... Where am I? And why on earth is that girl looking at me like I stole her money? She's pretty though. Wait, I'm suppose to be in heaven, why am I here? Wait how am I seeing, I feel like my eyes are closed. They are. Gosh I'm soo tired, let me try and get up. My hands definitely did not look like this before I died, this is not my skin.

Sleepyglasses · Urban
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34 Chs

Chapter 11

The female lead was Margaret Chivo. She was a B-list actress with minimal acting skills who became popular through scandals and even has married sugar daddy who sponsors her.

Margaret and Stephan have flings every now and then. She even told him about her sugar daddy since he was also a kept man. He has an affair with his company's boss's wife which provides him with resources.

Margaret did not like Tia as soon as she saw her. She felt hat Tia was too eye catching and would take all the attention from her. The more Tia smiled and laughed with people on the set, the more she felt jealous and wanted to wipe the smile off her face.

On the other hand. The male leads liked Tia. Baron felt like she was cute and friendly and took her as a little sister.

Jake felt like they could be friends since every-other main cast member was not in the same level as he was in terms of popularity and he found her really pretty.

Stephan found her pretty, young and naive which he could take advantage of but he felt Marie glaring daggers at him and quickly hid his thoughts behind a smile.

Marie felt like she should stay with Tia to protect her but she had to leave to carry out their plans for their company.

On her way to leaving the set, she called Harden to ask him for help. They decided to meet at a cafe for lunch since it would take Marie a while to get there.

After Marie left, Tia and Aimee went to their private trailer to get ready to take the promotional photos for the movie.

The make up artist and stylist provided by the production team came and did their work. Aimee became friends instantly with the stylist since they worked in similar fields, she also helped in styling Tia.

Tia had a lot of outfit changes and make up since in the movie she disguised herself a lot to commit various crimes. She was the little villainess of the movie after all.

The female lead made a lot of mistakes during the photo shoot, mostly concerning her expressions and it made almost everyone on the set annoyed, especially the director. Not like he could do anything about it, one of the sponsors of the movie was Margret's sugar daddy.

Tia performed naturally well which impressed everyone but the female lead who was beginning to believe Tia was a natural villain in her life.

Harden and Marie met and he agreed to help her register the cyber security company within an hour, with his connections, it was easier and faster to get things like this done.

Although he will be owing some people favours for getting a company registered within an hour when it is supposed to take if not days then weeks, Harden felt like it was worth it for Marie. What he didn't like was Marie was equally sharing everything with Tia even though that little imp was no where to be found and doing no work.

Harden didn't know when it started but he gets annoyed whenever Marie shows any sort of favour towards Tia.

"If I may ask, why do you want to open a cyber security company?" Harden tried to pry.

"First, it's mine and Tia's. We just felt like we could start from there, you know." Marie shrugged

"Yeah but why a cyber security company? Companies like that need really good coders or hackers and those are rare to find." He said caringly.

"Thanks for caring Harden, but we know what we are doing" Marie replied, giving harden minimal responses, she noticed he had a weird attitude towards Tia.

"Okay but I have to ask, if you and Tia had a disagreement, who would take the company?"

Marie looked at him with a look of confusion.

"I meant if you want something and Tia wants the opposite, and you guys have to come to a decision, who will get what they want.'

"I'd go with what Tia wants." Marie shrugged

Harden felt then again that Marie was too easy going with Tia and it didn't seat well with him. She was barely nice to him, if he didn't have the connections to get her what she wants faster, she wouldn't even pay attention to him.

Marie watched Harden as he was lost in his thoughts and she wanted to punch him especially when he thought of harming Tia.

How could he even think of that, Tia was the most considerate and caring person she knows and she knew that if such issues were to arise, Tia wouldn't turn against her because of it.

As soon as Harden subordinate came to the cafe with the papers of the company, Marie made an excuse to leave. Spending anymore time in Harden's presence and she wasn't sure if she would kill him or not.

After she left, she walked into a mall thinking of getting Tia a gift. She also started browsing online to see if she could find a suitable building that could be used as their new company, Dark wind cyber security.

Marie stopped at a shoe shop as she spotted a white boot that she was sure Tia would fall in love with.

She took the boots and went to the counter of the shop to pay for it when a overly made-up lady with her chest puffed soo high she could fly any moment came to her and ordered the lady behind the counter that she wanted the boots in Marie's hands.

"Pack this up for me now, I have places to be right now." Benia said dismissively to the sales lady.

The sales lady was conflicted because she knew what was about to happen but still acted professional.

"I'm sorry ma'am, you cannot have the boots this lady is holding unless she gives it to you or is unable to pay for the item."