
Aliens in the Multiverse

What would happen if you create a world? Well a certain alien did after his death, and because of that he met a god. Now he is put to the task to get powerful and help this god in monitoring and creating worlds. With the power of an alien roulette. ........ This is my first time writing and English is not my first language so please bear with me. First world - My Hero Academia **DISCLAIMER** I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING FEATURED IN THIS FANFIC INCLUDING THE COVER ART IF YOU ARE THE OWNER AND WANT IT TO NOT BE FEATURED IN MY FAN FIC PLEASE MESSAGE ME Below are the sources I got the Aliens from. https://ben10.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Transformations?from=Y https://5yl.fandom.com/wiki/Ben%27s_Arsenal#Original

Helix_Tower · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Sudden mission

Waking up I realize how quickly everything is moving, six months have already passed in a blink of an eye. During these months my speech with Ventrilosquid got better. Now I am a lot faster and I can replicate my grandparents, Nero's and the boss' voices, and I am now also quite proficient at manipulating color waves with Disk Jockey.

Hearing the door open and seeing my mother taking a peek to see if I'm awake I start standing up. After going through the morning routine I found myself at the table eating breakfast with my parents and grandparents.

They or should I say grandma decided to stay here because she wanted to spend more time with me. My grandfather also helps mom at work since he is the one that thought her everything she knows about info gathering.

At this point I decided to ask. "Mom I am bored, I finished all the books that we have, are there anymore that I can read or some other way I can learn?" Obviously I asked using Ventrilosquid's ability so that I do not need to stop eating. It's great because they cannot tell me to stop speaking with my full mouth.

With this they all look at me surprised. Probably thinking of how it is possible to read all the books in only half a year, since it was only this year when I starter reading in front of them.

My mother looking at me quite suspiciously decided to test me and so she started asking me questions about every book found in the bookshelf.

By the time she finished she was the only one left with a full plate. I was answering questions while eating, my grandparent were splitting their focus on the questions and the food, while dad completely gave up trying to keep up after the first two questions and just ate his food.

Seeing that I answered all the questions correctly mom was surprised. My father knowing that the questions were done looked at mom only to be astonished knowing that what I was saying was true. The were all surprised that I actually read and memorized all of the books. Feeling like he was behind his son that was not even a three year old in terms of knowledge he felt defeated and so he decided to read al least one book a week from now on.

My grandparents were actually listening to it all, knowing a few of the answers since they read often as well, but they were just proud. "That's my grandson!" Grandma said bringing mom and dad out of their dazed state.

"What do you want to do? You can read on your tablet so there is no need to get more books." My mother said not knowing what to do since if she were to buy me books with the speed I read the money spent would be astronomical.

"Mom I want to study." I responded knowing that once I start studying they will realize that what I need is hands on experience. Even though there is still a lot of things I can learn from reading, the best thing for me right now is to put the knowledge I currently have into practice plus that will speed up my plans.

"You can't start studying yet, how about we wait until you are three. You know mom and dad are busy, grandma and grandpa are also leaving next week. Next year we will try to get some more time out of work to be with you maybe even find you a teacher since the only thing I can teach you is coding. How about it are you willing to wait?"

Knowing that I could not argue with her since she spent most of the time in the basement working with me beside her I agreed, what is half a year more.

"Alright mom I will wait."

With that done mom finally looked down at her plate only to realize that she was the only one not done eating. "Look at what you did my baby now you are all waiting for me to finish eating." She said laughing.

Once she finished and we were about to go into our daily routine, my father received a call from Hisashi. Seeing his face go dark after a few seconds we were worried.

Once the call ended my father quickly went to prepare to go to UHA. After asking him what happened he said. "Hisashi was picked to go to the US for a mission for an indefinite amount of time. He said that he was the only one available with enough experience for this!"

"What even though they know he has a kid just like us!" My mother said.

"Lets go see what Yamada is thinking by sending him!" Grandma said with a smile that would bring chills to anyone who saw it.

Quickly we were all ready and on our way to UHA.

Once we arrived Grandma was the first one out and on the elevator. Reaching the main floor we see a flurry of activity with people running all over the place. Quickly reaching Yamada's office we see him with a stack of papers on his desk while also handling a call.

Seeing him busy I thought we would have to wait outside but surprisingly my grandmother stormed in snatched the phone ending the call immediately and pulled Yamada's ear while saying. "What do you think you are doing sending someone that just had a baby and was my daughter and my son in law's partner on a mission so suddenly?!"

"Alize, Ow Ow Ow that hurts Alize wh-what are you doing here at a time like this?" Yamada reacted in pain.

"Kurayami Yamada explain what is going on before I rip you ear off!" Granma demanded.

"Ow Ow alright let go so I can explain!"

Once grandma let go he fell back into his chair. Looking up at her and then turning his toward the rest of us, he said.

"It seems like two of our agents that had infiltrated a big company in the US were found and imprisoned for interrogation this morning and we are in the process of finding out how they were sniffed out. Hisashi is being sent as a replacement." He said while massaging his ear.

Looking at Yamada father asked. "Why did you need to send him was there really nobody else that could fulfill the requirements for this?"

"Unfortunately we do not have anybody else with his experience in infiltration to take the position. Not even you are an option since your quirk does not fit what is needed for this." Yamada said disappointed himself knowing what problems this can bring to a family.

"Why send Hisashi someone that has a quirk that is useless for infiltration and info gathering, and that is more reliable in battle? Were there really no better choices if you are just looking to replace the captured agents?" My mother asked knowing that there was something missing.

"The primary goal of this mission is to replace the agents that were captured yes but, since the agents were captured the big company would most definitely be on edge and so we also need someone that can defend themselves and escape easily if necessary. There is also a secondary goal and that is to find where the agents were taken to and break them out of there if possible. That is the main reason why Hisashi is being sent, not only is his experience in infiltration better than the agents that we had over there, even without the help of a quirk, but also his battle prowess." He explained.

After hearing his explanation everyone was dejected especially dad knowing that he was not at Hisashi's level in infiltration and break out missions and that is why his battle buddy is being sent not him.

"How much time would he have to stay there?" Grandma asked hoping it would be short but not getting her hopes up since she has played the same game and she knows that infiltration is the longest part of it.

"He will probably have to stay there a few years unless the captured agents are rescued in which case we could probably send someone that focuses on infiltration to replace him." Yamada said.

Dad was disappointed, he was more disappointed at the fact that Hisashi would probably not get to see his son grow up, Izuku would probably not even remember what his father looked like. The more he thought about it the more he himself wanted to take his spot knowing that he had a smart son and a full family that understands the situation and would be better at handling it than Hisashi's wife that is alone and does not even know what he truly does for a living.

Knowing that he could not do anything dad let his head down dejected.

"Sh¡t, how were the agents found anyway. Was info leaked, did they make a mistake?" My grandma asked.

"We think that there was a leak from the inside since it was too sudden, we were not able to notice any changes on the company's side not even the day before. I was about to call Elize to investigate but it seems like I didn't need to call." Yamada said earning a glare from grandma.

"Are there any leads." My mother asked.

The boss quickly responded. "No leads. But there was only a small number of personnel assigned to those agents and they are currently in the interrogation rooms."

"Alright let me see what I can do." Said mom with a glint in her eyes.

"I will go with you." Said grandma with the same smile she had at home.

"Did they have any electronics that may have been used to send info?" Asked grandpa wanting to help.

"Yes we have them in the confiscated items room. You can get them from there. Thank you all, we need all the help we can get and sorry this affected somebody close to you."

Looking down at me they all probably forgot I was here and didn't know what to do about me. But Yamada quickly proposed something.

"Why doesn't Azmuth go to Nero's office for now. I am sure Nero wouldn't mind having him visit."

With that we all nodded and separated. I went with dad to Nero's office. Once we reached his office my father spoke. "Hey Nero how is everything here?"

Nero quickly responded. "Eh you know slow as always. What are you here for? Need something from me?"

"Yeah I just need you to look after Azmuth for a little bit while we handle the mess that is going on outside." Dad responded.

With that stars came to Nero's eyes knowing that the mess outside would not be solved quickly and that he would have some time to investigate how my quirk works.

"Yeah he can stay here for a while." Nero quickly replied.

With that dad left probably to find Hisashi knowing that he was here somewhere and I stayed with the starry eyed Nero.


Author's notes

Please point out any mistakes that you see.

Well I am glad to be back.

I was quite busy with work and moving so yeah. I had started this chapter right after the last one but never finished it. I ended up reading (skimming through) the whole fic to catch up myself because even though I knew where I was at I didn't want to make any mistakes like repeating something. I was disappointed to find some errors that I made but I fixed them. I am sure if I actually read carefully I would find some more.

If you have any suggestions or any character / event that you want Azmuth to interact with tell me so I can study and prepare.

Tell me what you thought and if you have any questions please comment.