
Premiere Premiere IV

It so happens that Drew Barrymore's Cat's Eye had just premiered this April as well and she may be busy with other productions... but she still has to keep her popularity through these kinds of events. For certain reasons such as Stallone and Arnold, she decided to attend the Back to the Future premiere as well.

Of course, the decision was not done by her as her mother kept a close watch on her throughout the red carpet stroll. Mother Jaid was flipping her hair at the amateur group as well.

Milla had no idea why this conversation-butting girl and bad-looking mom-kind was here, however, it didn't take long for her older companions to realize why.

After all... not far from them was another surprising bunch of people that took part in this Back to the Future ceremonies.

They were Steven Spielberg and George Lucas themselves! If Drew's ultra-sought after godfather wasn't the reason, then they had no idea what else.


As for Spielberg and Lucas, they had no idea about the little girl clash at all, since they were busy with some things of their own.

They were no doubt the prime targets for red carpets and interviews.

"Mr. Spielberg, it's been a month since your 'Goonies' film had wowed children and moviegoers." A media person pressed on. "Can we take it that you being here is a sign that this Back to the Future is another eventual hit this summer?"

"Contrasting things are hard but I have enough reason to believe that Robert's film may just be revolutionary in itself." Speilberg was a good sport. He was in another film's showcase and it was just appropriate to praise the film for what it truly is."

"How so?"

"I believe we will all find out when the screening of the film starts." Spielberg pointed out the obvious while giving a joking "insider" detail. "George knows better than me and since he said that the film is revolutionary, then it should be."

"Oh stop bringing me into stuff, Steven." Goerge could only feel exasperated at the transferred spotlight. He just didn't want to deal with another wave of Star Wars questions.

Fortunately, there was another question that popped up for Speilberg. "Mr. Spielberg, I heard that you and your company wanted to take part in this film but were rejected. You don't have to fake us with highlighting when you'll most probably be nitpicking it in the end."

It was quite unfortunate that it was a distracting question that was meant to sow discord.

Spielberg and Lucas were already used to this side of Hollywood though and can handle things pretty well.

"Me, not being able to take part in it and being rejected, doesn't necessarily mean that it would sour my attitude toward the film." Spielberg was a film fan and he embodied that. "I loved the film from how Robert and Bob presented in concept alone. Ultimately, I still love the film and concept, regardless of whether I am involved in it or not."

"No need to insinuate that Steven dislikes this film, you guys." Of course, Lucas was his supportive Curious Bob and added on. "This guy doesn't want me to tell anyone but he pretty much went all bossy on me and asked ILM to do their best for the Back to the Future special effects. He wasn't able to take part but he was helping in his own way."

Discord sowing questioner kept quiet at that and inwardly cursed these two Hollywood elites for being saints. His media companions were giving him glares for making things awkward. Shouldn't he just do it in a neutral questioning? Why throw shade at things?

George Lucas felt that the silence was growing awkward but he has just the thing to break it. "Now that we're clear on some stuff, do take note that ILM is part of this amazing film as well."

"Why'd you have to bring that up?" Spielberg questioned his random pop-up statement while also questioning why this friend of his exposed his secret.

"I just want to advertise..." George simply said with a joke. "... my company and my friendship with you. I'm a business owner and your friend after all."

Spielberg was shaken... from the cringe! Meanwhile, the reporters and media people wanted to curse this sight. It was only in the future that they knew that this thing was called bromance.

Before the cringe and curse could grow, another friend-ly pair arrived.

"Steven, Mr. Lucas." Robert greeted from afar. He heard that these two were coming and specifically backtracked the red carpet to meet them.

"There you are, Robert and Bob." Spielberg found his saviors from George's antics.

They talked and greeted with no hard feelings at all. Although they had some trouble with the Back to the Future partnership, they were still working hand in hand in the end.

The discord-sowing questioner could only curse his stupidity. Weren't there some Hollywood groups that supported each other like tight-knit relatives? He just had to put drama into something not so dramatic at all.

Eventually, the quadro gave comments and answered some questions to placate the press and figuratively... slapping discord-sowing questioner some more.


At some point, the group got tired of all the media placating that they stepped away for a while and talked on a less busy side of the red carpet.

"I'm quite looking forward to this film, Robert." Spielberg had to pat the director's shoulder to express his all.

"Not to worry. I believe we've done better than we could have hoped." Zemeckis appeased but it only made Spielberg sigh. "Seeing your confidence just makes me have regrets in not being able to partake in this ambition at all."

"Haha... I just want an opportunity to prove myself." Zemeckis could only chuckle. Although it was hard to go behind a long-time partner's back, there are just some moments when you have to grasp things for yourself. "Besides, we could still work together on future projects."

"True, true." Spielberg understood his mentality as well. "By the way, where's Mr. Creed? I want to talk to him now lest he separate you away from me again."

"I'm not too sure... they still haven't arrived yet." Zemeckis was quite curious as well but everything is just too hectic at a premiere. "Well, I'm sure you'll meet at the reception. Besides, I kind of want to introduce you to a special person as well."

"Oh... you got me interested."

With that, the quad went on through the red carpet and was ready to mingle with people that are already waiting inside.

As for the missing Mr. Creed... well, his transport had just arrived at the edge of the red carpet.


Eventually, a black and sleek car did park at the entrance of the event.

It wasn't a limo but it was a pretty high-end model, so the cameras were ready as there was a high chance that someone special would join in the premiere festivities.

These edge photographers were on the low-end of the media hierarchy and just wanted picture-perfect opportunities to make a buck.

Who knows whether some criminal would join in on the festivities and a shot of that person could score them some commissions.

It was too bad that it wasn't some criminal that arrived this time around though. An old man alighted from the car but none of them recognized him.

He must be some producer or film investor but the tabloids or the news publications aren't too interested in their type.

Of course, they had to pause as the old man stepped out the car door's way... and another person came out of it.

To their camera shutter's surprise, a young and dashing child in a tailor-fitted suit came out!

Their flashers flashed since the boy was too much of a looker to not be part of the current premiered film's production. A handsome boy in a suit must be someone important! Right?!

Of course, even if the boy wasn't, their photo films wouldn't be wasted since he looked quite nice.

Those dark pupils, dark hair, and grim countenance were a perfect blend that was aesthetically pleasing.

These freelancing photographers might even use the photos to give recommendations to their connections in the fashion industry or broker friends.

Granted, the boy paused at their incessant flashes. Not because he wanted to pose but because he was a bit ticked and incensed! Why were these people acting up toward him for pointless reasons?

He hid his irritation with his natural calm but his eyes and charismatic aura still flared up in what the picture-takers felt to be a glare.

Either way, this "glare" that the boy put out only egged the photographers on because it was too... imposing!

Sometimes... it was just hard for folk to tell things apart from fashion...

Also... sometimes... a low-key person just didn't know that there were aspects of them that stood out...

Of course, with special tricks from a certain elderly prankster...

The old man grinned and snickered at the current orchestrated plight that the little boy is in.

In any case, both the young and old Creed finally arrived for the young one's premiere premiere!

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

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