
Premiere Premiere III

A film premiere was somehow inclusive as long as one has got the invite and connections to make things happen.

Still, to be invited, one has to have merit to be considered as well.

Although there would come a time when Hollywood is loathed for its nepotism, the practice of meritocracy was still prevalent and important to things.

Producers, investors, and people like the Disney guy have considerable status in Hollywood, so getting into Hollywood-related events is relatively easy for them.

They were also the type that didn't need to haggle around red carpet interviews as some of them saw no point in it.

Of course, for these non-stars, a few had routes and pacing of their own. They had different outlooks and perspectives of things that didn't need the red carpet clout at all.

Granted, there were a select few executives that give out a few interactive words or two. However, they were mostly representing companies that would benefit from the success of the film that is premiering.

While the BttF main cast, invited stars, and considerable elites were having their respective spotlight, the red carpet stroll was time for much background-er cast to have their own chance as well.

Of course, their encounter with the press and media are considered quite bothersome by a few of them. Why should they care if you're character is the one that handed Michael J. Fox's character a cup of coffee?

The mob and few seconds on the screen character were just too poor in treatment. In fact, most and even none of them get invited to stroll the red carpet.

Some of them were still invited to take part in the premiere but not in the more spotlight-y route. They'll most likely be among the fillers that get to take part in the screening occasion.

In a sense, they were amongst the normal movie-watching group but they still had to have proper access as well just like Mrs. Montgomery's invite ticket.

Of course, a select few of the mob actors didn't need to fall in that category. Being friends or family with the organizers can allow exceptions.

Conclusively, a considerable production cast or crew; family members of the film cast, film investors, producers; other film company executives that want to join in the fun; even other stars and actors that had proper invitations, and... theater seat fillers... could be found in the venue.

Digging deep into it, the premiere and its red carpet was a soiree of many different bunches of people.

Each was doing their own thing but there were noteworthy "clashes" that happen from time to time as well.


It just so happened that a well-connected lady trio was minding their business on the carpet. They were not in the interviewing spotlight and are not that integral to the current premiere at all.

They were mostly just trying to get a sense and experience of things... a field trip of sorts for what they hoped their lives would be.

Miss Galina was on finding out the difference between Russia and Hollywood while Milla and Courteney were imagining what it would be if they would become the focus of this premiere crowd.

Of course, only little Milica had some on-screen BttF moments and was somewhat part of the cast list... albeit that was on the 2nd BttF film... as a 2015 skater girl.

They didn't want to meddle much with what was happening, so they just spectated what they could spectate.

Of course, they had their fair share of festive banter as well.

"Hey, sis Courteney, do you have a crush on that Fox guy?" Milla gossiped. "You're last name's rhyme, Cox and Fox. We filmed together once for Back to the Future II, want me to introduce you?"

"They do rhyme, little sister..." Courteney could only shake her head. "...but that doesn't necessarily mean I have a crush on a guy."

"You've been staring at him for quite a while." Little Milica reasoned. "My classmates told me that staring at someone for a long time means that you have a crush on that person."

"Uhm... I'm just staring at the guy since his the movie's and this event's main character." Courteney really had no getting around the ideologies of little girls these days. "Staring at someone for a long time could mean different things. My situation is that I'm envious of the guy while I'm jealous of all the other women in the spotlight now."

She was much prettier than them, so she felt she could do much better. Of course, she didn't voice this cockiness out loud, so her red carpet party didn't know.

"Oh." With Courteney's explanation, Milla felt regretful for certain reasons, however, her hopes weren't all dashed. "How about I introduce you to other handsome guys I met on the Back to the Future set? I don't only know Fox guy but I also know Eric Guy, Keanu guy, Johnny Guy.... even the Doc Brown guy."

"What are you doing, Milica?" Even Miss Galina, who was just listening in, was a bit confused at her daughter's antics.

"Why though?" Courteney was even more baffled than the mom.

"I'm introducing dates and boyfriends to you, big sis?" Milla explained.

"Milla, why would I need dates and boyfriends? Career is more important." Courteney felt it was best to educate this little sister snd friend of hers. "Besides... I recently realized that these so-called handsome actors seem a tad bit lacking."


"Lacking in things such as resources, power, connection, money." Since Courteney was educating, she had to be a bit blunt about it. "None of them fit this big sister's taste in a boyfriend, so you should strive to have better taste than me."

"Taste?" The little girl was shocked. "Are boyfriends something we should eat?!"

Courteney and Miss Galina had to give each other a look. To think that this not-so-knowledgable little companion of theirs was the one who initiated boyfriend talk.

"Don't think too much on it, Milla? Boyfriends are far away for you at the moment." Of course, Courteney could only help the shocked girl out. "Even a pretty lady like me only has someone like little Alex as my boy friend."

"Alex is your boyfriend?!" The shocked Milla only seemed to have been shocked by her appeasement though. Saying boy friend was just easily misunderstood from boyfriend.

Milla's little heart was broken from the misunderstanding. "Shouldn't we be parting ways now, old lady Cox?"

Courteney could only sigh and be baffled at how things quickly shifted. How come everything was so drastically different than how it was a moment ago. "Little sis, I thought we were friends and sisters already? Was it something I said?"

"Friends? Sisters? Hmph! We were never." Milla harrumphed and quickly found an appropriate reason. "I thought you were an actress? My previous friendship is just called acting! Since the start of the summer, I have been continuing my acting training... by acting as your... friend."

"We are friends though." Courteney felt a bit speechless with how touchy this little friend's switch was. Of course, she was touchy on some things as well. "And of course, I'm an actress. I've been on a music video, on a Tampax ad, and voice acting, you know!"

Miss Galina wanted to palm herself at the escalation of this friendship. "Girls, we are at a film premiere. Don't make trouble."

It was too bad that the girly commotion had attracted another girl group to chim along.

Not far from them, a little doll-like girl scorned just enough for them to hear. "Actress? How come I've never seen you in any movies before?"

""Uhh..."" Milla and Courteney were synchronously stumped now. Of course, they were girls so they wanted to defend themselves... and their actress career as well. ""We are actresses!""

"Sure you are." The doll girl said in sarcasm.

"We..." The embarrassed hate-love friend duo wanted to explain stuff to the doll girl but... they realized something...

Isn't this doll girl that Drew Barrymore girl?

The one they're up against is the child star from E.T. How could they say and boast that they were actresses in front of her? She was more actress-y than both of them combined!

Courteney and Milla were stumped!

"Hmph! Amateurs!" Drew Barrymore harrumphed with pride, flipped her hair, and then happily trotted to reporters that were calling her name.


In a way, a film premiere had hidden machinations and a lot of festive formality.

Although that was the case, some bits of drama happen from time to time as well.

This time around, it was a brief interlude of a girly confrontation that may or may not have some other developments in the future.

Alternate Title: Girl-y "Clash"

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

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