
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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174 Chs

House Party

"Idiot," I muttered to myself as I inhaled the scent of Ivory Spring soap that clung to the bed covers. It suffocated me, a constant reminder of how off my entire day had been. Jasper wasn't doing his morning pushups as usual; I didn't get called a silly nickname or receive private messages, either funny memes or a simple "I love you."

Everyone called me extraordinary today, but I didn't feel that way at all, especially since I had no idea how to control my own emotions sometimes. I could barely form proper relationships. I used to be afraid that the reason I couldn't find decent people was because I wasn't a decent person myself and would ultimately vent my anger at them. That's why I kept making such a huge effort. Seriously, who would want to date someone with a personality like mine?

"Alex?" Elizabeth's voice interrupted my thoughts. She had been so quiet and out of the way that I had completely forgotten she was still living here. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. How are you?" I asked.

"I think I'm okay being single for a while. This place is so detached from everything that I feel reenergized. Alone time is just what I needed," Elizabeth said, lying down on the bed next to me. "Dad must be keeping you busy. So much so that you'd fight with your husband and not come home."

"Did Jasper tell you?" I asked.

"No. Jasper came back by himself after going to pick you up. I kind of assumed the rest," Elizabeth said. "He gave me your new number before he stepped out not too long ago. He looked pretty upset as well."

Fuck, I had made him upset!

"Did he say where he was going?" I asked.

"To hang out with people named Sam and Mike."

At least he wasn't anywhere far away where I wouldn't be able to find him. He was just a humble phone call away. "Okay."

"Just okay? If you want him to come back home, you should make a grand gesture," Elizabeth scolded. "You have to show that your love is purely for him and make him accept it."

"I don't even know why I'm obsessing over him," I lied. "I hate dealing with emotional people."

"He's your husband, and that's why you care. It's just that simple," Elizabeth said. "As your sister, I think I should help you."

"Your love life is fucked too!" I pointed out. "How can you possibly help me out?"

"Anyway, it's time to win back your man! I've got the perfect plan to do so!" She ignored my comment. "You just have to follow my lead."

Finally, someone who speaks my language. "What's the plan?" I asked.

"A party!" Elizabeth smiled brightly. I turned my head away, feeling a bit underwhelmed by her idea. It was obvious that this was just an excuse to throw a rager, and surprisingly, I wasn't all that against it. It would be my first time at one of these and since I didn't get to experience college, I might as well not miss the opportunity right now.

"Invite Jasper, Sam, and Mike over and make up while the party is happening," she suggested. "I've seen this work before."

"How's that going to help?" I asked skeptically.

"Going to a party can help fix a relationship by providing a neutral, social setting where both parties can relax and enjoy themselves. It allows for positive shared experiences, which can help rebuild emotional connections. Social interactions can also offer new perspectives, reduce tension, and create opportunities for light-hearted communication, making it easier to address underlying issues," Elizabeth explained, giving me an airtight argument.

Impressive. Maybe she isn't just some petulant little girl after all. Maybe I just didn't think of her as an intellectual enough.

"You can't be serious," I said, still doubtful.

"Think about it!" Elizabeth urged.

"I can't actually think of a response. We'll have the party," I sighed, giving in to her enthusiasm.

Elizabeth's smile widened, and she jumped up to start making preparations. I watched her for a moment, wondering if this crazy plan might actually work. Maybe a party was exactly what Jasper and I needed to break the ice and start fixing things between us.

"Good, the staff are already putting valuables away and locking up your home office. Security will be here shortly as well," Elizabeth squealed. "By the time you have your man back, you'll have thrown the best party around here in ages."

"You already planned for this?" I asked, surprised. "What if I had said no?"

"I'd have you send away the DJ, though he's almost done setting up," Elizabeth smiled. "A lot of heirs will be here, some of my friends, and Travis's crowd. I didn't invite any of your contacts since you're like Dad and don't have friends outside of business."

That was a nice way of saying that I had no friends outside of Travis. "I'm sorry I neglected you since you've been here," I said, feeling a bit moved by her efforts.

"It's nothing serious. I'll still help my little brother with his relationship," Elizabeth said, squeezing my cheek affectionately.

Was this what having a sister who gave a fuck about me felt like? It was strangely comforting. Despite everything, Elizabeth had managed to surprise me with her thoughtfulness and initiative. I sighed, allowing myself to hope that maybe, just maybe, this wild plan of hers might actually work.

As the preparations continued and the house started to fill with guests, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. Elizabeth's confidence was contagious, and for the first time in a while, I felt a flicker of optimism about making things right with Jasper. The night was shaping up to be unforgettable, one way or another.

By the time the party hit its stride, the backyard was teeming with at least fifty people mingling and chatting. An hour in, the crowd had grown larger and more vibrant, especially with Travis and practically the entire gay community arriving in full force. Elizabeth, radiant and energetic, helped me navigate the thick crowd, introducing me to her friends and acquaintances who seemed eager to meet the new Azure.

"He's not all that, is he?" one guy scoffed at me. "We all have cute faces."

"But my little brother is smarter than all of you," Elizabeth bragged with a smile, passing me a drink. To my surprise, she was abstaining from alcohol herself, maintaining a clear head.

"They're calling you the baby-faced demon all around the business sector. Rumor has it you just gobble up whoever pisses you off," a girl giggled flirtatiously. "Is it true?"

"I don't keep up with rumors," I replied, brushing her off. She looked put off but quickly turned her attention to someone else sensing my awkwardness.

"Do you think you're all that?" the first guy challenged me again. I guess I was making him feel threatened.

"Yes, I do," I said honestly. Rich kid politics dictated that I had to stand my ground behind this statement. As the host, I was better than everyone here.

"Please, just because you have a big house doesn't mean shit," he rolled his eyes. "I've painted much better and bigger."

"Are you even aware of the art I've cultivated?" I raised an eyebrow. "Are you competent enough to know it's political?"

"It's not political! It's art!" he shook his drink angrily.

"All art is political, otherwise it would just be decoration. And all artists have something to say, otherwise they'd make shoes. And you are not a cobbler, are you?" I argued, shutting him up to everyone's amusement.

Of course, everything Travis had hung up was art with some meaning, but I didn't know a thing about it nor did I care. I just knew good art was something rich kids were incredibly snobbish about, and if I acted like I knew what all the art meant confidently, everyone would just go with what I said. Especially if it sounded like I was looking down on someone.

"You really know your stuff," Elizabeth and her posse looked impressed. I wasn't counting on her being fooled by my act as well. Now I had to explain it to her later. "Didn't I say he was better than all of you?"

"Is he still single?" another girl asked. "Wanna mingle?"

"I'm married," I said quickly.

"So?" she persisted.

"No," I replied firmly.

"What's wrong with me?" she pouted.

"Too much perfume. It hurts my nose and I can't really breathe. It smells really cheap," I pointed out. She gasped, clearly not expecting me to have an answer.

"Calm down, Bailey. He's in a happy marriage," Elizabeth chuckled.

Despite the bravado and the small victories in these petty social battles, my mind kept drifting back to Jasper. Even surrounded by people, I felt a gnawing emptiness. The party was supposed to be a distraction, but without him, it was just another reminder of what I was missing.