
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
174 Chs


As the last of the foreign executives finished their meeting with Mr. Chambers, Mr. Wallace, and me, Mr. Wallace made it a point to show them all out. Most of them were familiar faces from my birthday party, but there were some new ones today. All in all, business was booming on my end.

"Let's have a chat," Mr. Chambers said, his tone serious.

"Is this about your talk with Mr. Azure?" I asked, curious.

"He's your father now, you should address him as such. Anyway, I gave him an update on our current status, and he mentioned something about the finance section of his company," Mr. Chambers said, his eyes gleaming with intrigue. He could smell blood in the water and couldn't help himself.

Old shark!

"You caught that?" I asked, not a bit impressed.

"Yeah, it was a small mention, but I picked up on it," Mr. Chambers said. "Is he really going to hand everything over to you?"

"Yeah, but it'll take time to deal with the shares. Besides, why get my hopes up when I can't tell what's going to happen during the process," I shrugged, trying to keep my expectations in check.

"What do you mean?" Mr. Chambers asked, leaning in.

"No one can tell what Mr. Azure is thinking, so you never know when he might change his mind or what might happen next," I explained.

Mr. Chambers looked taken aback. "You have no competition."

"That still doesn't mean everything is mine," I told him realistically.

"Don't forget to ask for help when you need it, Alex," Mr. Chambers demanded, his tone firm. Nonsense. You just want to be close to whoever's in power, just like all the other old men, I thought to myself, but I nodded in response.

"Mr. Tod... ah, I mean Mr. Azure, the Governor is here for you," my secretary said frantically. As far as I'm concerned, she just announced the entertainment has arrived. "I've stalled him until after the meeting, but he's refusing to leave."

I fixed myself upright, excitement bubbling up. "Well, send him in then!" I said eagerly. Mr. Wallace is going to be pissed that he missed this show to go brown-nose some foreign executives.

The secretary opened the meeting room door, and Mr. Carter stepped in. He looked utterly panicked and disheveled, like he hadn't been well kept by anyone lately. Even his suit design was mismatched with his tie, showing that he had maybe hit rock bottom.

Actually, Mr. Carter most definitely hit rock bottom since he'd come to see me. It made me want to smile wider.

"Welcome, Governor Carter," I said warmly. "You didn't have to come all the way over here to reminisce with old friends."

Mr. Carter plopped down in the chair across from me and Mr. Chambers with his head down. "I'm sorry, Mr. Azure. I should've come sooner."

"I know you're busy working for the people, how could I take up your time? It's fine," I feigned understanding. By now, Mr. Carter was visibly trembling in his seat. He lost everything, and now his last backer was treating him like a regular person. He must be shitting himself as we speak.

"Mr. Azure! I mean it! I'm really sorry!" He started pleading. "Please give me another chance! I got drunk with power and lost my mind! Please forgive me!"

Wow, he's really good at looking sorry, but if he truly was, he'd say he was sorry for colluding with my mom to undermine me.

"You can lift your head, it's over," I told him.

I could see the gears in his head turning, but I had spoken clearly, and there was no turning back on that. Mr. Carter probably thought that I would make his life a living hell or something, as if he were important. I could, but I hadn't because I wanted him to see how unimportant he was to me. I guess he'll realize he wasn't significant enough to worry about once his paranoia calms down.

"I've canceled the plans I promised Titan Industries! If you'll give me a second chance, I'll make a new proposal for you," Mr. Carter said, desperate to cling on.

"I said lift your head. Just get to the point of whatever it was you wanted to say!" I snapped.

"I'll do whatever you ask of me!"

"Why? The damage done can't be undone," I sipped the tea handed to me.

"I'll listen to whatever you say!" Mr. Carter repeated.

"Surely you knew very well the consequences of working with Helen Reed. You aren't a part of any of this any longer," I pointed out.

"I'll do anything!" he insisted again. This was making me smile too much. There's no way I could feel bad about seeing this grown man, reduced to gum at the bottom of my shoe, reaping what he'd sown. Making the show more amusing, he got out of his chair and did one of those 90-degree bows that our Japanese affiliates did sometimes to show their sincerity.

How should I respond to the power this man, twice my age, was giving me? How could I not bask in the glory for as long as possible?

"You should just forget about everything you've seen and heard since I took over," I said firmly. "We won't be dealing with each other anymore. That's how I'll treat you."

I intentionally left my comment cryptic, knowing it would make him squirm, wondering what I could possibly mean.

"I will forget everything..." Mr. Carter said hesitantly.

"It's good you understand. We won't be seeing any more of each other," I grinned.

"No, but, I'm still the governor. Can't we still have talks as politician and CEO?" he asked desperately.

"I'm not sure what gave you that idea. Do I look that bored that I'd want to waste time talking to the governor?" I asked. "My father and I will only show our faces during elections. You should know by now who to contact to make any deals, Mr. Carter."

Mr. Carter's face finally loosened up a bit. "Ah, I apologize! I'll never overstep again! I swear!"

"You can leave now," I waved him off.

Mr. Chambers and I watched Mr. Carter practically stumble from the meeting room in a stupor.

"You didn't seem to enjoy this as much," Mr. Chambers said.

I wasn't. Everything felt off. "It's not the same without Jasper here."

Without Jasper here as my cheerleader, kicking someone while they were down just didn't feel as satisfying as it should.

"Where is Jasper?" Mr. Chambers asked. "I thought it was weird that he wasn't here with you. I usually can't find one without the other."

"Jasper's at home," I said, not knowing if it was true or not. At least he was keeping his promise of not bothering me at all, which made me feel more like shit. He really listens to absolutely everything I have to say to him.

I'm such an asshole!

"If I may, when you're having marital troubles, it's best to figure it out right away before it can affect your work. Never go to bed angry with each other," Mr. Chambers offered. "Make up as soon as you can."

"I will when I get home," I sighed. "It's just a complicated issue I'm dealing with."

Though I wasn't sure it was much of an issue since Jasper didn't show up in front of me at all or contact me except to apologize and give me a new phone. I missed his voice and his kiss.

"Then you should solve that first. If you were wrong, just buy a gift to help you apologize to him," Mr. Chambers said.

"Like?" I asked.

"Something Jasper can't resist, obviously," Mr. Chambers said.

That would have to be me.

As I mulled over Mr. Chambers' advice, the weight of my guilt grew heavier. Jasper had always been there for me, his love unwavering, even when I lashed out. Now, I needed to find a way to make amends, to show him that I understood the depth of his care and that I reciprocated it regardless of anything.

"Thank you for the advice," I said, rising from my chair. "I have some things to take care of."

Mr. Chambers nodded knowingly. "Good luck, Alex."

I left the meeting room, my mind racing with ideas. By the time I reached the car I wasn't supposed to be driving, I had decided on my next move. I would go home, but not empty-handed. I needed something symbolic, something that showed I was willing to make things right.

The drive home was a blur, my thoughts a whirlwind of plans and emotions. As I pulled into the driveway, I saw the lights in the house were dimmed, casting long shadows across the lawn. My heart pounded as I approached the front door, clutching the small velvet box I had picked up on the way.

Inside, the house was eerily quiet except for the staff. I called out for Jasper, but there was no response. Panic set in as I searched each room, my footsteps echoing through the empty halls. Finally, I reached the bedroom and froze. The bed was neatly made, a note placed carefully on the pillow.

I picked up the note, my hands trembling as I unfolded it. The words written in Jasper's familiar handwriting made my heart stop.

"Alex, I've gone to clear my head. I'll get better for you. – Jasper"

I sank onto the bed, clutching the note. I had come home too late.