
Alex Salvatore(Teen wolf / The vampres diaries)

A boy reincarnates in a world he thought was fantasy like the middle brother of salvatore the cover not mine

Alexmorgan · TV
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


I walked around the city of new orléans looking for something fun to do. it had been some time since I arrived in town and the wolves didn't attack me anymore.

The city was having a war that I didn't want to participate in at first. No, I would use this war to gain some influence for the supernatural

it didn't take me long to find the first words of vampires walking through town. They all walked in the sun, but they didn't seem to have their auras turned on

I looked at his fingers and realized they were rings of light on them. It looked like some witch was plotting their side. Werewolves must be quite a problem for the vampires and witches in town.

"Hey you," One of the vampires noticed me and yelled at me confidently approaching me

"what?" I asked looking at the vampires

"because you have rings of sunshine, the only ones who can have those rings are the king's subordinates" The vampire spoke arrogantly looking at me with contempt

I sighed trying my hardest not to evaporate this idiot like he was some kind of insignificant role and smiled at him

"I don't think it's any of your business" I declared stepping closer and glaring at him

"Hmm? You are very arrogant aren't you?" The vampire spoke amusedly looking at me angrily.

His shoulders were tense and I could see the way he was clenching his fists meant he was close to attacking me.

"arrogance? No, that's for weaklings like you" I declared putting my finger on his chest as I walked away though still looking at him

"Oh yours" The man growled and swung his fist against my face

I quickly ducked out of the way of his blow and punched him in the rib and felt his bones breaking with the contact of my fist. The vampire cowered almost kneeling on the floor

I then quickly grabbed him by the neck and

*to break*

I twisted his neck making a snap that just didn't catch the attention of the people around me because I made sure to make a magical barrier that prevented non-magical people from noticing us

The vampire softened in my hand and with a wave of my arm, I threw him away.

The vampire flew down the street and hit the ground at the feet of his other vampire friends who were just watching everything thinking his friend would defeat me

"I hope this doesn't happen again," I said looking at the vampire's friends while pointing my middle finger at them.

The remaining vampires looked at the vampire on the ground unconsciously with a crooked neck and then looked at me with what appeared to be fear.

They then pulled their friend and become high-speed blurs disappearing from there.

"It looks like I managed to get attention, did you do what I asked you to?" I spoke with a laugh as I looked up at the top of a building where Lillian was watching everything

"Um, of course, I did, a memory change spell is the easiest thing to do" Lillian spoke with a proud snort as she looked up at the sunset.

I watched her for a second from down here before using my super speed to go to her side and sit on the edge of the building.

"You know, I miss Mystic Falls" Vivian spoke with a little sadness in her eyes as she looked at me

"Don't worry, we'll head back there someday?" I said as I took my hand to gently caress my face.

I could feel her melting under my caresses and saw some small wrinkles forming on her face. It wasn't something extravagant but something that gave her some charm

"Are you training the aura right?" I asked finding it strange that she was getting older even though one of the aura studies allowed a person to delay ageing.

"I am, I just don't think I want to look like a woman under 25 for very long, don't you like mature women?" She whispered as she took my hand lovingly and looked at me with passion.

"Of course I like it, how about we go home?" I asked leaning my head on hers affectionately. Lillian was someone I learned to love and for me, it doesn't matter if she was young or old I would still love her

"Yes, let's go" Lillian spoke as she gracefully stood up in front of me, but there was something in her expression that I couldn't help noticing.

"what's it?" I asked carefully not wanting to pull anything she's not comfortable talking about.

"Why didn't you change me? Don't you like me enough? to spend eternity with me?" She asked with a firm voice and a little bitterness

"Was that it?" I asked with a relieved sigh as she lifted me and hugged her putting her head against my chest

"It's not that, my love, I can't change you, because you're a banshee, You're kind of on the same level as vampires, wolves, and witches, so if I change you, you won't be able to complete the transition is like someone with cancer" I whispered in her ear and kissed her forehead

"That's true?" She asked in a syrupy tone as she kept her head pressed against my chest.

"Yes" I confirmed releasing her and kneeling in front of her as she took her hand

"what are you doing?" Lillian asked a little surprised, taking a step to bring it, but she was stopped when I held her hand

"Lillian Salvatori, I Alex Salvatore will never leave you, whether in poverty or wealth, in your youth and your old age, I don't promise that you will be the only lover I will have in this life, but I guarantee you that you will be the first while you're alive, so marry me again?" I declared myself calling out all the emotion of love that I had inside me and looking straight into her eyes and showing my love to her

"Alex? I..." Lillian put her hand over her mouth to cover it and her eyes started to water.

"I love you too, and I accept your proposal" Lillian declared with her voice cracking with so much emotion she was feeling. her eyes were watering and the tears were running down her face

She dropped to her knees in front of me and hugged me with all her strength that wasn't much as she kept her head on my neck trying to contain her crying.

"let's go?" I whispered in her ear sensually

"where?" she whispered back

"to the honeymoon, in our brothel where we're going to fuck until one of us can't move anymore the next day of course" I declared with a naughty tone getting up at super-speed while picking her up at the same speed

"Kyaa" Lillian let out a cute squeal when she was taken aback by my burst of speed. She soon recovered and wrapped her arms around my neck

"Let's go," She said happily with her charming laugh

I then at super-speed jumped through the buildings towards the brothel


"Marcel" The screams of desperate men were heard through the mansion of the tall declared King of New Orleans

"what is Marcus" The tall declared king, Marcel rose from his chain to receive the three vampires who were carrying another swooning vampire in their arms.

"What happened?" Marcel narrowed his eyes when he saw one of his subordinates passed out with his neck bent.

"a werewolf, strong and fast, defeated Criss in a second and threw him away" Marcus Marcel's subordinate spoke pointing to his vampire friend who was half dead

"Did you guys see what this werewolf was like?" Marcel growled as he slapped the table angrily startling the two subordinate vampires

"he was one of the Guerrera, I'm sure of that" Marcus spoke with conviction as he showed Marcel a piece of cloth.

"This is the shield of the Guerrera family, where did you get it?" Marcel asked approaching the subordinate vampire and taking the piece of cloth

"Criss managed to get the werewolf's shirt before he was defeated," Marcus said swallowing hard and breathing irregularly

Marcel looked at Marcus critically and wrinkled his nose before shaking his head.

"Prepare our soldiers, let's destroy that hateful family" Marcel declared with a tone of contempt as he threw the piece of cloth on the ground and stepped on it.

"Yes sir!" Marcus and the other vampires hit salute and ran out of Marcel's room.

"I didn't want this damn war, but you had to provoke it's not werewolves you motherfuckers" Marcel muttered to himself angrily and threw a chair against the wall tearing it to pieces and making several pieces of broken wood fly across the room


"hahahahahahahahaha, *Moan* *slap**moan* you're enjoying it aren't you bitch? HAHAHAHAHA, more, faster please, faster, I'll come" The laughter and moan of pleasure echoed throughout the brothel waking up many of the hookers and a pregnant girl who turned red with embarrassment at the vulgar sounds that will come out of a specific room

No one knew, but the people who were having that motel room party caused the biggest supernatural war in New Orleans