
Alex Salvatore(Teen wolf / The vampres diaries)

A boy reincarnates in a world he thought was fantasy like the middle brother of salvatore the cover not mine

Alexmorgan · TV
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12 Chs


Hey, guys. it's kind of hard to create the storylines and for my fragile ego to work better, I hope that if you can, you vote with power Stone and comment what you think of the chapter

enjoy the chapter


A few days have passed since I was attacked by the werewolf, since then I keep my aura active all the time. Of course, I couldn't stay alert all the time, but the aura will protect my body

Having my body protected is necessary, having a stake in my heart is not good, even if the philosopher's stone will resurrect me, dying is not cool, even if I am going to spend a very significant amount of aura it is better than trusting the stone philosopher at all times

So after I finished adjusting a significant amount of aura in my body, I started to focus on my endeavor and decided to make a small change.

I did a nightclub at the bottom and the brothel at the top. Of course, that was not the only thing I was interested in, no, I wanted to dominate the city through the shadows and the brothel was just a means to the end

I also started creating my first 4 magic crests and put a part of the alchemy spells I received from Hades on the crest within 2 of them

Of course, the spells were different on each crest, the only similar thing on the crests were the two current versions of the curse mark. The first crest is for my oldest twin son Leonardo Salvatore and the second crest is for my o Young twin daughter. Beatriz Martin

On the third crest, I put spells that I created and the most important spells from Emily's library inside it. That third crest goes to my third daughter Elina Bennett

On the fourth crest, I put basic spells from Emily's library. Soon I will go to Mystic Falls to deliver the two crests to my daughters that I left in the city in the care of Emerson

Unfortunately I could only bring one of my children to New Orleans, for Canon's sake, Carol Lockwood needs to exist just like Natalie Martin

* Sigh * I will let things go until my descendants are in danger, I will not allow Klaus to kill Carol

The other magic crest will be used for the money base, im, I'm going to sell it to some desperate witch who is willing to pay a lot of money for the crest

(__ 1-month__)

I sat in my chair next to Lilian who was looking at me with a little contempt

"Are you kidnapping girls now?" The red-haired girl snarled as she looked at the table where a pregnant girl was lying.

"I just picked it up while I was distracted on the street" I tried to explain it to her and just got an even colder look from her, why is she so cold?

"This is the explanation for a kidnapping" Lilian gave an angry growl

"No, when she has magic circles almost open" I said and touched the girl's forehead using my aura

At the moment when my hand touched the girl's forehead, I felt a strong shock and moved my hand away from her forehead quickly.

"Look," I said, pointing to her forehead, several blue lines formed across her forehead.

"She will die if she continues like this" I said as I watched her magic circuits devour her life force in place of the aura

"I see" Lilian sighed sadly and rubbed the girl's head "She reminds you of Emma, ​​right?"

I turned my face to the side so as not to show my sadness in front of Lilian. That was the same problem that happened to Emma. Only with this girl it was something natural and with Emma it was something I caused

"Yes, I kind of don't want this girl to have a destiny like Emma's" I sighed sadly and looked at Lilian "Not while she has a life inside her"

"you just won't regret it" Lilian sighed in defeat and looked deep into my eyes "Spreading the secret of magic circuits can change the balance of the world"

"yes, I know" I said as I put my hand on the girl's forehead again,

this action can have consequences the gulf between the three factions and the rest of the supernatural world can increase if vampires, witches and werewolves find out about the magic circuits and the abyss of other supernatural beings for humans will also increase

But, in this world there are dragons and if this girl almost activated the magic circles alone, probably others did and know about the magic circuits

I'm sure the malivore has absorbed many of the supernatural creatures, but, I still feel the presence of dragons around the world

Some have a presence that gives me the chills and certainly has an active aura, that is a fact, but others do not and are much stronger than Katherine

Katherine is the oldest vampire I met and she was much stronger than the human self even though she had no aura and I also felt enormous Lockwood power not as strong as Katherine but strong

unfortunately my ability to perceive the presence of dragons is unique and does not work for other beings that are not close to me

So I don't know how strong a vampire of more than 500 can be since I've never met one and this city has no vampires over 100 years old, who are already on top of the average supernatural world

Today with all the training and the curse mark Lilian despite not being as strong as Katherine, but, she is more powerful than a 300-year-old vampire

that is, she is also at the top of the average in the supernatural world, perhaps rivaled by the Beast of Gévaudan. Of course, that's just a guess, because I don't know how strong Gévaudan's beast is

I sighed back to reality and concentrated my aura on my hand and threw my aura on the girl

"* Pain *" The girl shivered in pain and started to fight, the blue lines appeared on her body once again and started to shine more

"* Spell *" Lilian made sure to keep the girl as still as possible, casting a powerful paralysis spell on her

Of course, it didn't even have half the effect because the girl's magic circuits absorbed most of the spell's magical strength.

Soon the girl stopped fighting and the blue lines on her body disappeared. I could see her aura of her healing her life force and that of the baby within her

"We made it" I sighed in relief seeing the girl's life force gradually adjusting and smiled in relief "Now, wait for her to recover"

"Yes," Lilian spoke with a pitying look directed at the girl "Does she have a family?"

"No, I already researched everything about her and found out that she is an orphan" I said lamenting the poor soul of another child thrown on the street "She lives on the street and begs for alms, her luck is that she is a witch so use basic spells to not be attacked or perceived by bad people "

"This is good" Lilian said happily as she stared at the girl in tattered clothes

"Excuse?" I asked confused, not understanding why Lilian is happy about the girl's unhappy situation

"I will take her as my discipline, she is a witch and an orphan" Lilian said looking at the girl again

"Being a banshee, gives me a slight advantage over normal supernaturals, however, this does not apply in the case of the three factions, compared to them I am only average or weak, so I want someone to take my legacy away and we cannot leave the girl around right? " Lilian speaks with sadness in her eyes

Unfortunately Lilian is only as strong as she is now because of the curse mark, her raw talent with her aura and magical circuits only puts her on the same level as vampires at most 150 to 200 years old

The world was not fair for those who are not part of the three factions or some specific races like dragons that can compete with the three factions

"I understand" I stated and turned to leave the room "Do what you want"

Luckily my children have my special lineage and have great magical potential, I think that Hades made me become one of those special beings and my children inherited that

I just hope they don't go blind the power like some fools do around the world

to be continued

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Alexmorgancreators' thoughts