
Alex Salvatore(Teen wolf / The vampres diaries)

A boy reincarnates in a world he thought was fantasy like the middle brother of salvatore the cover not mine

Alexmorgan · TV
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Alex Salvatore woke up that night with a satisfied smile on his face. On his side was his beautiful wife, sleeping heavily, letting out some cute little snores.

He caressed Lillian's head lovingly moving her beautiful red hair from her face showing her face with some freckles that made her gain an extra charm

Alex got up carefully so as not to wake Lilian, even though he doubted she would wake up after last night where they continued to have sex for 12 hours straight when Lilian passed out from fatigue.

Vampires' physical stamina was a blessing and a curse depending on the issue you fit in, for battles and living in hostile places was great for carnal pleasure or any other physical activity that didn't involve other vampires or transformed werewolves was a curse

for vampires' bodies were too powerful to be on the same level as beings who do not have physical power and physical endurance equal to them.

Alex left his room towards the kitchen of the brothel, where all the prostitutes had lunch. All the girls in the room looked at Alex when they saw him arrive and had a lot of different reactions.

Some were grateful to him for giving them a place to sleep and eat, others looked at him with lust with very self-serving thoughts about him and the last group that looked at him adoringly

This last group was the girls who knew about the supernatural, and they were not just prostitutes but possible soldiers. They were girls who were rescued by Alex from the supernatural world

Be it by attacks by vampires, werewolves, or used as experiments by clans of witches or bewitches who were expelled from their clans and left alone.

At the end of it all, there was only one girl who didn't look at Alex with positive feelings but with confusion and a little distrust

This girl had black hair and pale skin, a very pretty appearance and a swollen stomach. She was pregnant, was the girl Alex kidnapped

"Good morning, girls," Alex said raising his hand drawing the attention of all the girls in the place "I would like to introduce you to Lilian's new protégé"

All the girls looked at Alex with wide eyes especially the girls who knew about the supernatural. Lilian had no disciples was something they learned while going through basic training.

"Please introduce yourself" Alex walked over to the pregnant girl and held out his hand to her

"Hmm, my name is Leila I don't have the last name" The girl hesitated a little to take Alex's hand, but she overcame her fear and distrust by taking her hand to get up.

"I hope we get along well," Leila said looking down trying to avoid the eyes of all the girls

"Sir, what will her role be?" one of the girls asked

She was a very beautiful Afro girl who had some small scars on her wrist. It was quite obvious that she was an ex-slave

"She won't be a whore if that's what you want to know, she'll be like you Layla, one of the guardians" Alex spoke loudly drawing the attention of all the girls

The murmurs started, by the girls unrelated to the supernatural. They just knew that guardians were the title given to those who could protect the brothel.

"I see" Layla replied with a gentle smile "it's nice to meet you"

"thank you" Leila replied bowing her head in thanks

"Now that we've introduced everyone, please Ilona, ​​Karen, Victoria and Mary, you're going to audition for guardians"


Alex smiled as he heard the excited screams of 4 girls "the test runs 24 hours today, don't be late Layla please come with me"

"yes sir" Layla replied as she quickly walked over to Alex

the two will leave the kitchen leaving all the girls to go back to eating their breakfast

Outside the kitchen, Alex leaned against a Wall to watch Layla straighten in front of him.

"I want you to launch an attack on the Guerrera, don't use magacraft, just your physical powers," Alex said looking seriously at Layla

"Yes, do you want me to kill all the werewolves?" Layla asked with a sadistic smile letting the veins swell around her eyes

"No, just the evolved ones and enjoy getting some souls for yourself, you can go now" Alex ordered confidently and showed a little concern at the end "Layla, if you feel you're being overtaken by them, back off immediately"

"It's for now" Layla replied excitedly and disappeared in a white mist

"I think that's enough for today" Alex nodded and headed back to his room at super speed.


{it's here} Layla thought to materialize out of the mist in front of a mansion

She looked inside the mansion for a few seconds and activated her aura leaving a small red smoke above her.

She took a step into the mansion's garden and felt her bones creak and then smiled fiercely before taking another

"It's easier than last time" She spoke excitedly as she felt all the pressure that was on her disappear

Layla continued walking calmly through the mansion garden and looking around and smiled when she noticed several presences of wolves watching her from afar.

"Who are you bloodsucker?" A voice roared from inside the mansion and several came back out of the mansion "how did you get into our property?"

Layla watched 5 people surrounding him with eyes glowing yellow.

"wolves evolved what a fear" She spoke sarcastically maintaining a sneering smile as she crossed her arms

"I came in the name of my master" Layla confidently shouted to a strong yellow glow inside the mansion and licked her lips "to exterminate them"

It was the only words she spoke before using her super-speed to attack the wolves. She appeared in front of two wolves and with sharp movements with her arms cut off their heads

Her attack was a surprise to the wolves who barely had time to react when Layla had already appeared in front of two more and ripped out their hearts.

The last wolf was smarter and took a step back when Layla appeared in front of her and spun her body kicking Layla's chest which was thrown back

Layla flew several feet and somersaulted in the air before landing with a bent knee and hands on the ground.

The garden below her was destroyed looking like someone had dug a path with a shovel.

"*cough* you're strong" Layla coughed up some blood as she got up at super speed

"who are you bloodsucker, who is your master?" the werewolf woman asked coldly looking at Layla

She looked at her werewolf friends who were all lying on the ground lifeless and sighed trying to calm her anger

She knew she couldn't let anger get over her, not when she had such a strong vampire in front of her.

"Marcel Gerard, I think you've heard my good master's name" Layla replied with a grimace of disgust masked by a sadistic smile "he doesn't want you mutts in our town anymore"

Layla shook her head as she reached out pulling some small red balls from her sleeve and threw them towards the werewolf.

"Damn it?" The werewolf screamed in a panic looking at the red balls flying towards her, and she tried to jump back but now caught her leg

She didn't know what it was, and she was willing to bet it was some kind of explosive with Wolfsbane poison

All she could do was cross her arms to fend off the explosion


when the ball got close enough to the werewolf it exploded in red smoke blocking all view of the place.

"*cough* what?" The werewolf was shocked to realize that she was unharmed and looked around her with her wolf eyes and realized that the vampire was gone.

"it was a trick" The werewolf growled in disgust


a light rumble echoed through the garden as the werewolf pounded the ground with all her strength causing the smoke to disappear

"Teacher?" the werewolf asked in shock looking back to where a huge white wolf was standing in front of her

"*sigh*" The wolf sighed looking around the garden with dismay to see his subordinates dead

"*growl*" The wolf growled causing its eyes to glow bright yellow causing the werewolf in human form to step back in fear

The dire wolf began to shrink and transform into an elderly man with white hair and green eyes that were filled with bitterness.

"Angelica, prepare all fighting wolves, we are going to kill Marcel Gerard" The man growled in anger as he walked towards the dead wolves