
Alex Salvatore(Teen wolf / The vampres diaries)

A boy reincarnates in a world he thought was fantasy like the middle brother of salvatore the cover not mine

Alexmorgan · TV
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12 Chs


Guys, I'm back, I solved most of my problems, I got a job, I work 9 hours a day. so I can post from time to time, but I won't say it will be completely constant, but once a week I can promise


The next few days in the city of New Orleans were pure, violent chaos. The city became a battlefield, the full moon set high in the sky, and wolves ran through the city in figures tearing everything they found.

"This is it, I found another one" A man shouted holding a gun

He had his gun pointed straight ahead and his hands were shaking as his aim focused on a wolf growling at him. The wolf leaped forward disappearing


The man out of sheer survival instinct pulled the trigger and fired. The gun gave the jerk and the man fell to the ground on his ass


A loud cry was heard and the man looked forward only to see a wolf crawling in front of him.

the wolf staggered and stood up looking at the man angrily, before taking a step forward.

"What the hell are you?" The man pointed the gun at the wolf in shock "Why are you attacking our city?"

He cried trying to drag himself as the wolf asserted itself, stopping to stagger. The wolf looked at him with indifference and primal rage before leaping at him again.

"go to hell you monster!" The man cried and pulled

the trigger one more time


but nothing came out of the gun. It was the man's shock that made him not remember that the guns were not capable of firing more than once without going through the cocking procedure.

"Damn it!!!" The man cringed crying as he closed his eyes waiting for death when the wolf appeared in front of him

He waited for death, he expected pain. But neither of them came. For fear of opening my eyes again and being killed when I gained hope of surviving

He didn't know if the wolf had a conscience, but he knew the kilo was not a normal wolf. so betting that the wolf was sadistic to that point wasn't crazy


He then heard a loud cry and in shock opened his eyes. He looked in the direction of the weeping and saw two men staking the wolf with swords.

"Take that, you damn wolf!" One of the men screamed in fury. He then kicked the wolf and threw him against a wall.

The wolf hit the wall and cried before falling to the ground and his body started to change into that of a middle-aged man.

The man widened his eyes and took a deep breath, he was in shock, but fear of him spoke louder. he ran, crawled around the back of an alley, and looked at everything from afar

"What do we do with him, kill him?" One of the men asked looking at the wolf

"No, let's take him to Marcel, he will know what to do" Another man replied with a dry laugh "I'm sure he will reward us, first let's eliminate the inconvenience"

He looked in the direction of the human hiding in the alley and disappeared.


"what the hell is this?" The human gasped in panic as he turned to run.

When he turned around, something hit him and pinned him to the wall, squeezing his neck.

He with all his effort looked at what was holding him and saw the man from before holding his neck and showing a veined face with unfocused eyes.

"I don't like to do this, but don't get me wrong...." The man spoke sadly before showing his teeth to the human "you saw something you shouldn't, I'll be quick"

The man then threw his neck forward and bit the human who tried to fight, but soon gave in and went limp. That human was the first human victim in the vampire war against the werewolves in New Orleans.


Here I am standing on the edge of a building looking down. Seeing the movement that was happening around them, people running, wolves killing humans, and vampires.

Vampires killing wolves and humans.

humans trying to fend off both sides and failing miserably.

This was the world I lived in and I had no more hope for it. This city was ended in a war between idiots caused by idiots who wanted more power than they already have...

It was time to end this. Put an end to this torture called supernatural life and fall

I will jump...

"master, we are ready to act!"

Beside me spoke one of my guardians kneeling looking at the war that was going on in the streets of the city. With hundreds of wolves and vampires fighting.

Wolves had an advantage, as vampires were young and not that strong, but the firearms that vampires used, even if they were ancient weapons, that is, from that era

They were still doing some damage managing to balance the fight. I think the wolves will win if they are left alone in the war.

However, they will gain with many losses and will soon be deposed by another group. Vampires who can make more of their own very easily, if they win, will be able to remain strong in the city even if they lose many.

However, they were the weakest in the situation. the weakest that would also give stability

"Layla, take the guardians and take sides with the vampires, stability is better than power," I said seriously and looked at Lilian who was behind me quietly "Love, let's go home when this is over"

"Finally! Baby, I love you" Lilian screamed jumping on me and kissing me.

I made my decision. Layla looked at me confused and then I sigh. I let go of Lilian who walked away with a wave and knelt in front of Layla

"You're finally mature, I'll promote you to Director number 12 of the brothel" I put my hand on Layla's chin forcing her to look at me "From now on, you're the brothel leader in town"

I pulled her by the chin and she stood up closing her eyes, so I gave her a peck and hugged her.

"Be strong, be powerful, and be faithful. Don't let me down" I whispered in her ear "maybe one day you'll get a harem number"

"Yes master" She sweetly replied "I will do my best"

"Good girl," I kissed her forehead and walked away turning back to Lilian who smiled at me "Now go"

Layla waved and became a disappearing mist! Leaving me and Lilian alone.

"So she's a Harem candidate?" Lilian laughed patting my arm "What made you change your mind and want a harem"

"perhaps, make yourself jealous?" I hugged her and kissed her face

"It doesn't work, I married you knowing you didn't want to make love!" Lilian patted my chest and laughed, "Plus I know you want one more than one woman!"

"Don't be like that, I'm not that gross" I whispered in her ear and rubbed her ass "I'm a one-woman man"

"don't play, I can see how you look at the whores in the brothel, you want to fuck them all!" Lilian smiled sadly and put her hand on my face. "Besides, I know I can't satisfy you, don't pretend you're fine, why not!"

"I'll be honest with you, I want a harem!" I said biting my lip "but I fell in love with you, so until the day you die, when you're a salvageable old lady and die a natural death, I'll be faithful"

Just thinking about it makes my chest hurt. Lilian at first was just a way for me not to have to get married politically, but I have to say that I fell in love

"I then allow you to have a harem, but I will evaluate them" Lilian hugged me wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me "I don't want any bitch, self-interested to cling to you by her power"

She whispered in my ear and we both got lost in our worlds as the city was destroyed in the war.


The war lasted another 3 days and that was the time I spent in a romantic week with Lilian. We will finally go back to our house.

Mystic Falls