
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Action
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60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 34(What makes a villain, a villain)

After the devastating explosion caused by kinto and Kenji due to their final attack, the entire city they were fighting in, including the forest and a couple of mountains were completely destroyed. The smoke caused by the attack was clearing off, while rin came out of her shelter that she hid in to avoid the explosion, she finds it hard to see kenji and kinto. Rin then gets up from her shelter as she says to herself "That fight was on a whole different level. Honestly, its going to be insane if one of them is still standing. Kinto, I hope you're alright." The smoke finally clears and rins eyes widened open as she see' kenji laying on the ground with injuries and burns and kinto barely standing but with blood dripping from his head, hands and the rest of his body. Rin was in shock as she then runs towards kinto, kinto tells her "Stay back! I'm not done yet, I still have things to ask this guy." Kenji laying on the ground in defeat begins to laugh softly and says "Well what do you know! I was defeated, looks like I wasn't the stronger opponent. Well to bad for me, I lost." Kinto with a sad expression on his face then says to himself "I don't know, but looking at this guy, I felt like I was fighting the future version of myself. I dont know why, but that's what I felt." Kenji then complements kinto by saying "Hey kid. You're pretty strong you know? The funny thing is that you have room to grow. Guess this generation of kids are stronger than expected, well that's good for you.", kinto asks "Why did you turn out this way? I want to know. What happened to you?". Kenji responded with a smile on his face "Well well, trying to understand your opponent before you land the final blow huh? That's considerate. Well the iron country was divided in two, the land of steel and the elemental clan. The elemental clan was wiped of the map and I was the only surviving one. Though I was a child of 7 at the time, I had an incredible talent for wielding lightning and fire. The iron country used me for assassination missions and the older i grew, I became more sick of it. All that was in my mind was revenger for my clan!" Kenji starts to cough blood and says "Well while I was working as an assassin for this damn country, there was this man superior to me, he was an excellent soldier and a strong one too, he was also good at science and partook in a few scientific experiments. He was really nice towards me and I looked at him as an elder brother, but eventually the higher ups of the iron county had him killed for unknown reasons. He had 3 kids at the time, he entrusted me with them knowing something might happen to him. The first one was a girl, she was rin, the second kid was a boy and at a young age he displayed amazing skills with the sword, his name was kazu. The last born was a boy, his name was shouya. He was born demon due to his mother being demon but she died after child birth, shouya was used for scientific experiments, there was nothing I could do, I felt helpless. At the end, the higher ups of the country, including lord Yamamoto, saw the kids as a threat due them growing with strength and power, faster than any other solider in the country." Kinto then says "So in other words, you were protecting them from the shadows from assassins. That was really cool, how long have you been doing that?". Kenji with a funny expression on his face then says "Wow, how did you know? You read minds or something?" Kinto then tells him that he has 500 IQ. Kenji just smiles as he continues by saying "I was doing that for a couple of years, till at least they entered C-rank. I knew that if I kept on protecting them, then at some point I'd fail. So I decided to join the dark sign, I thought that if I were evil, then they'd hate me and that hate will force them to become stronger. Well it looks like it worked well. Although I dont regret it, I met like minds and people who understood my pain" Rin was heart broken after hearing what kenji said, she then says to herself "It cant be! Kenji sensei went through all that for us? Why didn't lord Yamamoto say anything? This is.... this is cruel!" Kenji then tells rin "Rin, dont be sad, okay. Its nothing to be sad about. I did this knowing this would be the outcome. Although I wanted to destroy this entire country for the sake of my clan before I died, to bad I'll die In this country i hate. But destroying this country would have taken me about a week or two . But I'm glad though, because my students I hold dear and wanted too protect, are all right. Tell kazu and shouya to take care of themselves, okay?" Rin began to shed more tears as she collapsed on her knees. Kinto stretches his hand to kenji, Kenji's body began to emit smoke as his body was turning into a bright yellow light with kinto's explosives mark appearing over him. Kinto with a sad look on his face then asks "If it were up to me, I'd let you live. But my orders were to kill you. So anything you want to say before you die?" Kenji just smiles and closes his eyes saying "I have no regrets at all. Thank you for understanding me. Sorata, I'm glad we were friends and understood each other. Kirihai, I'm glad I was able to serve as an elder brother figure towards you, this is the end for me." Kenji then explodes like a bomb, as the explosion was able to shake the entire city and mountains along with a huge shock wave. The smoke clears and there was nothing left of kenji, except his white coat jacket. Rin begins to cry even more, kinto hugs her telling her "Dont worry, I feel your pain." But kinto couldn't help to ask himself "Maybe villains aren't just born, they were made by the circumstances around them. But if this were to be my story, would I have turned out like this? What kind of world is this?"