
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Action
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60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 33

Kinto and kenji were firing all sorts of attacks at each other in the process of kicking each other across buildings and creating huge explosions with the attacks they were making. The impact of their speed and explosive power were so powerful that the fight didn't just affect the city they were in, but the nearby wastelands. They were flying and moving at high speeds, kinto's cross explosives were shooting at rapid fire as they were flying after Kenji and teleporting around him. Kenji who was having fun, was using his lightning sword to slice through the beams as well as the explosives that were fired a him. Kenji then calls out "Perfect incineration" by combining a huge amount of fire and lightning together in the shape of a arrow he then calls "Hellish crucifixion" and then shoots the attack which had a very powerful impact as it was moving at an incredibly high speed at kinto. Kinto was also flying at a high speed to dodge the attack, but the attack kenji shots him seemed to be chasing him. A huge number of Kinto's explosives teleport in front of him and then combine their explosive power together and shoot a large and powerful beam to counter. The two attacks from kenji and kinto collide, as it then proceeded to make a very huge explosion along with a powerful shock wave. Rin who was observing the fight was trying to prevent herself from being blown away from the shock wave, she then realizes that the strength kinto and kenji are operating with are on a whole different level. Kenji and kinto began to blast beams, throw blows and kick each other across buildings while fighting and causing nuclear explosins. Kinto then comes from above and lands a devastating punch on kenji, kenji manages to block it and then lands a powerful blow at kinto, sending him flying into the air. As kinto flies a couple of feet into the air, kenji appeared above him and slams him down to the ground, causing all the buildings to clear off. Kenji comes flying down at kinto but kinto quickly moves out of the way. Kenji summons his lightning sword and zooms of towards kinto at the speed of lightning, kinto starts to shoot very powerful beams at kenji with the help of his explosive mark being activated. Kenji begins to slice through them and dodge them, as he is about to hit his sword at kinto, one of kinto's cross explosives teleport's inbetween them and blasts a very powerful lazer beam at Kenji. Kenji manages to dodge but then as he does so, kinto creates a sword made out of a high amount of energy created from the beams he shoots. He tries to land a blow on kenji with it, but Kenji swiftly uses his lightning sword to block it, causing an even bigger shockwave of lightning and energy. Kenji and kinto become excited as kinto ask "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?", kenji responds "You read me like a book!" Kenji and kinto begin to have a sword fight as they were displaying high skills of swordsman ship. In the process of their fight, they were causing huge explosions due to the lightning and high amount of energy kinto and kenji were fighting with. Kenji kicks kinto across several buildings, kenji is about to finish it with a punch but kinto swiftly punches him into the air. Kinto begins to fire huge and powerful beam of energy at him, kenji starts to dodge and punch through the beams but got hit by one of them. As another one was about to hit him, kenji gathers a powerful amount of flames and launches it at kinto's attack. Kenji turns behind him but then kinto grabs him by the face and starts to use his head to wipe buildings. Kenji out of annoyance then yells "Get the fuck of me!" He blast out a huge amount of lightning out of his body which sent him flying, kenji then slices one of kinto's arms and with a powerful amount of lightning and flames combined into his hand, kenji lands a devastating blow on kinto causing kinto to cough out some blood as well as him flying across buildings. Kenji takes a second to analyse as he is having an inner dialogue with himself saying "This boy really is giving me the work! His fighting style is incredible and he's speed and strength are insane due to that mark on him. I guess I have no other choice, I'll have to kill him!" Kinto gets back on his feet with his arm regenerating and with a crazy smile, he says "Wow, this fight is way harder than I thought it would be! I might even die! But I don't care, you don't get fights like these all the time now do you?!". Kenji then tells him "Kids nowadays are pretty crazy huh? That's cool.", kinto responds "You're not that much older than me. So stop calling me a kid!", kenji then tells him that he's only 22 years old so that means he's still older than him. Kinto then powers up a huge amount of energy as he yells "Let's finish this already! My bloods boiling, let's go!", Kenji just smirks as a huge amount of lightning burst out of his body forming a dragon and says "Me too! I'll make sure I beat that hot blooded brain of yours! What's your name again kid?!", kinto responds as he yells with an even more amount of energy bursting out of his body"My name is kinto! Make sure you remember that coz that's the last name you'll hear before you die!" Kinto and kenji rush at each other with laughter as they were punching each other at light speed and causing huge explosions with every punch they make. They end up giving themselves a powerful punch that sends them both flying. The two get up on their feet in attempts to end the fight, kenji powers up a huge amount of lightning mixed with fire, as he makes it take the shape of a ball, kinto creates a massive ball of red energy. They both yell out "This is my finale and ultimate attack! Ultimate technique: Final devastation: Complete over bursts!". They both blast their attacks at each other, but before that, kinto says "Guess this will determine it. Who wins and who dies. May the stronger opponent win!", Kenji responds "Thanks for giving me the fight of my life, you truly are something else. May the stronger opponent win!" They launch their attacks and as soon as both attacks collide, it creates a huge explosion wiping everything out of the way. The explosion was heading towards rin who was observing the fight, she quickly gathers a huge amount of sound waves and blasts herself away from the explosion. Since both opponents took each other out, all that was left was to see who was the last man standing.