
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Action
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60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 35

While zora and mori were destroying the entire city with their sword clash in which zora was using a light arrow as a sword to attack mori and mori was using his katana to counter and also attack. They were moving at amazing speeds while causing casualties with their fight. Mori and zora fall back, zora say to him "I can tell you've been holding back this entire time! You want to minimize casualties caused by our fights dont you? But if you keep doing that, I'll easily beat you.", mori says to himself "He's right. If I want to win, I'll have to use everything I've got. I guess I have no other choice!". He brings out a circular device from his pocket, the device releases a very bright light and teleport mori and zora to another city which seemed to look like an ancient ruins. Zora is abit confused as he is carefully looking around the city he was just teleported too. He then smirks and says "Nice, really nice! You were hoping that you'd defeate me without using your full power, so you didn't bother to teleport both of us. But seeing that you will have to take me down with all your might, you decided to use some what of a trump card." Zora see's mori applying a huge amount of energy to his katana, mori then responds "Good job figuring it out. But that's not going to stop me from ending you!",zora just smiles and says "Wow, you're getting serious! Guess I pushed a button. But although, I anticipated something like this would happen!" Zora creates a bow and arrow made out of his energy as he says "Alright! Let it rip!" and proceeds to fire light arrows at rapid fire. Mori then charges in with the speed of light, as he uses his katana to start slicing through the light arrows. Each of the light arrows zora was shooting was so powerful that it was blowing every building that was in the ancient city. While mori was able to dodge them and slice through them, he says "Such explosive power, this guy is no joke. But if I keep dodging and evading his attacks, then I should be fine." Mori creates a slash made out of energy as it forms a tiger and launches itself at a high speed. As this attack was heading towards zora, zora smiles and says "Putting your full power in one stick? Guess you were really holding back. But I'm also putting everything in my attacks as well." Zora starts to blast lights arrows at rapid fire that were more powerful and had more energy than the last one's to counter mori's lion attack. Both attacks clash and causes a huge explosion that was destroying the entire city around them. Three giants snakes made out of flame then come flying out of the smoke screen as they were rushing towards zora. Zora starts to dodge them as he was performing stunts to get away from them. Zora manages to create distance between him and the flaming snakes, as he creates a very powerful light arrow and blasts it at full power destroying the entire city they were at. His attack was able to bypass mori's attack, but then as zora was about to shoot another attack, mori jumps out of nowhere as he tries to make an attempt to slash zora with a very powerful amount of energy. Zora uses his bow to block mori's sword attack, mori is abit surprised but zora tells him "You dont think my bow is just meant for shooting, do you?", mori responds with a lack of interest "No shit genius, I was so blind that I didn't realise that." Zora and mori both take a step back and charge towards each other as they were clashing their weapons and were making huge wind currents and slashes fly around the entire city. They kept doing this for a few minutes but then zora fall back and starts shooting light arrows at rapid fire towards mori. This makes mori annoyed, but mori uses a technique "Max catastrophe:Blade dance" in which he creates a tornado of slashes that countered all of zora's attacks, mori's "Max catastrophe" also began to case after zora,but zora was able to avoid it for a while. Zora jumps on top of a building to keep his distance, and then uses a move "Rapid light raid" in which he prepares a massive light arrow with portals opening up behind him and drawing out bigger light arrows. Zora launches his attacks at rapid fire towards mori's. The two attacks collide but for a few seconds they are struggling to overtake each other. Mori seeing this has an inner dialogue saying "If we were to have kept on fighting in the city, everything would have been gone. Infact this zora guy has enough power to destroy the entire city by himself, talkless of me fighting him which would cause even more destruction! Damn, how powerful are these dark sign guys?" The two attacks that zora and mori blasted began to fuse together and created a very huge explosion. Zora quickly uses his arrows to form a shield while mori jumps to take cover. A few hours later, mori and zora are tired and exhausted due to their fight. Mori says to himself "Why wont this guy stay down? I've used everything in my arsenal against him, but yet he's still standing!", zora on the other hand complements mori by saying "You know, you're pretty strong. I mean look at you, you are able to keep up with my every move and attack. That's pretty cool, I like people like you." Mori then smiles and says "Sorry, but flattery wont work on me. My mission is to kill you, so I'm going to have to take you down. Although you seem like a nice guy, what's your story?". Zora just smiles and says "Its abit long, let's just say things didn't turn out In my favour." Mori responds "Sorry to hear that, but that doesn't matter right now." Mori starts to gather a massive amount of energy on his sword in which the energy was so powerful that it was causing a violent thunder storm, he says "I cant hold back, so what ever happens to you, it's as a result of circumstances!". Zora just smiles and says "I accept! Lets do this once and for all." He charges up a very powerful amount of energy that is more powerful than any other attack he has performed to his bow and arrow and says "I'm putting everything into this attack! Let's go"