
Alchemist in Harry Potter

Albert never had any big ambitions in his life. He has always thought of himself as a ordinary person. He was reborn and received cheats. When Albert was planning to be an ordinary person with dreams, an Owl sent him an invitation from Hogwarts, which made him realize that he had traveled to the world of Harry Potter. Now, Albert is considering how to be a dreamy ordinary person in the wizard world. -------------------------- Once again, I am the editor not the author. Author - Lazy Cat On The Keyboard mtl link - https://www.mtlnovel.com/the-alchemist-of-harry-potter/ --------------------- I have not read this but just picked it up because it had good ratings. There is late romance according to the reviews.

Hiddenveil · Movies
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21 Chs

Impostor Among Us

Professor McGonagall came back before the freshmen had to wait long. She arranged the freshmen in a single line and led everyone into the hall.

The hall of Hogwarts was very large with four super long tables full of students. Hundreds of candles floated above and the candles lit the entire hall.

The candle's flame was also a kind of magic fire, otherwise, the feeling of having wax dropped on your head while eating is not so beautiful.

When all kinds of weird thoughts were going around in Albert's head, the school had come with a stool with a dirty torn hat on it.

'So this is the sorting hat'

"I wish they can wash the sorting hat once at least." Albert disliked the sorting hat because it was too dirty, maybe it had been a thousand years since it was last washed.

When Albert recovered, the Sorting Hat had already ended its usual opening song to the applause of everyone.

Professor McGonagall took out a parchment and began to call the students.

Of course, Albert was the first to be named.

Albert went forward and sat on the stool, letting Professor McGonagall put the hat on his head.

"Don't give me Slytherin, not Slytherin."

Although he knew that the possibility of going to Slytherin was small, he still said a few words to avoid accidentally falling into the pit of darkness.

"Well, it's difficult. I can see that you are very courageous, not bad at heart, talented, and not lacking in wisdom." The Sorting Hat said softly, "Except for Slytherin, where do you want to go?"

Albert was speechless. 'The sorting hat means that I am suitable for any house other than Slytherin?'

"Oh, I think you have made a choice, so..."

"Gryffindor." When the Sorting Hat called out Gryffindor, Albert knew what the so-called choice was.

The sorting hat helped Albert make a choice.

Albert still has to stay in the academy for seven years. He doesn't want to be the first Hermione.

After the Sorting Hat called out Gryffindor, the table farthest to the left burst into cheers.

However, the twins and Jordan couldn't believe that Albert was given Gryffindor instead of Ravenclaw.

After Professor McGonagall lifted the hat. Albert walked in the direction of cheers. The front row of the long table was vacated for freshmen.

When Albert passed by, several people stood up and shook hands with him. One of them also had a badge on their chest, probably a prefect or the chairman of the student union.

He shook hands with several people.

The sorting ceremony continued. After the Sorting Hat called out Slytherin, Albert turned his attention to the Sorting Hat, he saw Cedric Diggory sitting on the stool.

Cedric was still a young handsome kid, so it was no wonder that he will again be famous, but he wasn't sure if he will still become a tragedy. Who knows? Albert had his butterfly flying all over the world.

The Weasley twins were also assigned to Gryffindor. A red-haired man was very happy about this and waved to the twins. Albert also took a closer look and recognized him as Percy Weasley.

The Weasley twins were the last. After they were sorted into Gryffindor, the sorting ceremony was over. Professor McGonagall rolled up the parchment and left with the sorting hat.

"Wow! We thought you would be assigned to Ravenclaw." Both the twins and Jordan stared at Albert.

'This guy was not assigned to Ravenclaw, is that sorting hat broken?'

"Is it weird?" Albert disagreed, "By the way, I just discovered a little secret about the Sorting Hat."

"What's the secret?" Jordan asked curiously.

"It won't remain a secret if I tell you." Albert didn't plan to tell them, "But, that's the reason I was assigned to Gryffindor."

However, everyone no longer paid attention to this so-called 'secret'. After the sorting was over, it was Dumbledore's turn to give a speech.

"Welcome..." Dumbledore looked at the students with a big smile and extended his arm to them. "I welcome everyone to Hogwarts. A new semester has begun! Before the banquet begins, I want to say a few words. That is : Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you, everyone!"

'It was just a few words.'

Compared to the people who talk a lot of nonsense, Dumbledore understands the mind of the children. He knows that no one has the patience to listen to long lectures.

"Do you know the meaning of those words?" Albert asked the prefect next to him.

The prefect who was asked by Albert had a stiff expression, he didn't know how to answer this question.

At this moment, the prefect suddenly felt that the Weasley twins were right. This guy should go to Ravenclaw instead of staying in Gryffindor.

"It seems that no one knows this, can I only ask him?" Albert murmured. These few words can be regarded as a mystery in the story of Harry Potter.

The few people next to him twitched their mouths, they didn't know what to say.

"Is he going to ask the Principal directly?"

"Even the Ravenclaw's students are not as curious as you are."

"He is an eagle hiding in the lions as a spy."

Ignoring the weird gazes of others, Albert got lost in his thoughts.

In his last life, there were several explanations for these words on the Internet:

It was said that the Latin meaning of the words was: May Merlin bless you.

Of course, some people thought that it was the different attitudes toward people of the four houses.

Ravenclaw students think that those who have not entered Ravenclaw are fools.

Gryffindor students think that others are not as brave as they are.

Slytherin students think that mixed blood or as they say, mudbloods are useless scraps.

Hufflepuff students hope that students from other houses can adjust their behaviour.

As for what the truth is, Albert doesn't know, maybe he will have a chance to know the truth, from Dumbledore.


The roof of the castle was struck by lightning and the climate magic that was cast, failed.

This scene shocked everyone.

Dumbledore took out his wand and used magic. The lightning and thunder disappeared and everyone's eyes turned towards the night sky dotted with stars again.

"Alright, let the banquet begin." Dumbledore raised his spoon and tapped the cup, announcing the beginning of the banquet.