
Alchemist in Harry Potter

Albert never had any big ambitions in his life. He has always thought of himself as a ordinary person. He was reborn and received cheats. When Albert was planning to be an ordinary person with dreams, an Owl sent him an invitation from Hogwarts, which made him realize that he had traveled to the world of Harry Potter. Now, Albert is considering how to be a dreamy ordinary person in the wizard world. -------------------------- Once again, I am the editor not the author. Author - Lazy Cat On The Keyboard mtl link - https://www.mtlnovel.com/the-alchemist-of-harry-potter/ --------------------- I have not read this but just picked it up because it had good ratings. There is late romance according to the reviews.

Hiddenveil · Movies
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21 Chs


Most of the freshmen on the boats had no time to admire Hogwarts in the rain. They were busy shivering in the rain.

"Why do the first-year students take a boat to cross the river?" Albert retracted his gaze and looked at the other three on the same boat.

"I don't know, I don't want to know at all," Jordan said.

"Me too, I don't care, it's too cold right now." The twins said.

Albert could not help but shake his head. He still knew a little about the boat crossing ceremony. It was to let the freshmen who came to Hogwarts follow the same route the four founders took when they came to Hogwarts Castle. A group of four students represented the four founders on each boat.

Hagrid guided the students across the lake.

"Be careful, bow your head!" Hagrid yelled.

The freshmen quickly bowed their heads.

The small boat carried them across the cliff and sailed to the dock below the castle.

"I hate rain to the core now." One of the twins shook his shoulders and sneezed.

Everyone was drenched in water all over.

"How did you do it?" Jordan asked in surprise. He was surprised that the rain did not wet Albert.

"A simple magic trick." Albert noticed other people's gazes and explained softly.

"Now, everyone follows me." Hagrid carried the oil lamp and led the freshmen up along a gravel-paved path until they reached the lawn under the castle. In front of them was a stone step.

A witch in an emerald robe was standing in front of the oak door. Albert had met her before and recognized her. She was Professor Minerva McGonagall.

"Thank you, Hagrid, the freshmen will be handed over to me now." Professor McGonagall looked at the embarrassed freshmen. Albert felt the corners of her mouth twitch.

It was not so surprising. The appearance of the new students was no longer… presentable. Almost everyone was covered in dirt.

"Everyone, come with me."

Professor McGonagall led the freshmen into the castle. Albert followed and curiously looked around the thousand-year-old castle.

"That's Professor McGonagall, the head of Gryffindor house. Percy said that she is very strict." George whispered.

"Oh, I met her once. My sister liked Professor McGonagall's trick of turning the teacup into a mouse." Albert's attention was on the stone wall and the torch that had a fire lit in it.

"We're leaving, what are you looking at?" Fred gently pushed Albert and urged him in a low voice.

"I am thinking, what kind of magic fire that is? It should not be an ordinary flame." No smoke was coming out, meaning, the flame was not ordinary .

Fred opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

'I will figure out these things in the future. There are many secrets in this castle that are worth exploring.'

After Albert gave birth to the idea of ​​exploring the castle, a task suddenly popped up on the panel:

[Millennium School: Hogwarts]

[Hogwarts is an ancient and mysterious magic school. It has existed for thousands of years. There are many unknown secrets hidden in this castle. As a curious explorer, you should not let the mysteries go unexplored. Explore Hogwarts Castle before graduation to find its hidden secrets.]

[Current progress: 1%]

[Rewards 1,000-100,000 experience, 1-10 skill points]

Albert was astonished.

This was the most Rewarding task he has ever got.

Soon, the freshmen, led by Professor McGonagall reached the waiting room. There was not much space inside and a big crowd was formed.

"Welcome you to Hogwarts," Professor McGonagall said in the opening remarks according to the annual practice. "The school banquet is about to begin, but before you go, you must first determine which house you will enter. College..."

Like the leadership speech in the book in his previous life, Professor McGonagall spoke for 10 minutes.

Professor McGonagall's speech could be briefly summarized in three points: accommodation, house and house cup.

After giving the instructions, Professor McGonagall asked all the freshmen to line up to clean up the water and dirt on their bodies.

As the vice-principal of the school, Professor McGonagall could not tolerate the freshmen going into the grand hall like this.

Freshmen were squeezing in the line, hoping to get their clothes dried before others.

"Is this squeezing sardines?" Albert looked at the group of freshmen, took a step back and took the initiative to stay behind the crowd.

Professor McGonagall did her work quickly and skillfully using the cleaning spell and drying spell. After a few minutes, it was Albert's turn.

She looked at Albert with surprise and then cast a spell on him. His clothes immediately became dry and warm and the mud splashed on his boots and pants disappeared.

"Now, please keep quiet everyone." Professor McGonagall said loudly, "I will pick you all up when everything is ready."

After Professor McGonagall left the room, everyone was whispering and talking about the sorting.

"How do we get allotted into the houses?"

"How can they accurately assign everyone to the appropriate house?"

"Maybe they will take some kind of test"

When it came to tests everyone was nervous.

Hearing this, Albert wanted to laugh. He kind of understood why people were reluctant to tell the freshmen about the way of sorting houses

"Are you not nervous at all? I'm Alia Spinnet by the way." The girl Albert had helped earlier came and talked to him.

"Nah, I have nothing to worry about. As long as I don't go to Slytherin, I am good." Albert said.