
What The ....

The next day, Garou stood at one of the city's gate with Rin and Wave.

"Why don't you stay with us? We can all go back to the capital together" Wave said to Garou.

"No reason for me to stay here, I tagged along in the first place to see the so-called assassins. Now that I saw how pathetic they were, I have no reason to stay" Garou replied.

"What about taking a horse?" Rin offered

"Nah, I prefer using my legs. It's much faster and more reliable. Also it can be a good warmup" Garou said

Wave and Rin looked at each other, they could see the weird look in each other's eyes. Garou probably was the only person to say his legs much faster reliable than a horse and to think the long distance to the capital is a good warmup.

Garou saw their reactions and ignored it, he didn't care what they thought of him. He turned around while saying "See you!!!"

"Bye, have a safe journey" Rin/Wave said

Garou started running toward the capital, his body became a dot in the distance in mere moments.

"Dammit, he is really too fast. No wonder he caught with us yesterday" Wave said while Rin nodded.

"By the way, did you feel he was less volatile than usual?" Wave asked.

"I think it's because the general is not here. She is the main reason he get pissed off most of the time." Rin replied

Wave nodded and said "Speaking of her, is she still in her room?"

"Yeah, she didn't leave since yesterday" Rin answered.

Wave nodded then stiffened for a moment before speaking "Hey Rin, The commander won't punish us for not telling her about Garou's leaving, right?"

It was Rin turn to stiff, he looked at Wave silently before speaking seriously, "We should start praying. Hopefully, we will go to heaven."

Wave started to panic as tears welling in his eyes, Rin looked at Wave with a sly smile. Their general might get a little angry, but most probably won't punish them. He knew that but still wanted to prank Wave.

Wave started praying, while Rin looked at the sky. He mumbled to himself, "The cloud getting dark, I guess it is going to start raining soon. Maybe we should have let him stay for a little more… Nah, he will be fine."


In the middle of the mountains, Akame was walking alone. She was heading to the revolutionary army headquarter on behave of Najenda. Since Najenda was wounded, she couldn't go there to report the events of the battle and how Garou ruined her plans. Najenda couldn't trust using birds as they are easy to interrupt. Moreover, it would be better to explain such a massive failure in person. Therefore, she sent Akame and ordered her to walk through the mountains. She didn't want to risk Akame getting tracked by the empire spies, or worse, getting attacked by the Jaegers.

Akame left Nighraid temporary base at sunrise. The distance to the headquarter is quite far, and she couldn't use a horse since it couldn't cross the mountain road. However, she didn't mind the long-distance or the hardships, she was more concerned and depressed after yesterday's events. Four of her teammates that she met recently and started to friend them died yesterday, her boss and Lubbock were injured, while Mine was crippled. She felt more depressed as she remembered Mine, her pink-haired friend, who was the loudest among them, was silent, her eyes devoid of any hope, the loss of her arm and weapon broke her. Moreover, Chelsea didn't come back, no one brought this matter up, but deep inside they felt they will never see her again.

Suddenly, she felt a cold sensation on her cheek, she looked up and saw the sky turned dark and about to rain. She was too depressed and thinking about what happened that she didn't realise the incoming storm. Akame sighed in a depressed manner and started looking for a place to rest until the rain stop.

"Heh... You again" a familiar voice came from behind her, the volume was not loud nor low, it was normal. But to Akame, it had more effect more than roaring thunder. Akame's entire body stiffened as she turned slowly around and looked at the man. The one-man she didn't want to meet the most stood there before her, staring at her with his sharp eyes.

"I didn't expect to see you again this fast" Garou spoke again.

"Why are you here? Were you following me?" Akame asked as calmly as she could, but her mind was racing thinking of why he was here? When did he start following her? And did he know where her friends are?

clueless of her thoughts, Garou replied "You are overestimating your importance, I'm going back to the capital, and this is the shortest road."

Akame internally sighed, her friends were safe for now, but she still cursed her luck. Of all people in the world, she had to run into this one by chance. Akame unsheathed her katana and steeled her eyes. She would rather die than surrender to this monster.

Garou raised a brow and said "You want to fight? Didn't you learn your lesson?"

Akame tightened her grip as she remembered how her friends died and suffered because of him. She knew she stood no chance against him, but she was going to take him down along with her, she only needed a single cut.

She took a deep breath then pointed the blade of her katana at her neck, she looked up with determination at the confused Garou, who didn't know what she up to and sliced her neck. Garou watched in confusion, his first thought was another assassin committing suicide, it didn't take long to realise that he was mistaken.

Akame dropped on her knees and used the blade to support her body from falling as she screamed. Black smoke started surrounding her as her voice began to change, red markings appeared all over her body as she calmed down. Akame stood up and look at Garou with demonic like eyes shocking him slightly.

Garou looked silently at Akame as he observed the changes, the feeling she was giving off, the changes in her body and eyes, they were too similar to how people changed into monsters back in his world, it was also like when he started transforming.

"Are you still human?" Garou asked. This world and his had many similarities and much more differences. If Akame really became a monster, then the possibility of other monsters present here can't be ignored.

"This is my Tiegu trump card. By accepting my sins and embrace them, I cast away my humanity." Akame replied.

"So your blade can turn people into monsters, Interesting." Garou smirked at her.

The two stared at each other as the sky started raining heavily on top of them. Akame took her stance preparing for the battle, while Garou kept his relax posture. Akame narrowed her eyes, and to Garou's surprise, in an instant, she was in front of him with her blade moving toward his throat.

Garou was shocked by the speed, her speed was slightly below his. Although he was shocked by her speed, he still easily deflected the sword away. However, Akame was not done yet, the moment Garou deflected her blade, she immediately kicked with her leg. But Garou blocked it and sent a punch of his own, which she dodged.

The two separated from each other, Akame retook her stance while Garou took his this time. Garou was smiling, Akame display was beyond his expectation, he had no doubt the current Akame is stronger than Esdeath.

Akame didn't attack him head-on again, but she started running around him at full speed then attempted to slash him his blind spots. Garou countered every attack from Akame, as he continued to analyse Akame.

She was nearly as fast as him when moving in lines. Still, during the close combat, her speed drops significantly, probably because of the sudden increase of her strength and speed, she needs time to get used to it.

Regardless of that, she was still putting a fight better than Esdeath, which impressed him. He kept defending without taking the initiative to attack, he was waiting for Akame to get used to her new physical capabilities before fighting back.

Moments later, Akame made distance from him again and stared silently at him. Deep inside, she was getting depressed, her trump card gave her a huge boost, but she was still not able to touch him. In addition, with every passing moment, she gets more used to it and becomes slightly faster and stronger, but it was still not enough to make him break a sweat.

"Not bad, I hope you still have more to show me" Garou smirked arrogantly.

Akame bit her libs as she raised her sword and took a new stance, similar to samurais, her sword pointed to the sky as she took a step forward slowly. She was planning to put all of her strength and speed in a single slash hoping Garou's arrogance will make him try to block the strike. As long as she managed to push a single scratch, then it would be worth it, even if she died here.

Naturally, Garou took his stance intending to deflect it. Back in his world, he managed to deflect the S-class hero, Metal-Bat, what of her? He was confident in deflecting the blade.

Akame took a breath hoping it won't be her last as her eyes narrowed, while Garou smirk widened in anticipation. Suddenly, The sky filled with light and thunder roared in the mountains. The next moment, Garou face changed to a shocked one. He relaxed his stance and stood straight looking dumbly at the sky.

In front of him, Akame was lying on the ground, her body had thin lines of black smoke coming out. When she pointed her sword to the sky, she attracted lightning. In the end, Garou didn't land a single hit on her, but he still won.

" WHAT THE ...." All he could say as he stared at the dark clouds.

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