
Academy Days 2

"jiji, do you think i can stand at the pinnacle of shinobi world?

"hmm? you of all people having doubts?

"Well not really i am just wondering, so many people are born with riddiculous power at their disposal. It's just not fair."

"hahaha,well thats true. But then again the talent you have on shinobi arts is also not fair isn't it?


"Listen shanks Talent means nothing if talent does not work hard. People like you who are insanely talented and hard worker have only one way to bridge the gap. Crush them in battles.Destroy their self confidence ,stand above them and look down on them proudly.Those who will break will naturally move from your path and those who will not will come back twice as strong and then defeat them again and break your limits. Shanks you have no limits.Just remember you are not here to take part,you are here to take over.You are the best student i ever had. And if you have learned from me then there are two things that will define you. Confidence and absolute trust in your techniques. Remember that"

Shanks opened his eyes after he fell asleep due to 4 hours of intense training. It's been over a year he and kai joined the academy. From today new session will begin and they will be educated in all form of shinobi arts. Since he can already wield chakra and can also perform some ninjutsus he was not that much excited. He was training rigorously on his sword skill, taijutsu, ninjutsus and also sparring a lot with kai. Kai although not at the level of shanks can also wield chakra as shanks taught him the leaf concentration exercise. kai was also there and was balancing 9 leaves on his body which he was doing magnificiently. Suddenly it was 9 A.M. and they needed to hurry to the academy. So they stood up carried their backpack and left.

"Chakra is essential to even the most basic jutsu. Through various methods, the most common of which is hand seals, chakra can be controlled and manipulated to create an effect that would not be possible otherwise, such as walking on water, exhaling fire, or creating illusions. Chakra is ordinarily not visible to the unaided eye unless it is highly concentrated or manifested in large amounts. This is rarely seen due to the restrictions of eight specific tenketsu known as the Eight Gates, which limit the amount of chakra an individual can release at a single given time." Iruka stated.He continued " So from today we will learn how we can control chakra. Because chakra takes time and a great deal of training to gradually build up,the key to its use is not actually having large amounts of chakra but instead being able to sufficiently control and conserve it. This is called as chakra control. General method for improving one's manipulation of chakra is Leaf concentration exercise. There are two advanced method which you will learn under the guidance of your jonin sensei once you graduate."

And so iruka showed them the leaf exercise and told them to continue practicing. Shanks, kai, sasuke did it with relatively ease. Others were having a little problem specially naruto due to his riddiculous chakra reserve. And then bell rang and iruka told them to go to the training ground after lunch break where they will be having duels and shuriken practice.

All of the students came outside to have lunch. Shanks and kai found a quiet spot under a tree and started eating.

"Hmm that smells so good!! What are you having?" a girl with a blonde hair asked.

Shanks looked behind and said" Meatballs and noodles."The blonde replied"hmm may i have a bite? By the way i am Ino,Ino yamanka, Nice to meet you." Shanks smiled and replied " Nice to meet you too." and gave her a bite of his food. Ino was awestruck at how delicious it was.She couldn't hold her curiosity and asked " Did you cook it by yourself? Kai couldn't control his laughter and said" This was the exact reaction i had when i first tasted his cooking as well." Ino nodded and started conversation with them and suddenly kiba along with kenji and naruto came infront of them and stated" I hope you are ready to get your ass handed today akagami." Kai almost took out his knife and shanks stopped him with a glare. Kiba continued"Today you are going to realise how insignificant you are infront of absolute talent.".Reiko sakura sasuke all came after seeing the commotion and reiko said" Enough kiba he hasn't done anything to you why are you so butthurt?" Reiko continued " If he can't win then thats okay there will always be another time". Ino also took his side and said" Stop being an annoying jerk kiba. Sasuke kun tell him to shut up.". Sasuke looked at shanks and then at kiba and spoke" Well weaklings naturally gets to know their place once they get their ass handed to them. There is nothing to rile up about". Shanks closed his lunch box,finished drinking the whole bottle of water,stood up and spoke" No matter where I go there are always people like you, ninja wannabes who think they are hot shit. Do you know the most dangerous weapon us human can wield? Its our tongue. Say wrong things at wrong time infront of wrong people you might not live to tell the tale. So if you are a ninja act like one. You talk too much".And then he pushed him aside and left with kai. Ino was blushing real hard and thought how cool he looked while delivering those lines.Sasuke was stunned as well as he felt that this boy was not normal. Naruto inwardly thought "Why am I not cool like that? sigh.....".

On a top of a tree there were two people who were seeing these events unfold. One was a jonin with a silver hair that defied the laws of physics and a mask which almost covered his entire face except for his right eye. And the other one was a anbu with his mask on.

The jonin said" well well, would you look at that.Rivalry has already started. The anbu sighed and said " Rivalry exists among equals kakshi san."and then he left.Kakashi narrowed his eye and looked at the red hair kid one last time and then he disappeared as well.