
Academy days 3

Training ground 44 was located deep inside the forest of death. The trees were much bigger and grew so close to each other one could not see more than fifteen meters past the fence. The forest itself was shrouded in darkness. Shanks and kai found this place while they were searching for a secret secluded place for training. This ground was the perfect place for them because it was restricted to chunin and above. Most academy students and genin were not even aware of its existence and those who did, did not have the guts to go in. Kai was walking on the tree with his legs while shanks was busy learning something from a scroll.

"kashira, have you mastered the jutsu?",kai spoke while standing upside down from the tree.

Shanks without moving his eyes from the scroll replied" Well I have understood the theory behind it and can also perform it for a brief moment but there must be some minute details that i am missing." Shanks then closed the scroll,stood up, closed his eyes and performed some hand seals

Monkey dragon rat bird ox snake dog tiger Monkey

A purple coloured lightning started to form from his hand and after 3 seconds it disappeared.

Shanks sighed,"well looks like i need to deep dive into chakra manipulation and jutsu theories."

"Enough training for now lets go to the academy. Its already 9 AM. 

Kai nodded and they disappeared with a body flicker.

"Alright class pencils down. Time to hand over your answer sheets", Iruka sensei said in a stern voice. He collected the paper and gathered the students outside for sparring.

"Now we will test your taijutsu skills .We have carefully selected your opponents based on your performance these last few months so your sparring partner will roughly be of the same strength and skill. so don't worry about having an unfair advantage.

He started explaining the rules " If you step out of the ring or get knocked out you lose.If i see that you can't continue the fight, i'll end the match and declare the winner. If your opponent forfeit then you win as well. Absolutely no use of weapon and jutsu will be allowed. Rely on pure hand to hand combat.And if i see anyone breaking the rules he will be disqualified."

Once the speech was over iruka sensei called out names. Each person who would enter the ring have to make the seal of confrontation as protocol and start fighting. And once the sparring was over they would use the seal of confrontation again as a sign that they were still comrades.

Time went by as shanks watched all the fights. He internally sighed as he was getting bored seeing these childish fights. Even some battles from clan kids seemed to have no effect on him. He almost laughed seeing how shikamaru entered the ring as a complete badass only to forfeit the match after.

As he was standing there next set of oppoenents were called. " kai kurasawa vs kiba inazuka".

Kai was beyond excited. As he was going to enter the ring shanks went close to his ears and spoke,"Play with him nicely". kai gave him a villainous smile and replied" Just enjoy".

Kai and Kiba both came face to face. Kiba smirked and said" Today you are going to know your place. It's frustrating i didn't get to fight akagami but you will do just fine".

Kai replied" sure puppy come at me with everything you have got alright or it will be over in an instant".


Kiba charged with extreme speed and in no time he closed the distance between him and kai and started throwing punches and kicks only to get blocked by kai with almost no effort at all.

'Kai was internally laughing at him and thinking how come a hot headed punk like him even dared to become a ninja. His movement were slow as hell and the punches packed no power at all. He was just throwing them for the sake of throwing.'

"did he really think that he can win with these pathetic moves because i am a civilian? Well no matter time to wrap things up" Kai internally thought.

Kiba then kicked aiming for his left side of his face only to get his leg blocked by kai. Kai then pushed him toward himself and gave him a solid right hook in his face.He then hold his head and gave him a vicious blow with his knee into his face. Kiba then lost consciousness.

Kai performed the seal of confrontation and then left the ring without even hearing his name as the winner.

Everyone were awestruck including iruka. It looked like a genin was up against a jonin. He just toyed with him the entire fight by dodging and once he had enough he finished him with just two moves.

Iruka came down to reality and said" Winner- kai".

Shanks and kai did a high five without noticing everyone glares at them.

Naruto thought "Damn, kiba looked like a kid infront of him. Even i am not sure i can take him on in a sparing contest. In an actual fight i may be able to due to an awesome jutsu that i learned from dad. 

Kenji and reiko had similar thought as well. They needed to talk with their parents about these two kids.

"Next up Shanks vs Sasuke" iruka spoke with excitement as he was looking forward to this match.He had been paying more attention to these since last year.One was from a famous clan and son of Lord Fugaku and younger brother of a known genius while other was a prodigy whose talent cannot be marked by others. It was made clear as water when he saw shanks throwing shuriken even better than the uchiha clan kids. It was unheard of. The top two of his class.

"Get him,sasuke-kun!" 

It was sakura haruno

"You are gonna do it, shanks. Show him who's the best",Ino cheered.

Kai smiled thinking that he has someone outside of him who wants him to win. Not that he was worried about the match.

"Silence!" Iruka yelled.


Shanks was standing there without taking any stance. In normal eyes he may look like an arrogant amateur punk but those who have battled a lot can see he was ready for any movement. This was his taijutsu style and its impossible to copy. Because his style was all about adaptability. There are no fixed pattern. He stayed back and let sasuke take the initiative in hopes of making the fight a little more interesting. He sidestepped sasuke's first kick but suddenly uchiha executed a double roundhouse kick. "nice move" Shanks thought internally and then blocked it with his forearm.

'It seems he is more of a speed type fighter but has a tendency to subtly go for grabs and submission locks while attacking with seemingly powerful punch and kicks. Sneaky bastard'

Sasuke was on the offensive side while shanks was putting in bare minimum effort needed to avoid them.But to iruka sensei it was clear that shanks had the advantage.'Looks like shanks is dodging every attack with relatively ease. And the way he doesit, its clear he is much faster.But whats up with this technique? There are no patterns whatsoever.Is he just going to dodge?' Iruka was contemplating and then suddenly Shanks feinted a punch with his left,Sasuke bent back to avoid the jab.He fainted again,with his right this time.Sasuke growled.Shanks evaded Sasuke's punch by leaning to the left and gave a punch in his gut. Shank's fist was almost blur to evryone watching. Sasuke was still coping with pain from his punch when shanks kicked him in the face. Sasuke managed to avoid the left hook that followed and tried to do a upper cut. Shanks leaned away from his uppercut and stepped on his front foot. Sasuke was caught offguard by the unorthodox move and then suddenly a kick out of no where followed which forced sasuke out of the ring.

"Sasuke uchiha is unable to continue. The winner is shanks". As soon as iruka announced the result both of them came forward. Sasuke seemingly frustrated and angry looked at him with intense glare. Shanks came forward as well and they both performed the sign of reconciliation and left the ring.

Sasuke was sad and angry and the pity looks from his classmates were not helping him at all. When shanks topped the shurikenjutsu and class test he was not angry because he scored the same as well. But getting toyed in a sparring match made him depressed. He was getting training from an early age. His father and brother were teaching him a lot but Itachi after joining anbu hardly came home so his training slowed down. He decided he needs to up his training from now and next time he meets him he will return the favour twice as much. Sasuke clenched his fist and looked at shanks who was laughing with kaiand internally vowed"just you wait".
