
Academy days 1

Shanks and kai were seating in the last row. Many kids were looking at them with judgemental eye as the appearances of these two were nothing like that of orphan kids who always somehow looked malnutritioned. Both of them had a well build physique specially shanks whose physique along with his very different red hair looked extremely handsome. Shanks as usual was not paying any attention to them. But kai was getting somewhat uncomfortable and was almost going to snap but suddenly the door opened and their sensei arrived. Everyone got serious and kai sighed in relief.

"Welcome to the academy. I am Iruka umino and i'll be your homeroom teacher throughout the four years. Lets get to know each other well alright.I will start with myself. I am iruka umino and i am a chunin of konoha. My hobby is to taste various types of ramen and my dream was to become a teacher which i have accomplished. How about you guys start to introduce yourself".

And with that all the kids started introducing themselves. Shanks observed all the kids specially clan kids who started introducing themselves with pride specially uchiha clan kids. But suddenly one kid started introducing him.

"Hello my name is Akira uchiha. I like to train with my friend sasuke and eat chocolates.My dream is to become the best medical ninja ever and surpass Tsunade Senju".The class fell silent as everyone started contemplating how an uchiha wants to pursue medical field. Shanks was also a bit surprised to hear that. Kai asked" say kashira, isn't it a waste of their dojutsu?". Shanks nodded and also had similar thought but he respected his dream. He said"Well if he wants to pursue medical field who are we to judge". And it went on and suddenly a blonde stood up and said" I am Naruto Uzumaki. I love to hang out with my brother kenji and my sister reiko and to eat ramen. My dream is to become the greatest hokage and surpass my father". Everyone applauded as he was the son of their beloved fourth hokage. Naruto got a little embarrased and sat down. His brother stood up and introduced himself as well."I am kenji namikaze . I love to hang out with my brother Naruto and my sister reiko and to eat ramen. My dream is to become a fuinjutsu master".Reiko then stood up and said the same thing except that she want to become the first kunoichi to become hokage. "whats up with their obsession with becoming hokage and eating ramen?" shanks thought. Iruko smiled as it went on and then asked kai to introduce himself. Kai stood up and said" Hello my name is Kai kurosawa. I like to play with knives and spend time with kashira. As for my dream well i don't have that luxury". "Kashira?" Iruka thought and then shanks stood up. Everyone's eye was fixated on him as if he was some sort of obsession. Girls started drooling. He started " My name is Shanks,just shanks. I like to train and understand varities of techniques. My dream is to create exclusive jutsus for myself." Sasuke looked somehow irritated as if his presence reminded him of someone. Iruka nodded and said"Well each one of you are unique and i hope everyone of yours dream come true .

Iruka then started with shinobi history and how all the villages were founded. How great our first hokage hashirama senju was and somehow didn't mention the name of madara uchiha. He then went on to discuss about how great ninjutsu taijutsu and genjutsu are but didn't mention them about chakra which he said will be teaching later. Shanks already knew all these so he was just acting as if he was listening. Same goes for kai as well and all the other clan kids. And then the boring lecture was over and class was also dismissed because this was their first day. Shanks and kai stood up and started walking towards the exit door when suddenly a boy with his dog blocked their way. kai asked "is there any problem?". kiba smirked and answered" yes the problem is you two." shanks and kai were both dumbfounded as they didn't understood what they did to make him mad. All the civilian kids were already outside and only the clan kids remained behind. They were all watching this little verbal clash with amusement. Naruto was surprised as he also wondered what they did to him. Kiba looked at shanks and continued" the way you hold yourself it looks like you look down on every one of us. Listen red hair you should stop with your carefree attitude from tomorrow or .." "or what?" kai said as he was starting to get really frustrated with this prick. kiba met his gaze and said"or you will be forced to know your place". Hinata wanted to stop him but suddenly shanks went up to him very close and with a cold gaze looked at his eye and said" sure Dog boy".Shanks pushed him aside and went outside. Kai looked at the stunned figure of kiba and laughed as he went to follow him as well. All the other kids were also dumbfounded as they were expecting some sort of fight. Kenji went up to kiba and said " well it looks like your loss kiba". "What did you say?" Kiba shouted. Kenji stated" Well it looks like you are way down in his importance list". Everyone laughed at the statement and then one by one everyone vacated the room except kiba. Kiba vowed silently" well i will see you during our spar".Akamaru barked as well as he understood what kiba was thinking and then he he vacated the classroom as well. Iruka was silently listening to all these ruckus and silently smiled and thought" well looks like he is way more mature than these clan kids". He then closed the room and went as well.

Shanks and kai walked towards the hokage mountain and after reaching there they went deep into the forest behind the stone faced monuments. They put down their backpack and suddenly kai threw a knife towards shanks which he caught with his hand without even looking. Kai said"lets have a knife fight..". shanks nodded and they started going towards each other with intent to kill. Unknowingly to both of them a figure with an anbu mask was watching them as well. Shanks suddenly looked towards his direction and found no one.