
Chapter 1:Unrivalled


Shanks stood on the highest point of the tree's trunk. He checked the positions of the targets he could see one last time. Six on the trees around him and two on the tree behind. he closed his eyes and bent his knees.


Shanks exhaled slowly and sprung into the air. He rolled forward in the air until his feet were facing the sky as eight kunai appeared in his hand,held between his fingers.He threw all the ones in his right hand and two in his left during the first rotation. 

Shanks tossed one of the last two kunai to his right hand as he rotated once more,drew both his arms back,and threw them at ones thrown by his left hand,just as they were past the tree he had leaped off of.He heard the sound of metal hitting metal followed by the thunk of wood as he landed in a crouch.

The six targets visible to him had a kunai lodged in the middle.He got up and circled the tree. A smile appeared onto his face when he saw that his kunai hit the bullseye on the targets behind it as well.


Shanks walked on the tree trunks,removed the blades from the targets,and returned them to holster on his thigh.

"kashira, the more i see the more envious i grow of you."

"kai, there is nothing to get envious of, just keep your mind calm and trust in your technique".

Kai spoke "Finally the day has come eh?"

"yes,finally we are going to take our first step towards becoming a shinobi and join the academy"

Shanks looked at kai and asked"You do remember what i said right?"

"ya ya i know i am not going to go and make enemies around those clan kids. Don't worry about that. But if someone pisses me of to the extreme i cannot guarantee anything."

"ahh, lets go"


Shanks opened his backpack,took out the green hoodie and wore it over his white shirt. He checked his black shorts for any dust ,put his backpack on, and started walking to the Academy along with kai.


"Hmm,that's one hell of an academy."shanks thought inwardly.

"kashira,all the kids are gathering in that area. It's like they are waiting for someone to come"kai spoke.

"Let's go there and check it out"

kai nodded and they started walking there. After standing behind a large crowd of children shanks started noticing all the other kids who will be competing with him.

"hmm,so these guys are the ones with whom i would be competing.They dont look much if i am being honest.But the guys from the front row they look tuff. These guys must belong from great clans.The lavender eyed girl must be from hyuga clan and that guy with ducks butt appearance must be from the uchiha clan.That blonde looks awfully familiar with the hokage . Must be his offspring.The second blonde must be his brother.And who is that red hair chick? Well it doesn't matter."

Suddenly silence fell.On seeing the 4th hokage, everyone got respectful and serious. He looked at the kids and smiled gently.

He began his speech,"Congratulations to all of you for passing th entrance exam.Now that you have entered the academy,we will teach you the ways of konoha shinobi. This academy was created by Lord 2nd Hokage,my idol. He taught a lot of great shinobi including our beloved late 3rd hokage.The ninjas who pass out of the academy all ensure that our village stays safe and peaceful and protected.This is our WILL OF FIRE. Carry on the will of fire in you brighter than anyone else. I am sure you all will become splendid ninjas and legend in your own rights. And with that I weelcome you future ninjas to our academy."

As soon as the speech ended, the excitement that was bubbling within the kids finally popped and all started celebrating.

Minato looked at these with smile on his face as he also started reminiscing his old days as a fresher and looked at his 3 kids and gave a thumps up and a wink.Three of them returned the favour as well.And suddenly minato's eye fell on two boys at last who were going back to the academy. He thought of calling them for no reason and dismiss his thought and came down from the podium and left.

"Everyone whose name has come in the first list please go to class 1 A, in second list in class 1 B and so on", a chunin named izaya spoke.

Shanks and kai saw their names in the first list and went towards class 1 A. After coming to the door shanks stopped. Kai asked,"kashira, what happened?".

Shanks looked at kai with a smile and said"Nothing" and they walked inside the classroom .

Then and there entered a kid who will wreck havoc in the shinobi world and will be so feared that shinobi will think twice before even mentioning his name.