
Chapter 4: Distorted Memories

On the other hand, Dennis was observing the situation, smiling with a reddened face.

Once he made sure she entered the building, he immediately left smoothly, beaming.

However, this kind of stability was not sustainable.

The pain that struck her eyeballs was suddenly direct, like a headache, and the strikes of lightning.

Sharp and uneasy mixture of rain colors.

As soon as she reached her floor, and she opened the door. She fumbled quickly to her room, in serious confusion, while her hands were trembling.

Her blurry vision also became mischievous, her breathing was hard and she gasped like a dying person, with some perspiration.

As soon as her body sank in the lap of the bed, she involuntarily retracted into a fetal position, in a desperate attempt to control the situation.


Chapter 4: Distorted Memories


Compared to the previous situation, it was really hard for her to forget those memories.

On that day, of that year, amidst thick fog, flashes of the past. She first met Kadrus.

He was a young man, in the prime of his puberty. He carries elegant American features, with a slender, solid body. And tufts of his hair gradual between light yellow and Alsnbuli. Green eyes and sharp jaw.

Without realizing it, her little feet, which were being led by those white hands, stopped shaking.

Her feeling, insane amid her earlier cries during the resistance, was like a war symphony.

The muffled wailing, coming from behind the door, was mischievous. But the friendly smile he gave to that six-year-old girl made her look at him with a blank look, with a confused mind.

automatically, afterwards. He ordered him to vacate the place, then quietly approached her and untied her.

While observing him silently, she inhaled his soothing fragrance for a while, to let her nervousness slow.

When her little feet stomped on the cold floor again, her eyelashes sparkled turbulently.

"It's okay. I'm here, I'll get you out” he whispered, in a soft, sweet voice, as he tried to get close to her.

When he wrapped her pale cheeks between his palms, at that time, her breathing became a little troubled.

It was really hard for her to bear that.

“Huchh, you're fine. You breathe” He repeated, whispering to her over and over, like a soothing sleep lullaby, as he embraced her.

The warmth emanating from him was strange and unusual for her.

Suddenly, her eyelashes trembled, so quickly that they clung around to him in reaction, when he straightened off the floor while carrying her.

"Will you come with me?" He said, asking, and she stared at him, without understanding.

"We'll go away together, no one's going to hurt you" he repeated, with a tender smile, as he reassured her.

She tilted her head hesitantly padded, and he added.

"Just Be obedient, and nothing will happen to them. I took care of that”

Right after that, her eyelashes sparkled, radiantly, like a puppy, and she silently nodded.


Step by step, he took her outside.

the white room, the solid bed frame, her two sisters; Familiar faces, new technologies, laboratory, security men, study, and others. They had completely shrunk in size, over time, as the helicopter boarded.

At the time, of that year. Kadris had once told her, that this world, is but a programmed game, whose inhabitants it is easy to replenish.

And because she believed it. She really believed in his words, and supported him.

Ultimately, one of them had to sacrifice for the safety of the others.

At a distance of about 100 feet, from the ground. Her eyes kept watching over the landscape, and the big city landmarks that looked like well-crafted Legos, for the first time.

At the time, she was sitting next to him.

The cool breeze, the sunlight, and the clear sky seemed new to her.

Looking at that, she wasn't feeling well.

When Cadris he descended from the helicopter, into a mountain house on the remote road, she stiffened, and she was in turmoil.

For a moment, she felt threatened and uncertain.

Why was she with him?

This place was not familiar to her at all.

The wooden design of the ground house and the landscape in the garden, was striking.

As she looked at the dewy green grass, her limbs stopped advancing in caution.

With a confused expression, she raised her head and looked toward Kadris, meditating.

This thing, it could have threatened her life.

By then, he had walked up to her and smiled. It looked particularly cute and attractive.

"Look. it is safe” he said, walking over him repeatedly. And he proves it patiently.

She stared at him for a moment, then tilted her head to the floor.

In the end, she secretly sighed. She bit her cheek from the inside, and she tried to get down.

This feeling, wasn't bad at all. As a result, she smiled at him, dimly.

When she wanted to move towards him further, she suddenly fell to the ground and lost her balance. This was out of the ordinary.

Somehow, her memories brought her back to her last moments.

To that harsh look, and contempt. Down the mask of love.

For a moment. She wanted to slap him, hold him, correct him, and even cry.

The air was heavy, saturated with the smell of death.

That calm and pure look that she was accustomed to at the first meeting, redness swept over her. Those unscrupulous flames had marred the scene.

On reflection, it turns out that it was just a silly game for a stupid project, just like all the other failed experiments.

The whole time, she never doubted his honesty.

He really mastered the role.

These manipulations, the pretense of affection, the good treatment, were indeed the beginning of the path of his control over her.


When her shaded eyelashes danced twice, revealing her watery blues, a salty dew had invaded her cheeks and wet the pillow.

She frowned with a childish expression. She raised her palm, then violently wiped the trace with her tender fingertips.

Her lips curled in dissatisfaction. Then she inhaled her water as she searched for a clean handkerchief, with a laconic eyebrow.

She moved the softcover off her, in the midst of her usual inactivity. Then she pulled one out of the drawer to wipe some of those symptoms from her flushed nose with it.

As a result, her eyes narrowed, forcefully. Then she let out a narrow exhale, for some time.

She looked at that ornate ceiling, its edges, with a blank look.

Then she raised her right arm, towards the angle of view. Without a goal.. and she is wandering. before she is startled.

Somehow, she smiled all the way to the tips of her ears. From her analysis of that transparent tattoo in the form of glamorous angel wings.

Back in this world, she should have paid back the debt, slowly.

The only problem left, is Denise.

It was really hard for her to deal with him. The feeling of admiration was new and unfamiliar for her.

She never thought about it. And she had wondered a lot, about what this is.

So, she thought of buying books and browsing some websites to improve her ignorance.

When looking at the closed curtains. And this room is semi-dark. It seemed that the sun was about to set, and the two people who were outside had returned.

With sleepy eyes, she tilted her head into a corner, and yawned.

She looked at the clock hanging on the wall, then raised an eyebrow.

It was 6:00 PM

Has she slept all this time?!

She inhaled the air, sharply, and then moved her body, which was in a state of lethargy and put on her soft fur sole, immediately.

step after step. She opened the door and left her room, heading to the bathroom.

Her pale pink hair was messy. Signs of waking up were evident on her face as soon as she washed it with cold water.

Once she arranged herself. and It became clear to her what she was wearing in the nightwear. Her stomach rumbled, whining about hunger.

She let out a deaf sigh, and then headed to the kitchen, past the open living room. When the scene of Nam Shin and Leon meeting her, they are eating some quick, crispy crackers from outside while chatting, in perfect unison.

"Nam Shin!" She called out in a sweet voice without realizing it, then moved towards him with quick steps, giving him a big brotherly hug.

“I miss you” she said in a childlike manner, and he laughed as he patted her.

“Me too” he smiled, caressing her bunny nose with his own.

Then she looked at him and frowned. "You took so long" she complained.

“But I'm back” he explained, resigning himself, then she nodded after thinking. "That's right"

Leon, who extended his lips together, observing the situation. He could hardly believe that she had separated the hugs from him, in order for him to pull her to him for her to sit down.

"I'm sad, I've been neglected!" With a frowning expression, he looked at her dramatically, and he complained.

“Then I will give you a hug too” she said, laughing. When he opened his arms to her wide in welcome, with a pampered look.

"Yes. I am very satisfied with this now” He whispered sweetly, inhaling her perfume while teasing someone else.

Nam Shin, who was making eye contact with raised eyebrows. His coffee-like eyes sparkled, bright, as he smiled.

This person, upon him, was really hard to keep up with on his part.

After some time, she straightened their gaze toward the kitchen.

"you are hungry?" Leon arose, asking her in turn.

“Umm” she nodded, “I’ll make a meal”

“I can do it” he rolled up his sleeves, stubbornly.

"I'm not a child" her lips curled up in a frown.

"Yes. You're a feisty cat” Nam Shin smiled jokingly, pinching he pinch her cheek while cheerfully teasing her.

"What do you want?" Leon, moving further forward, casting a balanced look between the shelves and the refrigerator, looked at her expectantly.

"I'm going to ask from the service" she sighed in disbelief, and retreated.

This person, he will not allow her to desecrate the kitchen.

She seemed to be a real child to him.

“Okay” Although he did not comment much, compared to the distant past, this was the best result that could be reached.

Normally, no one would dare to approach or pat her head, and speak smoothly.


// 8:15 PM //

After dinner, Nam Shin excused himself as he tired.

The travel was for over 6 hours, Really stressful, away from work.

Leon, who had finally settled in his room, took the laptop with him as soon as he made sure she was asleep.