
Chapter 5: Changing the Routine

In the midst of this monotonous calm in residence. It was noisy and lively outside, with family and friends.

Under the shade of the curtains and the gentle breeze. In the darkness, under the soft covers and silence.

Its cilia actively dispersed, just like a werewolf lurking.

Her faint breathing was clear and regular.

As she straightened her seat, she settled down a bit before pulling toward her.

The time has come close.

After finally breathing and inhaling the taste of stability. She was finally able to manage herself.

The dress she chose. It was very short to the knee, and bouffant, in the aristocratic and fashionable manner.

She pulled out a mid-heel, narrow, half-high heel, with mesh threads and a small bag of soft fur.

That pointed collar that usually adorned her neck, looked striking. With a hairdo, loose hair.

When she rearranged her underwear, and the dress. She took on a faint pink lipstick, and outlined her eyes with some shadows.

The atmosphere around her was solemn and mysterious. The only difference is that she's stuffed herself into a baggy long-sleeved overcoat and a furry hoodie.

Without thinking, she left the room with heavy, calm steps, then crossed the door. As soon as she grabbed the lock, a nearby sound came from behind her.

"To where?"

That sweet fragrance, cold tone, like the hiss of a snake, and hoarse voice, made it hard for her to turn or escape.

"I'm walking around" she explained, simply, looking at him.

Leon, who was in the kitchen wet his throat, did not expect a rebellious wave.

"At this time?" He grabbed her by the arm, with furrowed brows. He closed his eyes for a second calming himself, then said. "I will accompany you"

“No need” She shook her head in a lukewarm tone, repeatedly.

"It's late" he frowned.

“I am not a child, I am warning you” she pursed her lips, slightly laconic, in a purposeful tone.

"I know. I'm just worried,” he said. She shakes off herself from his clutches, simultaneously, and recovers her space.

“Then, don't be an obstacle. I'll just walk around''

“Be obedient and come back before midnight. Is that clear?”

“Okay” she nodded obediently.

"If you're late, I'll act before Kayden gets there" he murmured under his teeth, as confirmation.

"is this a threat?" She asked, in a low voice, between her breaths, as she looked at him.

"It's for your own good" he added, in an indisputable tone.

“Just go to sleep. I'll be back in two hours” She assured him, patting him confidently on the shoulder.

“Really?” He raised an eyebrow.

"You don't believe me?" She is frowned.

“Okay” he sighed, and he pushed her outside as he bid her goodbye.

As a result, he expelled himself from sleep. He lit up the annotated sitting room, then approached the glass door and looked at her from the outside.


//9:00 PM//

//Babble Mayfair//

One of the most popular nightclubs in the game Monopoly, which takes place around London.

And because the evening is in its prime. It has chosen a convenient location in the corner, where no one is; She watches the situation without enjoying.

Upon seeing some young men, who are full of vitality.

She really wondered, about the meaning of such places, so that many people go to them.

Dance, sing. She hasn't tried any of this.

At least, since the last time, she refused to drink.

The taste was horrendous.

When the bartender progressed towards her. She chose a mango smoothie with a strawberry flavor softly.

On the other side, About 4 tables from here.

The corpse of a man in his fifties, with a plump body and in an elegant suit, with his forty-year-old wife and a teenage girl in her twenties, settled in the midst of a festive Christmas atmosphere, with some friends and guests.

Caroline, who had been looking at the situation with sluggish, ghostly looks, and the eyes of a dead fish, the corners of her lips suspiciously quivered, as she muttered.

"What a sweet destiny"

She held the beaker with the tips of her thin fingers, by the concave side, as she blended it, in a manner like drunks.

She relaxed her shoulders, and the tip of her head was straight, and then she began to drink, tasting the sweet taste in her mouth.

The atmosphere was boisterous, the antithesis of her calm and introverted personality.

The scents of perfume and sweat mingled together, just like those of young bodies, in sync with the melody.

Private ballrooms became filled with disco bustle.

The atmosphere became charged.

She stretched out the tips of her long and slender legs with a monotonous idleness over the table, then gazed at the strangers and that family around her, in an suspicious silence.

On that day that year,

14 years before they were kidnapped.

In Fog City, across the road between home and Bradford High School.

Approx. xx:5 PM| the spring.

The atmosphere was calm and clear. Kristen, Caroline, and Becca, have become third-graders final, compared to their young age, childish expressions, and that height.

At the time, they had gotten used to having some refreshments from the store on the road, before the accident happened. Considering that, they are the last individuals who are seated, those who remain, and the last to arrive, usually.

When the bus stopped, the small and sudden collision was damaging.

At that moment, the bus driver fainted. The situation was strange, and uncomfortable. Despite that, they did not understand the situation well, until it was too late.

The studied area, at the bend, was surrounded by quite a few shaded cars and some conscripts. The planning was meticulous, quick, and decisive.

Kristen, as the older sister, cuddled both of them in an effort to reassure them despite their excessive anxiety.

Becca, who had grabbed the phone in an attempt to call the mother, faltered in a race against time, amidst the thick fog and the urge to resist.

On that day that year, she was swept away by remembrance, the day before she had visited the principal's office and absorbed the call.

In a split second, she had poked her lips and clenched her fists, with a slight crease of her eyebrows.

Very soon, all this will be over, very soon, the damages of the past will be gone and will not return.

Very soon, this bitter clamor will be over, to be replaced by the taste of revenge.

Many of us have gotten used to those fake faces beneath cheap masks, and have been duped.

That innocent look, those flowery words, those sweet encrypted looks, and devious thinking.

We are all accustomed to one's background, and one's fabricated integrity, on the surface, without realizing that we are on the brink of a pit of the underworld.

Where humanity and morals are absent.

And increased the value of people and wealth.

That covetousness, growing greed like corporate stocks, about trading those bright minds, monopolizing fetuses and babies, like robots.

The desire for quick gain and power.

under the banner of science.


///10:05 PM//

Time passes like a train of time...

During the boredom period, she emptied 3 large glasses of various kinds of juice.

Looking again at the clock, at the top of the illuminated screen of the phone, she finally straightened her seat, ignoring those staring glances at her like hyenas of the night.

She really needed to leave, inhale some fresh, cool air outside, to freshen up.

On reflection, she really wanted to visit the library, buy a romance novel and even a book explaining the concept of relationships and love, to explore, for Denise.

She had barely prepared to stand up, and the money was left in its proper place, to be received by the bartender.

When she was confronted by the corpse of a young teenager, of elegant British features, of a muscular body, a little tanned, but sallow complexion, an arrogant aura like his coffee-colored eyes, his smooth hazel hair, and jaw-bones, with a difference in height.

"Kristen!" He shouted hoarsely manly, smiling, as a result of the noise.

Her eyes fluttered repeatedly. She also raised an eyebrow at him because of the way he was talking to her as if they were close. She tilted her head in thought, looking at him in confusion, with raised eyebrows.

"Excuse me?" She denounced, with separated lips.

“We met again at the airport, and you also invited me to lunch together” he said, explaining in a soft voice, despite his slight frown at her disapproval. Then he added...

“You are here alone? My friends are at that table!” He asked during the exploration, and took urging her. Then she pressed her jaws for a second together in silence.

“Umm..” She shook her head affirmatively.

He looked excited. She really did feel confused though she was aware.

Compared to her previous character. It was expected that she would ignore him, leave or even drop him.

but. In this life, she really wanted to experience the feeling of being surrounded by people that could be called friends, and even spending time with them. Not just to Mr. Evan's wish, but to hers.

However, it's already getting late, and the library won't wait for her arrival to close.

And the person he was looking for and wanted to spend time with wasn't her. So, she decided to politely apologize and let the matter go.

Compared to the only thing she had come for, she didn't really care to explain her position.

"I'm sorry, I'm leaving" she said with a short smile, his brow wrinkled in surprise.

“Oh, okay” he groaned with a short nod, then waved to her goodbye.

This was harsh for someone.