
Chapter 3: A Family Lunch

//11:35 PM//

Far away from Mayfair Street.

On the outskirts of the lively Fog City, amidst elegant villas and flourishing courtyards with the beauty of their simple arrangement.

A blue Mercedes was greeted at the entrance as soon as it appeared by the butler, of the Hanover military family.

Once Leon parked his car. He noticed a black Porsche, a modern and a misleading white German type car, in the family's parking lot.

For a moment, he didn't seem surprised, but he frowned.

"Kristen is back"

"Of course" she shrugged.

Simultaneously, she used the time to get out and arrange herself while waiting for him.

As she looked around at the familiar place, her heart was filled with warmth, and nostalgia.

Compared to the past, wringing her fists on the elegant paper bag, with emotion. Then she sighed with regret, for what she missed.

Currently, everything is still fine. So, she just needs a chance to improve it, and change the situation.

"Let's enter" Leon, who walked near her. He held her hand gently, supportive, when he noticed the glint of her eyes and the strange stillness.

“Mmm..” She shook her head, a simple nod, in the affirmative, and then she walked with him inside.

when she arrived. He was, the first person she met after the butler, Kayden, of Elite GX. With the Commander in Chief, and the Father, sitting in the open guest room, on the first floor.

" the father "

For a moment, her limbs froze, and her lashes secretly trembled at the sight of stiff Dennis in front of her.

The mutual gaze and the volatile atmosphere between them, was strange.

Specifically, he looked at that hand that was being held by Leon, with a frowning expression.

Unbeknownst to her, she broke off this kind of communication between them and lost the warmth, upsetting one of them.

Feeling nervous and wanting was normal and confusing for a particular person.

Dennis who, his brows wrinkled with discreet turmoil, had regained consciousness on the result of her greetings.

“Hello” with a deep smile and a friendly tone. She walked straight to him for a simple hug.

Mr. Evan, who had been surprised and delighted by her unexpected visit for a while, patted her back with pleasure.

Kaiden, who was observing the situation, gently spread his lips. "Welcome"

Dennis who remained silent, confined himself to an informal smile.

Leon, his figure changed to 180°, as his expression became stoic and resolute, as his rank.

" How are you?'' Kaiden asked, hinting, with a satisfied expression on his face.

“Good” She blinked her eyes, innocently, smiling.

Immediately afterwards, Leon turned to Dennis, and asked him, "You two here for a meal?"

“Yes” Dennis explained monotonously. "Mr. Evan has decided to invite us for a purpose"

His voice was loose and heavy. Those dull looks, revealed a coded threat.

Caroline, who remained silent, for some time, She puffed her cheeks childishly, then she smiled cheerfully again. before you turn.

“Dad, I brought a gift for you” she said. Then she presented the paper bag, which she laid on the side of her and passed it to him.

Mr. Evan, who was not accustomed to this behavior in the past, given the way she was brought up. His soul rejoiced, his sharp features lit up, amid some invisible wrinkles, given his age.

" that is great. This is your first gift, you are already grown up” Mr. Evan, expressed his gratitude with affection.

Caroline, who was not used to compliments, blushed with a smile, embarrassed.

"It won't be the last either" she explained firmly, then whispered in a timid, unfamiliar tone, under the eyes of Dennis and the rest. "I hope you like it"

Leon, who chuckled at her behaviour. He pulled her towards him a little, and he annoyed her.

"This is a good improvement" Kayden commented. "Keep on" he said, with an encouraging expression.

As a result, she nodded with her curled lips, voluntarily.

Mr. Evan, he couldn't wait and opened it.

The gift he received seemed ethereal and simple.

He simply complimented her. As he loved is the matter.

Dennis looked at her with a cautious frown. This sudden change in mood made him feel excited himself.

He didn't get a chance to receive a gift from her at all. His mood had descended to the bottom.

Someone, was already feeling jealous here.

At the same time, Sir Geoffrey, the butler, stepped forward, announcing. "Lunch is ready"

Immediately after that, everyone straightened up and walked regularly towards the table.

Upon looking, the sight was inviting and the fragrant aroma of American southwestern chicken soup, refreshing.

The rest of the dishes consisted of grilled steak with mashed potatoes and shallots. Green salad, with cranberry slices as a dessert, and fresh juice.

Once the father headed to the front of the table. Kayden pulled Leon under his gaze forcibly. This forced Dennis and Caroline to sit close together, with a casual expression on the other side.

“Bon appetit” Mr. Evan gave a friendly smile as he announced the beginning of the meal. Which allowed the rest to start the table manners with respect.

Leon, who had been enjoying soup and roast steak, for a while, was interrupted by an outgoing letter, which left his expression muddied. indifferently.

›The plane will take off shortly. come at three o'clock ›

When he noticed the screen, he let out a pent-up exhale through his nose and then put it back into his pocket.

Caroline, who looked at him, with sparkling eyes, asked. “Who?”

“Nam Shin will arrive this evening. I'm going to receive him. You will come. is not it?" He raised an eyebrow, in the middle of eye contact, and she shook her head.

"no. I'm thinking of staying here longer” she explained.

« Oh. Okay” He paused for a moment, faltering, then he smiled, stiffly. “Since you are still here, I shall be at ease then”

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Evan said, hinting, 'No need. Dennis is the one who will pick her up in the evening”

"Right" Kayden laughed at his expression, openly. And then he poured himself the juice.

Caroline, who noticed Dennis's clenched jaw and his nervousness, from her vantage point. She took a crunchy, scented slice of steak, and placed it in front of him with a calm expression.


Dennis, who looked at her in amazement, oddly enough, extended his lips together, with a gentle smile. "Thanks"

For a moment he looked awkward. The tips of his ears also turned red like an obedient puppy.

On the other hand. Mr. Evan, who was observing the situation he had sighed in hope.

Leon, who saw her at the time, and she is giving him more. He lost his tongue and did not comment.

After finishing eating. Some servants led by Sir Jeffrey cleaned the table.

after that. Cayden accompanied Sr., deliberately for discussion in the office.

Leon, who had internally cursed Nam Shin, forced, reluctantly, to leave the guest room in order not to be late.

Dennis, who kept looking at her from time to time, he seemed helpless when she suddenly rose from her seat, pulling out her gray backpack and overcoat.

He thought a lot about finding a common topic between them inside his head, but he didn't dare to make it. As a result, he sighed sadly, as he followed her.

" You are fine?'' she asked, looking at him innocently as soon as they got to the car park.

“Yes” he answered.

He did not want to complicate matters with her.

It was enough that she had accepted he took her to the house.

Nevertheless, she did discover his strange gaze towards her.

The goof!

She knew he was nervous, but she didn't understand why.

Along the way, he remained silent, and did not comment.

She furrowed her eyebrows at the thought, and she, peeking.

At that time, he had confessed to her.

But now, she could no longer understand why he didn't make any move and he remained still?

Shouldn't he take advantage of opportunities?!

"Dennis" she said.

He looked at her surprised when she approached him.


He swallowed his saliva nervously, as his fists tightened and his jaw tightened cautiously, as he waited for her.

''Can we forget the past and start a new page together?'' She said with a blushed face and a guilty tone in one go. Which raised his astonishment and the widening of his eyes.

That was the longest sentence he had heard from her, so far!

“Of course” He inhaled the air sharply, and shook his head repeatedly, affirmatively, passionately, with a deep smile.

Immediately after that, she surprised him with a strong hug.

He was happy. He had never expected such a sweet initiative from her, one day.

As a result, he gently hugged her. And as he inhaled the scent of peony and lavender emanating from her and her pink tufts of hair.

Automatically then, he closed his eyelids, contemplating the moment. As she did.

Feeling her in his arms, voluntarily, was nice, surreal, and different.

For a moment, his limbs engulfed, as she looked at him, with a radiant smile, and he felt her curves.

"Let's go"


In the corner of the building, on the second floor. Where the dark and shaded curtains were shaking.

Mr. Evan was interested to take a look, when he found out.

Coinciding with what happened, he smiled satisfied.

When a black Porsche arrived at the building, on Mayfair Street, he parked the car.

It was almost three o'clock at the time.

Though, he wasn't ready to let her go.

When she looked at him, and noticed his hesitation. She took the initiative to hug him, then she left the car deposited.