
Aftermath of Apprehension

Our protagonist, Secno, has led a relatively peaceful life until his parents were sold out by his childhood friend, who Secno claims to have been dropped upon birth. He swears revenge, but unfortunately, god seems to have different plans. "I bet he's having fun up there", and funnily enough, he starts the revolutionary war by accident, and fights a large organization as he tries to survive this joke of a life on the land also known as "The Wild West".

Nayles · Action
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6 Chs

Wind of Upcoming Disaster

They sent me to bring back some water from the well. I didn't resist how I usually do as I wanted some space for myself to think. My parents tried to cover it up after I've accidentally seen it, they weren't really able to fool me though. Where will all that money go? What do they plan to do with it? And more importantly, what do they need it for, and why today?


-Charles! Charles! WAKE UP GODDAMIT!


The man who was being shouted at slowly sat up on his mattress. Being incredibly talented at ignoring things he didn't really want to hear, he wasn't that disturbed by his junior shouting at him as it would be expected from a normal person.

-What is it Herm..

-We found the traces of Secno that we've been looking for.

The moment the colleague of the hyperactive aggressor spoke these words, the man known as "Charles" livened up instantly.

-Show me the way.

He jumped out of bed instantly, put on his coat and was ready to go.

-These mood swings are incredible...

-Who cares? Lead the way.

Charles works for the "United Historical Research Group", which founded by the government in 2043. His department was assigned to a newly discovered, but not yet widely known fact about the American Revolutionary War. Because of the public's disinterest in the topic, their group's funds were... simply put, not enough. Despite his mostly ignorant personality, Charles still wanted his colleagues to make ends meet, so he had to discover something big before the grand deadline.

-So is this it? - said Charles.

-Affirmative. This is the place where Secno, according to our information, was born. - replied the assistant.

-This man... He probably caused the revolutionary war for a completely different reason..




I reluctantly grabbed the three buckets and headed towards the house. I was having trouble, because for some reason I'm not physically strong even though I work every day. If I can be proud of something, it's my brains. I never run out of ideas, but for these kind of tasks I can't put my brilliant mind to work.

-Ugh, these are so heavy... - I muttered as the buckets hit the ground.

I sit on a rock nearby to rest for a bit. Suddenly the bush that I was staring at while gathering my strength, wiggled. Forgetting my exhaustion, I jump on my feet.

-Who's there?


Why am I this paranoid? It might be just an animal. Yeah. It's just an animal. I grab the buckets and finally step in the house.

-That took long time. - my mother looks at me disapprovingly, - Your genes should be allowing you to get strong, I wonder why are you so feeble?

-Ask god...

I uttered as I walked out the door. I checked if no one saw where I was going, and no one did, so I started climbing up the hill behind our family's fields. To my secret hideout. When I finally reached the top I laid back as I gazed at the view. In the distance I saw the sheriff's caravan. Around 30 men was following it on horseback, and it seemed to be approaching our house.

-Wait a minute... OUR house?!

I immediately sat up to get a better perspective.

-Ah shit... I wasn't being paranoid.

A bunch men of arose from the bush earlier, revolver in hand. The sheriff and his officers stopped in front of our gate. He shouted something, but I couldn't make out what he was saying from this distance.

'Urgh this can't be happening. Did my parents rob a bank?' - I thought to myself as I opened the lid of my treasure box. I grabbed my rifle, loaded it with one of the two bullets me and my friends found at a former bandits' hideout about a month ago. I shifted myself into a crouching position, raised the weapon to my shoulder, looked into the scope, and saw him.

I wasn't even surprised, I think that shows the extent of my distrust towards that person. When I was little, I and the boys would play with him every single day despite his personality. But one time Kim took it a little too far. He reported the whole group for painting a wall in town, and we had to sit in jail for 2 whole days despite all of us being kids. But that was 3 years ago. We only met by coincidence since then, we avoided him, he avoided us. But he "visited me" yesterday.

But the present wasn't so kind that it'd let me think about the past. Things were happening astonishingly fast. The sheriff pulled out his gun, and pointed it at my father.
