
Aftermath of Apprehension

Our protagonist, Secno, has led a relatively peaceful life until his parents were sold out by his childhood friend, who Secno claims to have been dropped upon birth. He swears revenge, but unfortunately, god seems to have different plans. "I bet he's having fun up there", and funnily enough, he starts the revolutionary war by accident, and fights a large organization as he tries to survive this joke of a life on the land also known as "The Wild West".

Nayles · Action
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6 Chs

Failed Fight

-So is this the house?

Charles was walking around the house that once belonged to Secno's parents. The existing information about him was overly vague. Up until a few years ago, his existence was acknowledged like a totally random farmer somewhere in Britain. The information C.'s team has right now consists of the following: 1. He was born around the mid 18th century. 2. He may have something to do with the civil war. 3. He lived relatively near to today's Tombstone. These insignificant pieces of information were nothing compared to the discovery of "early revolvers". Apparently there were revolvers before Colt Paterson. Such a huuuuge deal, bigger than the war itself huh?


Charles and Hermann stood in front of the shabby house. It was a miracle it was still standing, but on top of that, it was pretty much unharmed if we take the grafittis on it's wall out of consideration.

-But seriously though are we going to starve because of a few "earlier-than-expected" pieces of metal?

-Stay positive Herm, we might just find something.

The door slowly opened reacting to Charles' gentle push, revealing the unorganized mixture of trash, dust, and building material on the floor. The two gentleman carefully walked across the room, so they don't stir up any of the sea of dust below their legs. I mean, at least they tried. Two seconds after entering the building Hermann tripped, fell, and so, created a dust cloud so intense, that an outsider would question if a nuclear bomb was dropped in the building.

Desperate to find a way out Charles swung the nearest door open, and immediately jumped out. He stopped there coughed for a minute, and when he was just about to utter the worst insult known to a man he stopped.

-What's this..?


I know I did the most unreasonable and foolish things out of all other options okay? After I saw him pointing the gun at my father, something, told me he was going to shoot. Something, that made me aware of the movement of the random bush. But anyways, I pulled the trigger. I wasn't skilled at using guns or anything, so it would've been logical for it to not hit. Maybe they wouldn't have imprisoned my parents, or chase me around the continent. But it did. It was such a nice shot to the head, that if there weren't these circumstances I might've just been proud of that shot. It didn't take a second for them to realize what happened. I was far but I could imagine what they were shouting.


I grabbed a dynamite from my treasure box and started running. My legs were driven by an unknown power, down the other side of the hill, over rocks, under logs, until... There was no place to run. I ran right into a dead end made by a cliff. I turned around to find another direction but...

-Hello there Secno! - blocking the exit, Matt stood there, with a gun in his hand.

After our trip to the jail cell, we avoided Matt. But yesterday, he came to visit our house to "check on me". Did I mention he was the son of the sheriff? So yeah, he probably sold my parents out to daddy.

-Long time no see, Matt... - I panted.

His face (if it wasn't already on maximum), was polluted even more with a disgusting grin.

-Why are you doing this?

I was doing my very best trying to buy some time.

-It's because... Ya thought! - Matt fired his gun.

I was already prepared for the situation, knowing what a piece of shit Matt was. A piece of shit, but not an idiot. I already pat myself on the shoulder for the successful dodge, but...


The hot and warm river, started to flow on my right arm. The source of blood was, unsurprisingly, a big hole in my shoulder. Great. You can get hurt by overestimating someone. He wouldn't have hit me if I just stayed where I was, but I, being overly proud by dodging so brilliantly, leaned right into the god damn bullet.

ARGH! As the adrenaline wore off I experienced the grievous pain. If my brain was still trying to come up with genius escape ideas, it stopped right at this moment. I fell on my knees, trembling. I've never undergone any pain worse than this one. Forgetting my pride, tears started rolling down my face. For Matt, this was the greatest triumph he could have ever achieved.

-Y'know, no good comes out of pity. Like ever. - he started walking in my direction.

Even if my brain has stopped working, I still had my instincts. Oh, so that was the thing warning me all along. But what could I do? Matt was like a monstrous bear approaching me, a vulnerable, helpless human filled with fear. While my mind was making the scenario worse, by coloring it with multiple greatly thought up unconscious fears of mine, I felt something. To be precise I didn't feel something anymore.

The muscles in my leg, and my whole body gave in to my newly discovered instincts. And so, I dropped to the ground, of course, right on my face breaking my nose.

-Passed out 'cause of pain didn't ya? - I could hear his laugh. -Shucks, I wanted to play with you a bit more.

I could sense the ground bumping from the multiple horses arriving.

-Matt, I saw your horse out... You got him already? Good job.

-But Dad, I didn't ki..

-Just take the compliment! Everyone bring the wagon with the dead! - the sheriff was ordering his comrades to depart while he started to lift "my body" up.

That moment, control over my body came back. I snitched his gun out of the belt, and aimed it at his head. If you thought that I looked completely badass while doing this you'd be completely wrong. Still snot nosed from crying, my eyes red, my nose broken, my shoulder still bleeding, I looked plenty pathetic. Even if I was pitiful, I was a threat to the sheriff and everyone knew that fact well. Missing a shot from 2 millimeters would be a different kind of achievement, that requires another kind of skill, so they were aware that I could end his life any moment. Everybody was, except the sheriff. Because, solely he knew about the hilarious fact, that, his gun in fact, wasn't loaded. He pushed me back, leaving me surprised as fuck as I fell on my back. In a few moments, every single gun was aimed at me. I'm doomed.

-Hah, that's what you get for killing my stand in. - he laughed.

Apparently, the sheriff was too cowardly to stand in front of his men, leading the ambush. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He and Matt resembled each other to an incredible extent. Maybe it's about time I gave up. I put my hands in the air, and kneeled, even before they asked. After that, it hit me. If I didn't submit, I could still have used the dynamite for something. Too bad though. They pushed me on the ground tying my hands, and my legs. As I lost all hope, the second wave of adrenalin wore off as well. As I screamed and cried because of the steadily returning pain, they put me on a horseback and started transporting me. I didn't know where, and I won't ever find out, because I passed out a few minutes into the super comfy ride.


- A mark?

Hermann finally stumbled out of the passing nuclear explosion, and looked on the grafitti, pointed out by Charles.

-Yes. It's just as old as the house.

-How'd you know?

-I already ran a few tests while you were dealing with the next generation tsunami.


-It marks a hidden treasure.

Hermann quieted down at an incredible rate. As expected of Charles, he knew about the weaknesses of every squad member of his.

-A former one, so don't get that excited. - admitted Charles.

-Eh, though it was my lucky day. - exclaimed Hermann as he dropped on the ground.

-Bring the pickaxes, we're digging a hole.

-Really? In the next oh-so-great-historical-monument? - Hermann.

-Just bring them.

Charles let out a sigh as he tried to make out more details through the hole above the mark. He noticed some kind of card lying on the floor, just below the hole. Just barely, but he managed to reach it, and pulled it out.

-Let's see...

He pulled out his pocked DNA analyzer and run a few tests. He didn't have wait long until he got a match.

-Hey Char, I returned with the picks. - said Hermann excited for the treasure room.

-Too bad, we're leaving this to another team, we're going to Tombstone to investigate.


But the person known as Char didn't bother to calm him down anymore. He got a lead, and he could already taste the success in his mouth.

Thank you for reading the first two chapters of the story. It's my very first novel, so please feel free to leave suggestion, critics, or anthing you want to say. It'd help me out a lot :D

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