
After Tomorrow

The stars are bright tomorrow, the stars are bright, civilizations are countless ..... This is the Moon One base, with an unpredictable super-explosion, the Earth split in two, the survivors drove the moon found alien spacecraft, named: Noah, was forced to open a journey to the stars ~!

yanping_zhang · Sci-fi
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160 Chs

Chapter 66 Hypnosis

Waiting for the crane to come up, things are much better, the people below do not need to climb up one by one like Oliver, just use the crane.

He first fixed this small crane, then turned on the crane, the exploration team members one by one hoisted up, along with two large boxes of equipment materials.

Half a quarter of an hour later, ten members of the team stood on this platform in a single line, and had looked around vigilantly. Three engineers took the lead in building a signal base station, and then released one by one small robots from the box. According to the plan, they would be the pathfinder pioneers.

Humans have been cautious enough to do this, so to speak, to find ways to ensure the safety of the explorers.

That hole is not big, at most can only accommodate a person's body position, there is no light, no sound, and no change inside ...

As if ... a dead silence!

No matter what, it's time to go. Oliver licked his lips and said in a low voice: "Channel 319.4, this is Oliver, the signal base station is set up, the exploration robot is ready! Execute the next step!"

"Command received, checking signal facilities ..." This was the voice of the crew in the Noah.

There are only ten people here, but behind their backs, there stands a whole control center!

"Check is complete, robot search operation open!"

Two dozen spider robots instantly moved, the two electronic eyes on top of the head bloom bright white light, they line up, "brush" jumped into the hole ...

The robots are still not afraid of death, and after more than ten minutes, the control center on the Noah will be informed of the situation inside to each team member.

"The situation inside is okay, facilities and equipment are also more serious damage, but overall, much better than the outside ... temporarily found no unsafe places, you can enter."

"Go!" Oliver listened and waved his hand to the people behind him, although the feeling of uneasiness in his heart gradually rose again, but now he could not care so much.

Even if there was danger inside, it was still something that had to be faced. Besides, the robots are scouting ahead, and there is danger that ripples through them first, thus giving the humans a time to react. What unstoppable danger first run away, after all, they are here to explore, not to send death ...

Oliver took the lead from the cave entrance, picked up the Gauss rifle and walked at the front of the team, followed by James, who was resisting the bazooka, then Zhang Jun, the rest of the people lined up one by one at the back, Solomon was responsible for the last side of the guard.

This dark hole is like a dark monster mouth, waiting for the expedition members to throw themselves into the net ...

But there was already some light inside, their spider robots were scouting, which made everyone's heart feel a little better.

When the group entered, one by one, they all picked up their weapons and made alert movements before turning on their flashlights in turn.

This model "divine fire type ii" military flashlight irradiation range in six hundred meters, a single charge of lighting capacity in more than 6 hours, if shining directly at people, will make people's eyes suffer direct damage, producing instantaneous blindness effect.

Oliver squatted down and picked up a circular object with a small amount of dust on it, which might be a machine part.

The place looks like a factory, but the instruments inside are damaged with the crash of the flying saucer. To be honest, there was a little regret in everyone's heart, it would have been nice to find something valuable here ...

In the light of the light, these metals after millions of years just covered with a layer of ash, wipe clean still have a faint luster, this quality, at least human technology can not do.

"You guys look first, find out what works." Oliver commanded several engineers while the rest continued to be on guard.

"Look at this!"

James was surprised to find some battle droid wreckage, kicked it with his foot, and there was something on it that was almost intact! He immediately got excited and even tried to disassemble a Gauss rifle to use it, but was stopped by Oliver.

"You certainly can't use it now, put it away first and ship it back!"

The Gauss rifle in Oliver's hand is modified by scientists, and these robots hands, there is no trigger finger, sights and other things, dismantled also can not be used, James listened to can only give up numbly.

After about half an hour of work, all the useful things were sorted out, the harvest was sloppy, and no particularly significant findings. The whole team could only move in again, moving forward carefully.

Everyone became more and more cautious, following a path that the robots had explored.

Scientists had detected energy fluctuations inside the flying saucer, although it is plausible, and by now it is not clear whether it is true or not ... This can not help but make Oliver frown slightly, the heart of the danger felt the bottom is what?

At this time, the control department on the Noah sent such a message: "Come here quickly! This channel is the most well-preserved, the inside has been checked, there is no danger, there may be intact equipment equipment inside!"

Oliver nodded and led the crowd to step into this passage, in this moment, he felt all the cold hairs of his body stood up, he subconsciously stopped and looked back at Calvin.

Calvin is also strong fear, looking at Oliver, yelled: "There may be danger inside!"

"There's a computer-like device around the corner 100 meters ahead on the left!" The voice from Control grew more and more surprised, even with the frantic shouts of the scientists, "Just ahead!"

Oliver was silent for a moment, but still gave the order, "Keep going!"

Although the robots had already checked several times, they were still cautious, each standing in their respective positions and moving carefully. Oliver's Gauss rifle was aimed at the front, while behind him Solomon was responsible for guarding the rear.

Just then, some new ideas came to his head.

Why is this passage so straight, where is it leading to? Where did all the alien life inside go? Also, is there any connection between the Martian virus and this flying saucer, and is it brought by this flying saucer?

These are the focus of scientists keep arguing, but many people still insist that the Martian virus, is the original growth of Mars!

If not, how can there be some more advanced microorganisms in this flying saucer, why not now? Why haven't they been found at all?

The only explanation is that they were all killed by the Martian virus! The Martian virus is very aggressive, and the alien microbes in the saucer are no match for them, as are the Earthlings.

Well, there is some truth in this argument, the aliens are technologically advanced and are not afraid of the Martian virus. But the alien microbes can't say the same ...

What about long-lived viruses? Scientists speculate that they may be the only thing that survives from alien civilizations! That explains why it is so complex and the genetic sequence is hard to decipher ...

Wait a minute, why are you thinking about these questions at this time?

Oliver was stunned that he was distracted and distracted at this time!

A super human, but at this time distracted! A chill rose from his heart, and he hastily shouted, "Stop! Quickly stop!"