
After Tomorrow

The stars are bright tomorrow, the stars are bright, civilizations are countless ..... This is the Moon One base, with an unpredictable super-explosion, the Earth split in two, the survivors drove the moon found alien spacecraft, named: Noah, was forced to open a journey to the stars ~!

yanping_zhang · Sci-fi
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160 Chs

Chapter 65: Advance

"Tomorrow is the day we really set out, and the selected target is directly below this big broken hole. The height of the breach is at six hundred meters and the maximum width is around eight hundred meters, and the scientists have found the missing breach that juts into the inner ring."

Inside the operations conference room, Oliver pointed to the schematic diagram of the saucer ruins and said.

"Because the inner ring of the flying saucer may still have energy, so we still use the robot opening method. A large number of droids will take the lead in scouting ahead, and we'll follow them all the way from the back and dismantle them once we find something of value ..."

Said here, Oliver face began to serious: "Tomorrow morning at eight o'clock on time, we each bring their own equipment, the specific division of labor I will not say more, we all understand, right?"

The people below nodded in unison.

The members of the entire squad, respectively, were Captain Oliver, Calvin the Precog, James the heavy fireman, Solomon the sniper, Zhang Jun the blaster, and a medic, a hacker, and three engineers responsible for dismantling.

The personnel is relatively concise, but each has its own usefulness, so you can say that one is missing.

"After the operation starts tomorrow, everything is under my command. I don't know what's inside the flying saucer, but I will definitely be responsible for everyone and put life safety first. This is my promise!"

"Everyone must also strictly adhere to military discipline, and do not panic in case of danger, show some military integrity! Understood?"


"Good ... disbanded!"

No words all night.

All the special team members are veterans who have been in the field for a long time, and the selected recruits are also one in a hundred good men. One by one they were a little hyper, but barely managed to force themselves to rest.

It was only this guy Calvin who was forced to pull in. He sensed that this operation might be dangerous and was a little reluctant at first, but had no way to resist the order ... and finally had to accept it peacefully.

The next morning at 7:30, everyone gathered at the established location, dressed and ready to hit the road.

Under the watchful eyes of all, a bus-sized Mars car drove down from the elevator, in front of the huge Noah ship, they are small like a mole cricket.

But, it is this one mole that is about to challenge the unknown alien civilization on behalf of mankind ...

"Let's go!" With Oliver's command, all Mars rovers steadily began to move forward.

The Martian landscape is somewhat like the loess slopes on Earth, rough and silent, a glance over are orange, but the soil here is more red and desolate than the loess slopes.

Oliver sat in the car, there was no reason to generate a sense of pride and ambition, although the sense of crisis in the heart did not eliminate, and suddenly a sense of magical excitement, which is the most primitive human desire to explore ...

He had a feeling that the rise of a new human civilization, may be in this adventure ...

This is future technology, future technology that surpasses humans by hundreds and thousands of years ... No matter what, they have to grasp it!

He saw Calvin was dazed, suddenly patted his shoulder, "How about it, did you perceive anything?"

Calvin shook his head, these days, he has prophesied many times, each time is endless light ... is really too inexplicable.

In fact, the success rate of his prophecy ability is only about 50%, not always successful, it could be that he misunderstood the meaning of the image, or it could be something else.

But like Oliver, he also had a sense of crisis and was just secretly on guard.

In this way, time passed slowly, until more than an hour later, the Mars rover speed slowed down. By this time the car party was approaching the edge of the saucer ruins.

"Okay, now we have entered the basin dug out by the automatic excavator, there are about twenty kilometers to go, everyone put on the astronaut helmets, what should be prepared are ready ..."

All of them responded that they understood and put on their equipment.

As we get closer to the flying saucer, everyone's heartbeat is getting more and more violent, even James, Solomon, Zhang Jun, a group of elite veterans, is also a strong heartbeat, palms slightly sweaty.

Immediately after ...Oliver suddenly felt a deep malice, which is a strange intuition of its subtlety: danger! Extremely dangerous!

The sweat on Oliver's back stood up, he felt the fronts back again, there was an extreme malice glancing at them.

In that moment, the veins on his forehead are popping out one by one!

But this feeling is only a short second, instantly disappeared again, just like an illusion ...

"Captain!" James noticed that Oliver's face was a little off, and hastily shouted.

"Calvin! Feel any danger?" Oliver came back to his senses and hastily shouted.

Calvin was also heart pounding, sweating profusely, two eyes glaring out, "I ... I ..."

He found that he seems to have no way to precognition, no matter what, there is no way to enter that mysterious state!

"No, I can't feel anything, my precognition seems to be blocked in general!" Sweat was rolling down his cheeks, this was the first time this condition had ever occurred.

Oliver frowned tightly and pondered in silence for a while ... what was going on?

He carefully asked some more, in addition to himself and Calvin two feel obvious, the rest of the people ... are only slightly discomfort, if not reminded, not even much feeling!

Just run away in the dust like this? No ... hesitated for a long time, he still ordered. "Keep moving! Go over and take a look first!"

Not long after, the group came to the bottom of the broken hole of the flying saucer, which was littered with broken metal walls, and the inside was damaged badly. According to the scientists, this should be an engine room, but it was destroyed by a powerful weapon.

Oliver took out his military flashlight and shone it upwards for a while, and there was indeed a dark, broken hole leading to the interior at a height of 300 meters!

He thought carefully and exited the broken hole again, waving his hand backwards, "No rush first, perform the dismantling task of the perimeter!"

Several engineers nodded and immediately began to busy themselves, while the rest took their weapons and were responsible for vigilance.

Among these Mars vehicles, except for the first one which was carrying people, the latter ones were engineering vehicles with all kinds of machinery on them. Several engineers began to operate various machines to dismantle the pipe-like metal around the flying saucer.

According to the experts, these pipes are space weapons or certain communication devices. Some of them were badly wrecked, but some were well preserved, even the circuitry inside was mostly intact.

With each one removed, the scientists on board the Noah cheered loudly, and they also kept an eye on several of the expedition members, according to the surveillance.

Current robots doing this kind of flexible work are nowhere near as efficient as humans.

Since the surface of the flying saucer are large pieces of large tears, just cut along these mouths, disassembly work is also exceptionally smooth. After about six hours of work, the 13 large disassembly tasks were successfully completed without any danger during the period.

This also let Oliver breathed a sigh of relief, just by virtue of these dismantled things, they can not be considered a trip to waste.

A group of people returned to the Mars rover, ate something, rested for a while, and then walked again to the bottom of the broken hole.

"Captain, if it's really dangerous, we go back first?" Sniper Solomon licked his lips, not that he was afraid, but he trusted Oliver's intuition a lot.

Oliver shook his head, retreating because he perceived some danger was not his style. He knew some old saying: risk and benefit are always proportional.

If there really was energy present inside, there was bound to be more complete and better equipped!

"I'll go first, you guys watch from below!"

He watched carefully for a while and no longer hesitated. First, he took out a climbing rope, inserted an iron climbing hook into the spring launcher, aimed at the metal bar protruding from above, and shot out with a whoosh.

Because the gravity of Mars is relatively low, this hook also shot extra high, around the metal bar a few turns, firmly stuck.

Oliver pulled on the rope, tugged hard a few times, felt nothing wrong, and then leapt up.

Climbing rope is the necessary skills of the military, because there is no help under the feet, Oliver can only use the "empty hand guide" way, hanging in the air to climb up. This method requires arm, abdominal and leg force at the same time, the physical requirements are very high.

In general, the military competition is only about 20 meters high. And now he had to climb, it was three hundred meters!

Solomon, James and the others stared nervously at the broken hole, their guns firmly aimed and alerted for Oliver.

The good thing is that the gravity of Mars is only a third of that of Earth, and the weight is reduced, so the physical requirements are much lower. After about five minutes of time, Oliver climbed to the top.

He jumped to a small platform of ten or so square, quietly looking at the broken hole, quietly waiting, the hand of the Gauss rifle tightly held, a what movement, will not hesitate to shoot.

After a while, Oliver only to confirm the safety, flashlight waved down, said in the headset: "You guys use the rope to hoist the crane, I'll pull it up first!"

Immediately after, he turned his back on the hole while struggling to pull a small crane up. This period of time is the most dangerous time, he can only be distracted, while pulling the rope, while paying attention to the movement behind.

The good thing is that nothing happened during this time, which could not help but make Oliver a little surprised, was he paranoid ...