
After Tomorrow

The stars are bright tomorrow, the stars are bright, civilizations are countless ..... This is the Moon One base, with an unpredictable super-explosion, the Earth split in two, the survivors drove the moon found alien spacecraft, named: Noah, was forced to open a journey to the stars ~!

yanping_zhang · Sci-fi
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160 Chs

Chapter 67 - Lost Connection

"Stop! Stop!" Oliver shouted.

But no one listened to him at all, and inexplicably, the whole group went faster and faster, and the others even trotted up and overtook Oliver one by one.

"Shit!" Oliver, although he did not know what was going on, subconsciously picked up his rifle in an attempt to sound the alarm, but he immediately put it down again. This kind of Gauss rifle is too powerful, fire a single shot, may be able to blow up the whole team!

His reaction is also extremely fast, an arrow step forward, kicked the last Solomon's calf, and another kick will be a little bit more in front of Calvin knocked to the ground.

These two kicks were heavy and hard, and the kicks were at the joints. The two men bowed their backs and held their calves in pain. But as if the others did not see it, their eyes were blank, they just kept on rushing down the corridor, and their speed gradually increased.

"Stomp stomp stomp" the silent metal corridor, can only hear a series of trotting sound, no other sound. But this group of people just crazy forward, inexplicably ...

Oliver looked at the ground numb, an unknown fear appeared in the heart, he did not know what was going on with this group of people, just want to subdue them all as soon as possible.

That unknown danger has also approached ...

"Come back! Come back quickly!" He shouted loudly, but no one paid any attention to him at all, just kept moving forward.

Oliver's heart stunned, he leapt forward and quickly caught up with a member of the team in front of him, twisting his arm behind him in one go.

Because time is too short, he even used the military combat skills, the other side of a hand on the shoulder, "Hey" thrown out.

This metal corridor is too weird! It's likely that Oliver was the only one awake, so let's throw the others out first!

It is also fortunate that without the addition of Oliver, a superhuman, this exploration team would probably have been destroyed here ...

This is Oliver's first thought, as the captain of the whole team, encounter danger can not just focus on their own escape, he has to be responsible for the whole team.

The good thing is that the gravity of Mars is relatively low, a person is also equivalent to the weight of fifty pounds on Earth, throw out a dozen meters and no problem. Although the fall is a little heavier, but it should not be to fall to death.

After throwing out a person, Oliver repeated the same trick, grabbed a person in front of him and threw again with great effort. The group seems to be stupid, let him hold, even the most front James is no exception.

Oliver just a glance in a hurry, James full of confusion surfaced, eyes listless, as if into some hallucination in general, just two legs in a mechanical walk ... even if he was carried up, but also still in a bizarre sway.

A series of movements, completed quickly in only a dozen seconds, so that Oliver's physical exertion is quite large. But he gritted his teeth and held on, this James is really a bit heavy, a moment to slow down this breath ...

One, two, three ... eight people in total, and a figure in front!

It is the medic Mitchell! How did he run to the front?

Oliver's heart is anxious, no longer care about the other, a hard kick, hard kick James ass, will send him flying.

"Retreat! You guys retreat first!" He shouted in his headset, watching the two outermost men seem to have sobered up somewhat, flashing his flashlight three times in a row and heading for the innermost chase ...

Calvin and Solomon were the first to come to their senses, they were walking at the end of the group and were kicked hard by Oliver, feeling their legs were about to break, the intense pain made them instantly awake.

"What's going on, an evil spell?" They all felt their heads were very confused, like a big bell was hit hard, and the aftershock was vibrating back and forth in their minds.

In the daze, Solomon saw Oliver's flashlight flash three times in a row. This is a special command of the special forces, accumulated over the years under the habitual reaction to his mind suddenly awakened.

This is "emergency evacuation"! What just happened?

Immediately after, one by one, the expedition members were thrown out. They were either unconscious or disoriented, and seemed to be in a strange sleepwalking state.

"Injection ... injection ... of K3 type stimulants!" Calvin said with an iron face, suddenly gritting his teeth, the feeling of danger in his heart reached the extreme, and he must escape from this place as soon as possible.

Although the medic Mitchell is still inside, but each of them has a small medical kit, can emergency treatment some.

Calvin's hands trembled, as if a little out of control, he shivered and fished out the medical kit, a needle into his body, his head finally cleared up.

This kind of spacesuit, specially designed with a coin-sized place, can complete some medical means. Although a small amount of air will escape after opening this place, but as long as the treatment is completed in a short time, there is no big problem.

After another ten minutes of work, everyone woke up, looked at each other and felt a bone-chilling feeling, a heart like a drum, "thump" straight.

This thing is too bizarre, one by one, they all feel hypnotized general, unconsciously walk inside. There was something deep in the corridor that seemed to be attracting them, making people lose their sense of self.

Their memories are still there, now think about it really full of fear, one by one, cold sweat behind. Even now, they can feel that strange feeling ...

James face blue veins, suddenly yelled: "Captain where is he? How come he hasn't come out yet! And, where is Mitchell?" He was so emotional that he slammed his fist into the floor.

"I'm fine, Mitchell is also fine, it's safe inside, you guys come in first ..." Oliver's voice suddenly came from the headset.

James smiled with joy and was about to stand up when he was suddenly stopped by Calvin. In his perception, this place is really too dangerous, absolutely can not go in again, otherwise it is likely to be like just like that again ...

"You guy, why are you stopping me?!" James pushed him away with one hand.

"No, absolutely not to go in!" Calvin also somehow mustered up the courage to pull him back in one go. The two men pulled and tugged, almost on the verge of a fight.

"Don't you dare disobey the captain's orders!" James hissed with a red face, now that Calvin had blatantly disobeyed orders. He really wanted to pick up his gun and shoot Calvin!

Suddenly Solomon also stepped forward and pulled James back.

Solomon's face was very serious, his lips were tightly closed and he didn't say a word, making a gesture commonly used in the military: "Emergency retreat!"

James was shocked, did Solomon also want to escape behind the captain's back?

He became more and more furious, his fists clenched, if he did not get a satisfactory explanation, he had to beat up all these people!

"Our radio device ... may have been tampered with!" Solomon frowned and wrote a line on the ground with his finger.

This line makes everyone's heart cold a big, even James also startled, forehead undershirt cold sweat straight.

Could it be, just heard Oliver's voice is fake?

No, not only just a sentence is false, even some of the words in front of it, may also be false. For example, the control center said "the corridor is safe" this sentence, may be a fake!

At once, all of them were creeped out, one by one, they did not make a sound, perhaps they said a word, in the ears of others became another word ...

So Solomon is still convinced that the light signal he saw, is definitely a sign of emergency retreat.

"We retreat first!" Solomon gestured.

James big hurry, the captain is still inside, how can they retreat? But he already had some belief in his heart, he didn't dare to just risk rushing in, afraid that he would be hypnotized again.

This inexplicable power, so that everyone is at a loss!