
Adventures with a Devil and Angel on my Shoulders

In this world, humans are a relatively weak race, however, they are also favored by the two strongest races, Devils and Angels, and after many trials a special bond was formed. Now, humans are granted the privilege to be chosen by either an Angel or Devil as a partner. However, what if someone were to be chosen by both sides? This is the story of a boy with such a twist of fate.

AgentBlue_Gaming · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 - Woman Cloaked in Flames

Two months have passed since I first made a contract with Lilith and Dina.

I've relentlessly continued my training, especially after that person from "Olympus" attacked me.

(Not bad, Laz. You've read half of the A section of books. Within another two months, we can move on to the B section.) Dina praised.

(You were also able to punch 5 perfectly lined up trees in a row, and nearly split a sixth, so you're strength has definitely come along way) Lilith also praised.

I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions, on the one hand, I was happy and proud to be praised for my growth, but on the other, I knew it was not enough.

If I want to hold my own against the strongest, I'll need to work harder.

(It's great that you're motivated and haven't let your new strength make you arrogant, but it's probably about time for you to get some rest and relax both your mind and body) Dina suggested.

"You're right. Thanks." I said before preparing to leave the library.

After I had made it back to my temporary shelter I've made use of for the past few months, I made a quick meal before quietly going to sleep.

However, I was greatly awoken by the loud noise of thunder and lightning.

"Looks like it's raining pretty hard out" I said while looking outside the tent.

(Look out!) Lilith shouted.

I quickly exited the tent just in time to witness the entire ground be flattened.

There I saw a woman around my age with long flowing black hair, and piercing black eyes.

"What is with women trying to kill me?" I muttered jokingly.

Seriously though, this was the second time I've been ambushed, am I really that hated?

"Laaaz!" The woman shouted furiously.

As soon as she saw me unharmed she launched straight towards me with her fist.

As she charged towards me I noticed her fist began to be wrapped in flames.

I determined it would be bad for me if I got hit by that attack and quickly used wind magic to dodge it.

"Thankfully, I've been training my magic recently." I uttered.

After fighting with Rei, I decided to learn a bit of magic in order to have some trump cards when I'm in a fight.

It might be a little sudden to explain in the middle of a fight, but basically, there are six core elements that make up all magic in the world, that being Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light, and Dark.

And what magic you can use it dependant on your aptitude, even if you can't use magic itself, all beings are born with a naturally affinity for an element. Mine happened to be two in particular, which is Wind and Earth.

I've also heard Dina has an affinity for Water and Light, and Lilith has an affinity for the other two, Fire and Dark. Meaning once I can upgrade my contracts to the next stage, I'll be able to use all six elements.

However, right now I can only use the two for now.

With that being the case, I put one hand on the ground and used earth magic to create multiple layers of walls in front of me.

Of course, this crazy woman destroyed all of them in one go, but it gave me enough time to do what I needed.

As I used my wind magic to quickly glide to her backside before unleashing a powerful strike.

She should've been knocked unconscious, however what really happened is that she twisted her body and blocked my quickly made iron sword with her own fist still wrapped in flames.

In fact, it looked like her whole body was wrapped in flames as she showed off her murderous intent.

"I'll never forgive you!" She screamed as she completely flung me away through multiple trees and obstacles.

Despite my harsh training helping me to survive, it didn't help much when something absurd like this happens.

My body was now on fire with pain.

As I saw the devastation around me, I looked towards the source and saw the forest being engulfed in a sea of fire.

As I saw the monster walking out of the destruction like a raging demon, I couldn't help but yell.

"What is your problem?! What did I ever do to you?!" I asked.

The woman seemed to calm down for a second and answered.

"You really think I'd fall for that? Did you think I wouldn't come back and kill you? You murderer!" She yelled.

"Murder?! I've never done something like that before!" I shouted.

"Don't lie! I know it was you! I was there! You killed our parents!" She exclaimed.

"Eh? What are you talking about? I never-"

"ENOUGH!" The woman shouted.

"I swear I'll leave no trace of you behind tonight!" She shouted as her mana continued to be endlessly released from her body.

(This is getting kinda interesting, if only a little confusing) Lilith suddenly chimed in without a care in the world.

(You could at least act like you care, Lilith. Laz is about to turn into ashes.) Dina replied.

"You could also put a little more faith in me, Dina." I muttered as the seriousness of the fight had seemingly disappeared around me.

"I would take this seriously, if I were you!" The mysterious woman shouted.

As she said that, all the mana she was releasing condensed into a giant round ball of fire almost as big as the town we were next to was hovering slightly above her.

I saw that huge mass of fire, and instantly thought.

Ah, I'm going to die.

My body was already incredibly injured, and if I was to be honest, the only thing keeping me up and moving at all is the adrenaline.

Of course, I have no intentions on dying right now, since my goal is so far away from me, however, no matter what I did, I couldn't see myself avoiding that ball of fire and living to tell the tale.

Despite that, I could only try and hope layering multiple earth domes would help reduce even some of the damage, but before either of us even got a chance to, the fireball was extinguished, and a mysterious man in a suit appeared and knocked the woman out, before bowing to me and disappearing as suddenly as he appeared.

(Ok, now this is definitely anticlimatic.) Lilith said while clicking her tongue.

(Don't click your tongue. Laz was about to die, at least be glad it ended without that happening.) Dina argued.

"You both are awful..." I uttered before the last bits of my strength left me, as I fell to the ground surrounded by the burnt smell of the forest...