
Adventures with a Devil and Angel on my Shoulders

In this world, humans are a relatively weak race, however, they are also favored by the two strongest races, Devils and Angels, and after many trials a special bond was formed. Now, humans are granted the privilege to be chosen by either an Angel or Devil as a partner. However, what if someone were to be chosen by both sides? This is the story of a boy with such a twist of fate.

AgentBlue_Gaming · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4 - The 12 Dungeons and Innate Abilities

As I was continuing my daily training, I couldn't help but think back to that time the strongest swordswoman attacked me.

She was incredibly strong, and even worse, there were more people like her. There may even be those who are even stronger, too.

The more I thought about it, the more depressed I became, at that same time though, I decided to make up my mind and ask them.

"Hey, could you two explain more about the 12 Dungeons in detail?" I asked.

Chibi Lilith and Dina looked at each other before Dina started talking.

(Before we do that, I have a question for you.)

"What?" I asked.

(What is an adventurer to you?) She asked me.

"Hmm. I know a lot of people get this weird preconceived notion that adventurer means going to a guild and doing requests, but obviously there's nothing like that in this world, so the children who think that tend to get disappointed. I've also heard there being some children who state they are going to make that idea of theirs real, but I've never heard of anyone succeeding." I explained.

Although I had not heard of anyone succeeding at the time, because I currently lived out in the sticks, I would later hear about a continent on the other side of the world where those kinds of people had established such a system.

"However, for me, an Adventurer simply means someone who is a carefree spirit that travels wherever the wind carries them." I answered.

I thought back to the day my fascination with being an adventurer and the 12 Dungeons began.

I had lost all of my memories from before 5 years ago. I was told my father and mother had perished in the accident and I was lucky to have survived.

Even after hearing that, I couldn't quite feel anything, I was depressed sure, but not because of my parents' deaths, but because I couldn't remember anything, even seeing their pictures felt more like a vague sense of familiarity than anything else. They were practically strangers, and only more strangers began to appear.

Until one day, a noisy old hag wearing a Head Nun uniform appeared, and declared "I'll take this child!"

After that, I began living with the old hag. It was rough in the first year, since I was so confused and torn on what to do from then on. No relatives or friends I could rely on to help guide me, only an old woman who kept her distance.

But, slowly, over the course of the second year, we began to come to an understanding of each other, and at some point, she had given me a book I took a slight interest in a while back.

The name of that book was titled "The Adventures of a Wandering Hero and How He Beat the 12 Dungeons!"

Of course, it was a childrens fairy tale book, but even so, I became fascinated by adventuring and conquering dungeons from that point onwards.

After finishing my reminscience, Dina and Lilith stayed silent for a bit.

Obviously they knew all about the second half of the story, because they read my memories, though I don't know if they knew about my memory loss at all, and they've never asked or brought it up before either, so I've never thought it important to tell them.

Still, I'm glad I was able to open up about this regardless.

Ah, I feel refreshed from that.

(Well, now that, that's done, how about we tell him, finally?) Lilith asked.

(Fine. As you wish, I'll explain the 12 Dungeons from the beginning, before going into more detail) Dina answered.

After that, I listened to Dina's explanation about the 12 Dungeons, most of it was what I already knew about with some new information added.

The 12 Dungeons did not originally exist in the world, hundreds of years ago.

The reason they exist now is because of a bet The Ruler of Heaven made with Lucifer, King of Hell.

Dina and Lilith couldn't say what the bet was about, but it's the true reason for the Dungeons existence.

Although each Dungeon is different in strength, most of them are not that difficult for strong warriors to beat, in fact all 12 have technically already been beaten.

However, even if a Dungeon has been beaten, it doesn't count as a "Conquer" and not only that, but nowadays many organizations around the world have control of at least one Dungeon, and those that don't are constantly fighting for said control.

The only exception is the three strongest Dungeons which are controlled by the three strongest religious organizations in the world.

The third strongest Dungeon, controlled by the religious cult called the "Duat". Apparently they come from a faraway place full of sand, little water, and extreme days and nights.

The second strongest Dungeon, controlled by the "Yggdrasil Faith". It's a ginormous religion that has splintered into many different branching religions, despite the original still going strong as well. Many of those branching religions are also in control of weaker Dungeons.

and then, the strongest Dungeon, the most difficult to clear and one said to make ordinary men into complete monsters, it's currently in the hands of the strongest known religous organization in the world "Olympus."

Rei Tachibana is a member of such a place, and is likely someone I'd meet again alongside many of her peers.

"I'm still not strong enough..." I muttered to myself.

(That's not entirely true, you were already able to avoid that woman's strikes and her ability pretty well. It's just a shame she has more experience than you~) Lilith said while trying to cheer me up.

(She's not wrong. You've got some good instincts, after all, you managed to avoid her "Relentless Onslaught" ability.) Dina continued.

"'Relentless Onslaught'?" I asked.

(Aside from being able to use your contracted partners magic attributes, you can also use their innate abilities. For instance, that Rei girl is contracted with a devil who's ability is called "Relentless Onslaught") Lilith explained.

(Basically, the ability works where you double the damage of your 'attacks', however you have to continously 'attack' with little to no pause in order for it to work, which is why she never once stopped until the end. In fact, if she hadn't stopped on her own accord, it's likely everywhere you were, including a large portion of the ground underneath you, would've ceased to exist~) She continued.

I see, then I guess since I'm contracted to both Lilith and Dina, that means I'll likely be able to use their innate abilities on top of magic?

Well, I'll leave that for later.

Right now, I'm kinda tired.


(Well, I suppose since that all worries are put away for now, you'll continue your training, right?~) Dina said ominously.

"Ah." Was all I could muster before internally cursing these two demons!

Despite all that happened, my training resumed like it was all a dream, that is, until one day, fate began to turn once more...