
Adventures with a Devil and Angel on my Shoulders

In this world, humans are a relatively weak race, however, they are also favored by the two strongest races, Devils and Angels, and after many trials a special bond was formed. Now, humans are granted the privilege to be chosen by either an Angel or Devil as a partner. However, what if someone were to be chosen by both sides? This is the story of a boy with such a twist of fate.

AgentBlue_Gaming · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 6 - Mysteries and Disatisfaction

My mood when I woke up could only be summed in one word: Damnit.

I kept thinking about that mysterious woman, and why she...

(Do you have a sister?~) Lilith asked.

"No. I'm sure you guys are aware, but, I don't have any memories from before the accident that killed my parents, but even so, there some things I have a good grasp on, like that I have a father, mother, and am an only child." I replied.

That woman was definitely gave off a vague sense of familiarity, but even so, I know for a fact she isn't my sister.

So, that begs the question, what is she? Why does she think I'm the one who killed my parents?

(I didn't want to bring it up, but it might be the only way to get answers. That man who took that girl away had a certain tattoo on him.) Dina said.

"Tattoo?" I asked.

(Yes. A symbol of a snake eating its tail, Ouroboros.) Dina answered ominously.

Even chibi Lilith looked rather solmn when hearing that word.

(A mark of a serpent? Doesn't it sound similar to-) Lilith asked seriously.

(Yes. Most likely, I'm trying to use all my available contacts in Heaven right now to gather more information, but at the moment, they seem to be occupying the 12th Dungeon, the "Dungeon of Hands") Dina explained.

"That's almost too conveinent." I muttered.

I was planning on starting with that Dungeon soon anyway.

(I know what you're thinking, but you're still not ready, or did you forget about last night?) Dina asked.

I couldn't help but click my tongue in frustration.

"I know. I just...don't feel satisfied with the result." I replied.

(That's natural. But before you go and declare a rematch with her, why not try to finish your training first? We won't ask you to complete the whole thing, but before you go to the 12th Dungeon, you must be able to complete the A section within the library.) Dina explained.

(You also need to be able to split ten perfectly lined up trees in a row, otherwise you'll be too weak to take on these unknown enemies.) Lilith continued.

"Unknown? I thought you and Dina already knew them? In fact, shouldn't you also know who that woman was?" I asked.

I was so preoccupied I completely glossed over this fact and couldn't help asking once I thought about it.

(Of course not. I might be known as the Angel of Wisdom, but I'm not all-knowing. I can't know every person in the world or those who wish to stay away from prying eyes after all. Most of the public strongman figures I know though, like those controlling the Dungeons or who have participated in the kingdoms Dungeon festival. But the 12th Dungeon was a place I only had a few months worth of news on, due to it's nature I hadn't been able to get valid information until today.) Dina answered.

"Special nature?" I asked.

(The 12th Dungeon is also known as the weakest one, which in turn, leads to many groups fighting over it, in fact, the person who controls the Dungeon changes almost every day, however news related to it about five years ago has been slowing down and now I have practically no idea what goes on inside that place anymore.) Dina explained.

"I see. If that's the case, then they could be incredibly skilled people, especially when considering what happened last night." I replied.

If that's so, then I guess I really do need to practice harder. I thought before steeling my resolve.