
Adventures with a Devil and Angel on my Shoulders

In this world, humans are a relatively weak race, however, they are also favored by the two strongest races, Devils and Angels, and after many trials a special bond was formed. Now, humans are granted the privilege to be chosen by either an Angel or Devil as a partner. However, what if someone were to be chosen by both sides? This is the story of a boy with such a twist of fate.

AgentBlue_Gaming · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 - The Strongest Swordswoman

What is with this situation...? Was the only thing I could think about as a crazy redhaired chick continued to swing her sword at me for no reason.

The more she swung her sword, the more dangerous a feeling I kept getting, so I tried to avoid coming into contact with her sword until eventually her sword pierced a wall behind me, and...

The wall ceased to exist, not even powder remained.

"The heck?!" I shouted as I continued to avoid this womans every strike.

"Stop running." She said coldly, with a hint of annoyance.

"Why the heck would I listen to someone who's obviously out to kill me?!" I shouted.

(This is pretty funny, right, Dina?) Lilith said eating popcorn in her chibi form on my shoulder.

(Actually, this is pretty bad. That woman there is Rei Tachibana, also known as the world's Strongest Swordswoman. She's known to be incredibly pretty and also really cruel.) Dina replied while sitting on my other shoulder in chibi form.

"What does that have to do with me?!" I shouted.

(Honestly, I don't know why she is targeting you, or even why she's all the way out here in the sticks, but what I can say for certain is that this is a rare chance for you.) Dina answered.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I kept running from the crazy chick known as the strongest.

(I mean, she isn't just the Strongest Swordswoman, she's also part of the strongest group of humans in the world, controlling the 1st Dungeon, Olympus. Normally it would be impossible to take on all those monsters right away, but since one of them is here anyway, why not do it now?) Dina replied.

"And what makes you say I can even take on that crazy woman?!" I yelled.

(Heh, I guess not enough time has set in for you to realize it yet. That training we had you do wasn't just pointlessly messing around, you know? You should understand if you think back on it a bit. Back to before you were contracted, what you were doing before.) Dina answered.

Back to what I was doing before? I was obviously training by trying to punch a rock in half, and reading up all the knowledge I could about Magic and how to aquire it, part of the reason I even wanted to be contracted with a Devil or Angel was because I read somewhere I could use magic if I did so.

Huh, that's right. I guess what they've been having me do is just what I've been doing since way before. I guess I just forgot for a bit.

And now that they mentioned thinking back, I somehow have been able to move my body way beyond what I should normally be able to before.

Is this because of the training?

(Partly. A big part of the reason you're still alive right now is because of me and Dina who are contracted to you. In other words, you're unconsciously using inhuman powers befitting of a contractor. However, you can only bring out a small portion of our combined strength, so keep that in mind.) Lilith explained.

Alright, then what do I need to do to win this fight?

(Just relax, stay calm, and focus on your breating. Regardless if it's martial arts or magic, breathing is the most important.) Dina answered.

Alright then, so if I simply close my eyes, take a deep breath in, ready my stance, and then just like in those old books I read, imagine the first thing that comes to my mind, a gust of air.

Suddenly I opened my eyes clenched my fists and threw the mightiest punch I could muster with the thought of violent winds flying towards the swordswoman.

Somehow, this completely caught her off guard and she stayed still, however I didn't use this chance to fight her, even if Dina said it was a good idea, I got the feeling I still couldn't beat her, besides I have no idea how I did any of that just now anyways.

Unfortunately, that woman kept following me throughout town, until eventually I lead her into the forest where I decided to confront her at last.

"What is your problem?! Why do you keep attacking me?!" I shouted.

"The Church wants you." Was all she said.

The Church, huh? Is it because of the uproar I caused a while ago? Or some other reason?

Well, it doesn't matter. I've decided to live my life as a free spirited adventurer anyways, so nothing will change my mind.

"Give up. You know you're outmatched." She declared.

I couldn't help but smirk and reply even as she thrusted her sword towards my head.

"Give up? Yeah right! I'm not going to give up until I achieve my goal of conquering all 12 Dungeons!" I shouted.

After I exclaimed that, the sword that was about to pierce my body stopped in it's tracks.

And the woman behind that sword slowly withdrew herself from the scene.

The hell? She left just like that?

(I guess your words left her so speechless she had no choice but to leave!~) Lilith said teasingly.

As if that's the real reason.

Still, I can't help but feel like a premonition of things to come.

(Anyways, with the distraction out of the way, why don't you go back to training?~) Dina said.

"But I haven't even gotten a break yet!" I complained.

As I continued to immerse myself in my carefree training, back at the Church of Worship.

Rei Tachibana had returned to give her report.

The Head Nun who was the one responsible for overseeing Laz's contracting ceremony, was looking over the documents related to the recent incident.

"So, basically, you gave up?" The Head Nun asked.

"I decided it wouldn't matter." Rei replied.

"What do you mean?" The Head Nun asked.

"He declared he'd 'Conquer' the 12 dungeons. His death is already assured." Rei answered.

"Hold on! I never said anything about trying to kill him!" The Head Nun shouted in panic.

"It's fine, isn't it?" Rei asked.

"What's fine about murdering someone?!" The Head Nun shouted.

"Don't you have revival magic?" Rei asked.

"That's not the point! I only asked you to bring him back so we could examine him! Not kill him! Don't you know if you kill him, his contracts are absolved! What would the point be in having him come back again if he can't contract with two different species anymore?!" The Head Nun cried angrily.

Rei Tachibana on the other hand couldn't understand the reason behind the Head Nuns anger.

"Ugh, am I really gonna have to ask that guy?" The Head Nun muttered.

"Don't even dare." A familiar croaky old voice echoed through the halls.

"Eh? Don't tell me, you're, the previous Head Nun?!" The current Head Nun shouted at the sudden appearance of a surprising old hag.

"Hey, did you really think I don't know what you're thinking? Anyways, stay away from that boy. He's got his own destiny to figure out." The old hag warned before vanishing into the night.

The current Head Nun couldn't help but feel as though a migraine was starting to form.

Meanwhile, I was continuing to undergo hellish torture behind human comprehension...