
Adventures of sapphire volpus

Are protagonist is killed and turned into a girl in a fantasy world and you guessed it, a system but lets see what happens to are new female protagonist, and what will he, well she do with this new life Ps I am not a writer and I ain’t very good at it also I am just bad at writing so hopefully I can improve as I go along. Hope you enjoy this. Pss if you can think of a better title please say, I’m not very good with naming things ( ´ ▽ ` ) Also It not my art so if the owner want to take it down just say so and I will, closest thing I could get to the protagonist I could get

riser_7877 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Shadow Corp member 1 " So, how should we tell him?"

Shadow Corp member 2 "Well, the truth, we did what he asked and followed the target. Only for them to disappear completely from the cave through some distortion that we wear unable to detect until after we were in the cave. And again as instructed we waited at least two hours before entering the area."

Shadow Corp member 1 "Understood, so what about the brother, are we going to tell him as well?"

shadow Corp member 2 "Ye, you go tell the brother, I will go and get the message to the employee."

The two figures then disappear into the woods heading in two different directions.

Jack's pov

Looking at his scroll, acid breather knight calling

Jack "So what's up acid breath."

Acid breather " Stop calling me that! I told you it's annoying."

Jack "But it's accurate, anyway, why are you calling?"

Acid breather " Well I was wondering, do you want to do a dungeon together, it's been ages since we last did one, oh and your team can join in if they want."

Jack" Well I would love to but I need to recover from Pam's mother as yesterday we went through one and Pam got some bad curse on her from the boss."

Acid breather " bummer, maybe in a couple of days then? We could do the dungeon, oh can we meet up today though, know it's early but my brother is being annoying and spouting stupid sh*t again and it's getting on my nerves."

Jack "Again, thought your parents would sort that out? From what you tell me they don't like that type of talk."

Acid breath " ye well, they said he will grow out of it with them around so they aren't too bothered about it. So you up for meeting up today?"

Jack "Sure, how about the fountain near the centre of the city?

Acid breath " sounds good, Meet you in like twenty-ish minutes."

20 minutes later

Jack is standing near a large but well-looked-after fountain, it is made of very smooth stone with 4 lions coming out of the sides of north south east and west.

Jack is wearing a basic white top with blue spirals, basic trousers and shoes with his storage bracket on.

"Om nom nom j ble jack over here"

As jack looks over to the person who is calling his name and eating. He sees a female with long ruffled hair that is black with green highlights, she has dark green eyes with slits similar to a reptile's and green markings near and around her eyes, a rugged high collard black cloak covers both shoulders and slips down her left side.

She has a necklace of teeth and a green top with long sleeves that have been ripped to become a crop top that covers her around c cup chest. She is very toned to Amazonian in build and has well-defined abs confidently showing, and light brown skin, from her shoulders to her wrists are green draconian tribal tattoos.

Her bottom half is covered with baggy trousers that are black in colour and a white waist sash to hold the trousers up and is bared-footed.

On her back there are draconic wings that are black in colour and a long, thick spiked tipped tail coming out of her tailbone also black in colour.

(I have pretty much ripped Acnologia from fairy tale and changed him to a she and made them green instead of blue, I know I know, I am brilliant. ( ^ω^ ) ps if I remember I will add a picture of a female Acnologia I took my "inspiration" from.

Acid breath " Heyy, how have you been jack, how long has it been a couple of months right, oh I've been good."

Jack " ... Are you really acid breath?"

Acid breath " I told you, stop calling me that! And ye I am. I just when through shedding not too long ago so now I am finally taller than you, and have even grown new assets ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). As she throws her hip to the side slightly.

Jack "Well you definitely act like the acid breath I know. Sigh."

Acid breath "Oh, you're still calling me that, guess I have to show you how much better I got at controlling my acid now." As she has a devilish grin grow on her face.

Jack "No no, that's ok Nyxondra." He says hastily

Nyxondra" That's disappointing, anyway anything interesting happens.

Jack " ye actually, we finally found my sister, umm are first meeting could have gone a little better.

Nyxondra "Oh now you've got to tell me what happens also congrats on finding her." With a joyful Smile.

Shadow corp member "Mr volpus I finally found you.

Jack " … what happened?"

Shadow corp member "It's about your sister …"

Jack cut him off" What do you mean, what did she do this time!"

Shadow Corp member "Well um, she vanished, miss volpus when to do a mission after splitting from your group yesterday, when we follow her inside the cave her mission was located, it was vacant and a spacial distortion was inside.

We tried to re-open it but it was impossible. Whatever had it open was most likely otherworldly and miss volpus when through most likely not knowing until it was too late."

Jack "… "

Nyxondra " … "

Sapphire's pov

Two months later

In a small tent.

So, from when I met with the resistance to now. When I entered their base of operations

With the rescued resistance members it was a massive hidden base made of red metal almost thrown together with three floors going up.

From what I can tell it seems to be a mishmash of architects from Orks and humans thrown together and it slightly resembles to me anyway, the boat's interior from dying light 2.

So when I got inside and talked with some of the resistance members it when suspiciously well, too well, as they didn't bat an eye after I stated I was an experiment sent here to try and assist them in ridding some of the Orks.

The leader is called Karen ( another reason why I am suspicious) and we had a talk that involve me helping them take down some new Ork camps that have popped up also they were very relieved I was able to save their captured people as it save a lot of resources and people.

On another note I now go out and help clear out ork camps with "fresh" Orks, still don't know what that means, oh and I do it with a team not normally the same people though, apparently I'm slightly too violent and trauma-inducing to new groups, it's like they have never seems someone ripped limb from limb before with I hardly believe that as it's the 40k universe after all. Not that I actually care though.

The only reason I am helping the strangers out is because of the quest and because it makes it so much easier to find where the Ork's bases are so I can get away from this universe quickly as I know I stand no f*king chance if I stay here too long.

Anyway, that is the quickest way to say what's happened without going into conversations and travel times and all the Ork killing, oh and I also absolutely, hole hardly f*king hate Ork speech I'm already getting mad thinking about it!

The only reason I am not worried about time too much is, according to the system lady when I go into other universes time pauses for other universes I come from or interact with so about a minute should have passed for Jack and Dad so ye no need to panic about that, oh and I have what, about 40-50 Orks I need to kill before I can go back home and see whatever surprise I have waiting there from the system.

{you forgot about the part where you got a bunch of people killed.}

" shut, they aren't meant to know all that."

{who are they?}

"The people reading obviously. "

{you really are going insane aren't you.}

{ Anyway, back on topic, it's not my fault you are bad at stealth and didn't think it through.}

"Well, I didn't think blowing something up would cause the Orks to execute the prisoners instantly."

{that's a stupid excuse.}


"I got another ability though, it's called crucible blade I'll bring it up.

{crucible blade }


{The crucible blade is an excessively sharp energy weapon that can cut through demons with ease and is one of the weapons that can neutralise a titan, however, a titan will rise again if the crucible blade is ever removed from the body.}

{ this skill allows the slayer to summon a crucible blade Freely an x amount of time a day without needing to craft one(this is still an option) and the more times the skill is used the more charges the summoned crucible blade will have per day allowing the slayer to eliminate multiple titans one after the other.}

Oh, my stats have also increased a bit over the last two months as well so killing these "fresh Orks" is even easier than before well not by much but it's still easier.


Name Sapphire Volpus

Titles reincarnated, intermediate monster3/5, reality/universe hopper, sarcastic b*tch

Level 26

Race transcended winter fox kin(feral)/ice fox monster/ hollow

Class none

Prestige class slayer

Alignment chaotic neutral

Age 15

Mama core D rank - red stage stable

HP - 5800

MP - 5430

STR - 470

DEX - 450

CON - 450

INT - 150

WIS - 110

CHAR - 100

Luck - 150

SP 0

Collected souls 0/300


Universe shop - locked lvl 50


Tell me, do you feel fear Orks?, Until it is done, Crucible blade, the secret art of running away


Monster physiology (physical)Ev 2/3, Monster core, Adaptability, Cold Immunity, ice resistance Ev 1/2, double sp, double exp, Beast kin physiology(winter fox), Ice magic{monster-innate}, spacial magic, gravity magic, fire magic(boon), lightning magic(boon), Boon of higher will, stone skin, high-level fast healing Ev5/5, pain resistance Ev5/5, feral fox claws Ev2/3, poison resistance Ev1/3, drug resistance Ev1/3, weapon mastery 1/100, Slayer Expert combatant 1/100, Transcendent physiology, Slayer strength 1/100, Slayer endurance and stamina 1/100, slayers speed agility and reflexes 1/100, Energy absorbance, soul absorbance, indomitable rage, indomitable will, locked, locked, locked, locked, locked, locked, locked, locked, locked, locked

Resistance member 1 "So why does this sapphire girl wear bandages constantly, is she injured?"

Resistance member 2 " honestly, no clue mate, but from what I hear she is reckless when fighting so probably, why are you asking?"

Resistance member 1 " well I was just wondering, if she is injured then why don't we help her out, we need to make sure she is warm and everything and well, if she is injured, she must be losing a lot of heat quickly so the only option would be skin to skin for the best help. A creepy smile start to form on his face the more he thinks about it the soon to be skin on skin.

Resistance member 2 " well now that you mention it she is the only female here, and she must be oh so scared by her self, and as the only men here we need to take responsibility after all."

As the both look at one another and then both walk toward sapphires tent.

As the two male resistance members that are apart of this three person team enter their third teammates tent then can see there female member sitting on her bed, her arm over one of her knees staring straight at them

With pure hatred filling them.

Sapphire then taps her foot, frost shoots out towards the two male members as the both move either side of the ray of frost going along the ground and past them.

Resistance member 1 " you missed… freak."

Resistance member 2 " t that was not meant for us, look." He says, panic can be heard from within his voice.

"What do you mean of course it was for us."

As he looks to where the ray of frost when, only to see it extent towards the entrance only for there to be a full wall of ice still forming, almost filling half of the entrance already.

"Why do you think that will accomplice? Think that will scare us, all you did was make it so we can be in here for longer."

Sapphire only continue to glare towards them for a couple more seconds before slowly standing up and walking towards the two men.

Sapphire slowly holds out her hand towards the arm of the second resistance member and grasps it.

Resistance member 1 " oh, it seems she known what she want, well might as well let you go first man."

The second resistance member has a perverted smile on his face.

A sound similar to a carrot or a crisp vegetable being torn in two can be heard.

The second resistance member now has two elbows in his now disfigured arm. As from the resistance member two's worthless mouth, a delayed anguished scream along with a large amount of saliva comes out from it before sapphire lets go, only for another similar sound to accrue along with the man's knee being caved inwards.

The first resistance member then swings towards sapphire

" seems like you want it rough first."

As his fist makes contact with sapphire multiple cracking and popping sounds can be heard as multiple fingers bend in on then selfs.

As a lovely sound enters sapphire ears, she looks towards the first resistance member and takes one of his broken fingers, gripping it slightly.

Seeing this the resistance member pulls back trying to get away only for his finger to dislocate and him being unable to get away.

Sapphire bring a single claw out from her pointing finger and slowly puts her nail underneath his, pushing it, and pushing it until the first of his ten finger nails comes flying off only to grab him by the head and twist his head 720 degrees.

The second resistance member see this and decides to instead take his life into his own hands, pulling a basic bolter out from his pocket and attempts to shoot sapphire in the head.

Seeing this, sapphire predict where the shot is going and moved accordingly, being able to move out the way and throwing two ice daggers at the second resistance member, being unable to move out the way fully flesh tearing apart could be heard as he was in-paled by the second ice dagger.

Making him die a quicker death Sapphire decides to drag the ice dagger across causing an even more horrid scream to come out, as the man's guts become visible, only for a gurgling sound to appear a couple second later with claws going through the man throat and cutting his wind pipe as he slowly chokes on his own blood.

Sapphire take the gun away from his hand effortlessly and lowers the ice wall so she can take a nice stroll after the sad insistent of an Ork killing her team members.


Hello views sorry for not uploading I sort of didn't know what to do for the story and stressed, and when I stress the way I deal with it is by ignoring the problem until it either goes away or I can figure out what to do.

Anyway another thing again sorry for the shorter chapter as I haven't wrote for a bit I sort of don't know where to take it so the chapter is a bit shorter then the previous one, hopefully it can get back to the longer lengths again.

Maybe I will try and figuring out how to make a basic outline of the story/chapter before writing it as at the moment I sort of write when ever and that become the lore or story for that chapter as I don't plan it I just start writing and going along with what ever come up in my head.

Anyway hopefully you enjoyed this chapter and you have a lovely day/night ps if you have any suggestions on where I could take this I would appreciate the comment or if you see a mistake I did not notice before you can point it out and I will do my best to correct it.

Good luck with everything (^^)

Hope people enjoy my chapter so what do stone do, I see there talk about give me stone and stiff but I have no clue what they do.

Anyway hope you enjoyed your read(^^)

riser_7877creators' thoughts