
Adventures of sapphire volpus

Are protagonist is killed and turned into a girl in a fantasy world and you guessed it, a system but lets see what happens to are new female protagonist, and what will he, well she do with this new life Ps I am not a writer and I ain’t very good at it also I am just bad at writing so hopefully I can improve as I go along. Hope you enjoy this. Pss if you can think of a better title please say, I’m not very good with naming things ( ´ ▽ ` ) Also It not my art so if the owner want to take it down just say so and I will, closest thing I could get to the protagonist I could get

riser_7877 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 20

{Sapphire, a reminder before we continue arguing you have forgotten to use your soul absorbance skill on the Orks before you sold them that could of help out greatly so I would recommend turning it on before doing anything.}

"Oh fantastic, you could have told me before! So, what did I miss out on it sounds important."

{soul absorbance on}

{well it's sort of random, but you gain perks that can assist you in your Slayer needs. So yes, it's kind of important. Oh and for the first perk, you will need to get 10 souls it will increase drastically afterwards.}

"well great so I miss out on some good old gambling fantastic." Sapphire says annoyed

"Heard 'umie speech ova ere."

One Ork can be heard not too far away, and after a couple of seconds, two more risks show up each one with basic clothing and some kind of crude sharp weapon that seems like an axe, sword and spear.

" so three enemies let's go after the spear one first then the other two are first come first serve." Sapphire thinks to herself before making three ice daggers and quietly charging them with mana by tapping her foot on the tree branch she is currently hanging off before throwing two of the three ice daggers into the spear Orks eye and throat, then as the two ice daggers explode she drops down throwing her final charged ice dagger at the foot of the sword-wielding Ork, which also explodes.

when landing sapphire dashes towards the dead Ork and pick up his spear, only to see a large shadow approach her, quickly spinning around, the spear in her left hand, she rises her right arm up and coats it in a layer of ice, blocking the axe heading for her head, sadly because of the thinness of the ice the axe embedded itself into sapphire's right arm but thankfully not going all the way through. Sapphire uses this to her advantage, shoving the spear into the jaw of the axe-wielding Ork, the spear going in one check and exiting through the other one she then tears the spear free, accomplishing a horrendous tearing noise as the flesh tears from the Orks face.

As Sapphire goes for another swing with the spear the sword Ork emerges, slashing down at Sapphire's right arm, the axe Ork then bear hugs her stopping her from moving, causing the sword to hit the axe still embedded in her right arm forcing it to completely cut through.

"oh come on I like that arm." Sapphire retorts

she then headbutts the axe Ork and digs her ice-covered clawed feet into in thighs, having the Ork lessen his grip enough for Sapphire to use her strength to get herself free, she then re-attaches her arm As she does so she summons a grenade from her inventory "let's test the potato masher then" as she pulls the pin? And slams it down the axe Orks throat and then explodes taking the head with it.

{why not use the bolter}

"fuck the bolter."

{what ever makes you happy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) }

sapphire " (⊙ _⊙ )"

"Anyway, let's see some more fireworks shall we."

As Sapphire gets out another potato masher grenade, pulls the pin and smashes the Orks head with it, having it explode taking the head off the Ork and damaging Sapphire's hand along with it.

Sapphire "Ow!"

{dumb ass.}

"shut up."

{three souls have been absorbed}

"Can I turn that off I can see that getting annoying."


{300 gold acquired}

(An hour later)

Crunch goes the skull under Sapphire's foot as another Ork has been killed.

{10 souls have been absorbed perk acquired }

{ perk Acquired until it is done}

{perk description}

{You gain a boost if you are facing more than 1 enemy of 5% in everything equal the number of enemies you face until they are all killed or run away.}

{Level up}

"That's a good ability, it seems the perks are actually good."

{Told you you were missing out}

As Sapphire goes from tree to tree she soon comes across a clearing opening into a large felled area, this felled area has a crude tall spiked metal fence coloured black and red with a large gate in the centre, inside what Sapphire can see are basic tents of different sizes.

As Sapphire was looking within. At the outpost, she spots an Ork dragging a female human with shackles into one of the larger tents.

{Hidden side quest found}

{Save the human prisoners from the camp}

{Saved 0/20}

{Depending on how many are saved will affect the reward}

"Brilliant, now I need to do a f*cking rescue mission I hate rescue missions always so tedious, but guess I will try." Sapphire stats irritatedly

sapphire quickly scouts out how many big tents there are and she spots 4 not too far from one another.

I guess I should do something to distract most of the Orks... ...

{Be careful sapphire if you think too hard you're going to steam.}

"aren't you funny. Now I do have bombs pretty sure I found a smoke bomb, and I have some guns and bullets that should contain gunpowder and metal, maybe I could start a fire somewhere and throw stuff, I could try using the guns... I should try doing it stealthily first and provide some weapons to the human captive as they could be useful."

Sapphire checks her inventory she finds a usable bolter, " finally I normal-sized bolter I can use."

{that's a bolt pistol.}

"ok? I don't care for the name I'm a defo use this when needed."

sapphire jumps from one of the sturdier tree branches and can land within the camp/outpost thing without issue.

{now playing metal gear solid 2 ost plant sneaking theme}

" I liked this game too bad I'm awful at stealth"

Sapphire then slowly makes her way around the outpost, avoiding Ork paths and some strange pig things. Diving in between smaller tents and metal objects, even taking a barrel she could fit inside into her inventory she slowly makes her way to the far right of the outpost just before she hears footsteps, so she takes out her barrel and it appears above her head and falling down perfectly on top of her as the Orks go past without suspecting a thing.

after waiting a couple of seconds Sapphire starts moving with the Barrel still on top of her and reaches her destination, a medium-sized tent, she quickly peaks in just in case it has some of the human captives within, thankfully it doesn't, what it has instead are supplies of more weapons which she takes a large number of supplies mainly different melee weapons but there is a good amount of ammo and a couple of guns that seem usable.

Sapphire takes a good amount before putting some of the gunpowder from some of the bullets into a small trail outside the tent before slamming some of the armour she gathers from the last outpost/camp she was at before, causing a spark to appear that goes down the trail and igniting the remaining ammo.

sapphire starts heading back towards the 4 large tents that should hold the human captives as a large explosion happens behind her, as her signal goes off she starts to hasten her pace towards the 4 tents making sure to take cover under her barrel before being spotted.

Hearing shouts and questions on her way back from the Orks heading toward her grand firework show, some saying things along the line of "Who is having so much fun without us."

"Did someone start a fight?"

"We killing?"

as Sapphire reaches the first of the 4 tents she can hear some Orks still inside watching their captives as Sapphire gets rid of her perfect camouflage she enters the tent with the bolt pistol in hand.

bang! Bang! Bang! Three shots could be heard as three Orks fall to the ground then Sapphire moves back towards the tent's entrance standing to the left as an Ork can be heard

" Yer shoota sounds wrong Boyz"

As an Ork enters the tent, only to fall to the ground gurgling as sapphire gets a sneak attack on the Orks throat with her claws.

"Hay girl, can you help us get out of these the key is on one of the Orks on the ground." a male voice says

sapphire then quickly searches all the Orks and finds the key, unlocking all five prisoners within the camp.

"so they sent a new member aye, weird get-up for a space wolf but thanks for the help." Another male voice says

"ye, you will get a good reward for getting us out maybe even a promotion." A girl says.

"she's a space wolf?! I thought she was a sister of battle she's about the right high, just got some weird modifications."

"Na, she's just a bit too short to be a sister of battle so she has to be a space wolf without armour or something."

"rrrright? Anyway, here are some weapons and a couple of grenades." Sapphire reply's

Sapphire then leaves and heads towards the second tent and can free the captives within this tent with no hassle as no Orks were within this tent.

Sapphire breaks the chains on the five humans within and also provides weapons for them."

"finally rescue has arrived, I told you the resistance didn't abandon us."

"ah whatever mate, let's just help the lass with getting the rest out and then we leave."

"right, understood, how many have you saved so far girl."

"Five before I got to you, pretty sure there are ten more."

"amazing work girl, now let's help the other 10 get out then we can leave."

Sapphire and the group of five people leave the tent but stopping them from going any further is around 20 Orks that have just arrived back from the 'fireworks' Sapphire had made.

{until it is done has activated}

as a sudden rush of pure energy floods Sapphire, filling her with power and the sensation of pure anger for the Orks p, her enemy ... her prey.

"that a lot of Orks and there decently will be more if we don't hurry up." One of the human males say

"F*ck the others I'm getting out of here ." Another male says

sapphire sips her head around and looks towards the male and stares daggers into him " ... you know accidents happen in combat, especially if someone has the back turned, I'd recommend you help get the others out I can deal with the Orks."


"wow, she really is a space wolf bit of the aggressive side though."

Sapphire faces the 20 Orks and instead of using the guns, weapons or other things she has on her she extends her claws, and fangs, covers them in ice, with hate-filled eyes, she then charges into the horde of Orks {playing Rip & Tear by Mick Gordon} as the words fill her head " RIP AND TEAR UNTIL IT IS DONE."

Sapphire charged faster than she could before straight into the horde of Orks, and as fast as she arrived two heads fell to the ground with so much ease Sapphire slightly stumbled but quickly recovered. Two Orks slash at her one for the arm and the other for her stomach, both connecting but doing a lot less than they should have done.

they still cut, but no wear as deep as they did before, seeing this Sapphire grabs one by the arm with immense strength and slight struggle she snaps it. Exposing thick bone, she then snaps the bone again, now with a sharp piece of exposed Ork bone she stabs the makeshift bone dagger into the not so well off Orks head, killing the Ork and leaving the makeshift bone dagger in its head.

Sapphire then slashes at the jaw of the other Ork, taking it clean off, only leaving the upper jaw and tongue to flail about as it attempts to scream, only to shove one of her claws through the bottom of the tongue into the skull, killing the Ork.

She then moves on to the next one, slashing the stomach open of one Ork she turns around and BANG! is hit with a shell from a shoota, and is knocked back a good few feet, only to get stand tall again before the Ork can hit her again she shoves a fellow boyz in the way of its next couple shots BANG! BANG! BANG! taking it in her place.

As she uses this ORK as an Ork shield she charges towards the Ork with a shoota, discarding the mangled corpse that is left she tackles the shoota Ork to the ground, ripping the shoota out of the Orks hand and shoving it down his throat, pulling the trigger, BANG!

Then with the shoota in hand pulls the trigger at another Ork, click, click the shoota no longer has ammo, so she does the next best thing, smashes the shoota into the closet Orks face causing the gun to break into pieces and follows it up with a high kick to the temple of the Ork's skull and with the claws slide right in, then right out.

with the remaining pieces of the broken gun still in her hand, she throws it Sporades on the Orks, she then once again kills another three Orks slashing at the throats.

Sapphire is then hit in the leg with a choppa causing her to fall to the ground only to stand back up almost instantly, she kicks the knee of the Ork that hit her, and as the Ork falls she grabs him by the head and slams her knee into it head a solid three times before the Ork hits the ground and she crushes his head between her clawed feet.

as she does this she makes multiple ice daggers and overflows then with mana and growing them into the horde, tapping her feet a couple of time before they land, causing multiple large explosions killing at least 7 Orks.

more Orks are filling in the gaps she made almost like it was a never-ending wave of Orks, and at that sapphire started to smile a sadistic grin. Sapphire then makes an ice dagger the size of a great sword and swings it down causing it to kill 5 more Orks before shattering and scattering the battlefield with ice shards.

{ perk Tell me, Do you feel fear Orks acquired}

{perk description You are able to put fear into the creature that has its name in this perk even if normally they are unable to feel fear and providing a small de-buff to some of their stats}

as sapphire acquires this she breaths in deadly before letting out a monstrous war cry full of rage as she continues her crusade against the Orks, she once again charges towards the Orks flooding into the battle never losing the smile as she takes a large choppa to her ice covered claws blocking it sending ice chards shattering across the ground.

locked in with the Ork cracking sounds can be heard as the large choppa starts cracking, the exploding apart before sapphire grabs the head of the Ork and shoves it towards the broken choppa before kicks it into the eye of the Ork, then while still holding on driving his head into the ground with a loud popping sound.

"um, should we help her out? There are a lot of Orks."

"Are you joking if we join in we will become like them."

"true maybe we should wait it out for now and talk to her after she calms down."

"I'm going to keep an eye out just in case more come."

"you think they have some war trucks for us to borrow?"

"let's take a look."

5 minutes later

Sapphire is still fighting with the Orks ripping them one by one until all that's left are corpses and a quiet battlefield with one person standing, drenched in blood still looking for the next victim. a war truck among the wreckage with the driver and Ork passengers impaled on the spiked Bullards.

{side quest complete 20/20 captives saved}

rewards exclude

5K gold


rebellion fame +20

{ until it is done has worn off}

"umm miss, you calmed down a bit yet." One of the rescued female humans says."

"What, oh ye I'm all good now, every one ok?" Sapphire reply's

"y ye we got some vehicles so we can leave whenever you're ready."

{side quest help the rebellion.}

"ok, we can leave now." Sapphire says

"A, are you sure you all good that was an intense battle you had."

" I'm all good, I assume you raided what you could."

"ye we got a bunch of supplies and food."

So Sapphire joins the twenty rebellion soldiers she has just saved and is heading towards their base of operation and thankfully nothing too much happens along the way, they pass through the Forrest, grasslands, and heathland.

Eventually, after dealing with a run-in with some mobile Orks they arrive at a hilly area that looks nothing like a base of operations but alas they continue forward towards it, and eventually, they come to a stop, two of the rebellion soldiers get off the war trucks from the Orks and take out a unique whistle that is an ocean blue and a specific engraving all through it, as the two soldiers use the whistle it makes a unique noise like a birds chirp and after a couple of seconds the rocks in front of them start shifting moving to the side, showing a metal door behind it.

The two walk up to the metal door and knock in three bursts of four knocks before saying "The crow claws when danger is near, the crow grows in number when murder is near."

A couple of seconds of silence later the metal door opens and they walk back to the war trucks they got off and everyone heads into the base.


extra story

jacks pov

whack, whack as Jack is hit on the head with a piece of paper.

"How could you do something so dangerous! There are school dungeons for a reason so things like that don't happen, and I don't care that yOu aRe tOo StRoNg for them you are not ready for real dungeons none of you!" Miss Jackson says fuming.

"Miss Jackson it won't happen again we promise," Sam replies

"your right you won't! Unless you want another beating for putting my daughter in danger."

"we said she will be fine, she just needs some rest." Jacks says

"And what if you didn't encounter that healer then, would things be fine then huh!"

Jack does not reply

"That's what I thought, now because of what you two did I will be having you help around my house and shop for the next two weeks."

"Ok, Miss Jackson," Jack replies

" up why is it only us two what about jacks sister she was the one who convinced us to go to that dungeon in the first place."

"there's a third person involved in this, where is she Jack, I need to do a talking to her as well."

"honestly I have no clue as I sent her away before coming here so she is probably doing a mission or it at home."

well then guess we will be seeing if she is at your home then won't we."

"Mum why are you so load I'm trying to sleep." Could be heard from palms room

"Pam, Pam you're ok." As Miss Jackson burst through Pam's room

"Yes Mum I'm ok now can I please get some rest I feel awful at the moment."

"oh sure dear, what ever you need." Miss Jackson says with a smile.

as miss Jackson goes turns around she sees Jack behind her, "This doesn't let you off the hook young man, also wears Sam?"

Jack looks around the house, only to see the front door slightly open.

"Sam why, why did you leave me here alone! With the wrath of a mother."

"well before the wrath of a mother hit you again Jack, why don't you tell me about your sister that you never told me about." Miss Jackson says with a mischievous grin.


hello readers, hope you enjoyed this chapter, for some reason, it took me literally until 7 am to finish this from when I uploaded the update yesterday night, I'll be honest I did not think it would take me this long to write a chapter, so I hope it was a good one, I know I do need a lot of improvements in my writing ability and skill but hopefully it improves the more I do this.

oh and how was the small bonus story I might do that to expand on some bits or to hopefully get some of the characters more fleshed out.

if you can think of anything I should improve on, implement or add to the story please comment and I will do my best to do so, also say if I have made a mistake somewhere or miss-remember something that would be a great help. ^ - ^

Have a great day/night see you next time
