
Adventurer In The Multiverse

Lucifer dies to save a little girl from an accident. Now GOD gives him the chance to reincarnate in the Marvel Universe. He will be the strongest, he will travel worlds, he will obtain all that there is to obtain "Now that I'm here all those cosmic beings beware, I'll soon stand on top!" -------------------- Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of characters from the Marvel Universe or credit regarding the existence of this characters or content.

Eroevolution · Others
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26 Chs


A couple months later, Starfold building, basement.


"There" Lucifer exclaimed as he put the last piece on his latest project.

"Powering up sir…Safety parameters online, anti-hijacking measures are on full, Svalinn Shield in full operation" The AI's dutiful voice responds.

'Success!!! With this my building won't come down when the battle of New York occurs, while also providing with shelter for citizens. The perk of unlimited clean energy is just a bonus as are the assistant drones.' Lucifer smirks as he mentally lists the benefits of his new invention

"Lucifer, you handsome dog, you've outdone yourself" The narcissist praises.

"Ahem" A voice breaks into Lucifer's moment

"Thank you, as always M.I.N.E.R.V.A what would I do without you" Wiping sweat from his brow, Lucifer relays his gratitude to the AI

"Lay in the floor while being pummeled" The AI grumbles, still bitter over the past experience.

"Sigh…" Lucifer scratches his head as he walk to the elevator.

"Bio room" Lucifer utters as the elevators door closes and the lift begins.


The elevator sounds, as it arrives at its destination and as its door opens a highly scientific room is unveiled.

This was the Bio room, the room in its entirety had long white tables, in many places that were filled with countless vials, filled with diverse colored substances and the latest equipment from the field of genetics, health science and various other biological branches. Rows of data lined glass boards on most spots of the room, while the wall were littered with blood, chemicals and a number of different scans, whether from a brain, an arm or even seemingly none human parts.

At the rooms center a holographic model of the human anatomy could be seen, which could be used to review the diverse effects and side effects of any experiment a human body could be made to undergo, such as drugs, radiation, all manner of cuts and bruises, diseases, extreme treatments and more.

Stepping into the room Lucifer orders "M.I.N.E.R.V.A bring out the samples available till now and calibrate the interface to my bodies specifications, it's time we test out a few theories"

"Understood sir, retrieving Extremis sample 002752, Bruce Banner engineered super soldier serum sample 00057230, Steve Rogers derived super soldier serum sample 003452, from the digital file" M.I.N.E.R.V.A informs.

Rapidly the holographic anatomical image in the center of the room morphs and as it takes on the likeness of Lucifer, it slowly gains height, width, length, becoming a solid construct, no different from the object around it.

As it finally turns solid, two panels are flipped on the ground near it, through which two mechanical arms and a small table with a number of syringes, filled with white transparent liquids, come out, and if you could just take a special lens, you would be able to notice how in this liquids, code flowed.

"Injecting first test sample, Steve Rogers derived super soldier serum. Deploying microinjections to mayor muscles groups in three, two, one" M.I.N.E.R.V.A's voice signals the initiation of the long day of tests.

As Lucifer stood a couple of meters away, he couldn't help but put on a more serious expression as the experiments he based most of his future plans renewed.

"Commencing Vita Ray irradiation simulation… 10% Saturation… 20%... 30%... 40%... 50%... 60%... 70%... 80%... 82%..." The AI says as the construct is enveloped in a metallic cocoon, within which agonizing screams could be heard as soon as 82% is reached.

Screams which caused Lucifer to frown and ultimately gave him the answer he least liked.

"Experiment failure, Subject's body couldn't handle the process… Yet sir mustn't get depressed, factoring in your soul's ability, the experiment may succeed immediately" The AI reported, but upon noticing its master's present condition choose to cheer him up.

"It's ok M.I.N.E.R.V.A. Let's just proceed with the next test, but do lower the dosage of serum, it might have been too high" Lucifer calmly says.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Commencing experiment. Administering microinjections, three, two, one… Vita Ray saturation at 10%...20%...40%...70%...92%"

Again a short shrill sounds, as the simulation forcefully terminates.

"Experiment failed…"

"Again" Spoke Lucifer.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Experiment initializing… 20%...50%... 87%"






- - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Saturation 100%. Sustaining for five seconds at current output, five, four, three, two, one… Checking subject's parameters, all approved. Sir we did it!" As a blinding light goes off, the M.I.N.E.R.V.A cheerfully comments.

While Lucifer upon hearing the news grew ecstatic, hastily activating a glyph, his eyes shone with blinding splendor, yet as his gaze fell on the Subject, his smile disappeared and a frown took its place, as he lowered his head.

"No…" Lucifer states, albeit depressed as his eyes return to normal.

"No? But sir the experiment was a success. All safety parameters were no breached, subjects health did not drop below 70%. Height, muscle mass, cognitive abilities, all were improved. Where does the error lie?" The AI lists, in obvious disbelief at its master's statement.

"Not all abilities were improved… Check subject's physiological response to diverse situations, also analyze subject's newfound physical prowess, speed, power, endurance, all aspects… Check mental capabilities as well, intelligence, insight, memory functions, all aspects on this as well" Lucifer pronounces in a somber tone.

Not convinced the AI nonetheless, did as instructed "Gathering data, simulating environments and stressful situations in virtual reality, preparing trials. Measuring subject's response to present factor…" The AI intoned, as it gathered all pertinent data on subject

A brief moment later, the test finishes and the AI meekly speaks

"Sir… It is as you said, the test was a failure. The subject exhibited high aggression and power seeking tendencies, its mental faculties diminished and while it did exhibit abnormal levels of superhuman strength, speed, endurance and other areas where abysmally low… I regretfully inform it was a failure once more"

"I know…" Lucifer utters and pauses.

"It would seem sir's initial prediction is correct. Host must acquire a perfect mental state and more aged body before attempting another round of experimentations" The AI informed Lucifer of it's findings.

"I know…" Stated again.

'It would seem I have to wait a couple more years, while diminishing my heroic activity. Abraham Erskine's serum really is a wonder, amplifying all faculties in the human body, even bad ones. He was right in choosing Cap, only he possessed the qualities…'

Lucifer depressingly thought, but clenching his teeth and shaking his head, he renewed his determination for triumph and said.

"But I will succeed yet! Never surrender and I will eventually get it done!"

"M.I.N.E.R.V.A shelf Rogers sample for latter date, begin Extremis experimentation, we can surely tweak it till it fits my standards"

"Beginning sir"