
Advent of the New World - Rise of the Celestial Empire

The greatest enemy and obstacle David Kingston has ever faced is his own sense of boredom. In an effort to escape this seemingly omnipresent feeling, he has pledged to become the Primordial Dungeon Master, One of the Creator's Primary Apostles, as well as the next Leader of The Human Realm. This is the story of his journey to quell his eternal sense of boredom and become one of the strongest beings to ever exist. Additional Tages include; Non-Linear Story Telling, Godly Powers, Tragic Pasts, and Wars Between Worlds [Stop by my discord if you want to comment directly as I support all CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I will leave a link at the bottom of chapter 1.] Disclaimer: I do not own my cover image and will eventually commission one that belongs to me.

Azuroth · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 14: Guild Cards

[Owner of Guild Card - Bruno Silva

Age: N/A

Race/Species: Sukah (Berserker)

Level: 1

Job(s): Summoned Hero Level 1, Magic Warrior Level 1

Rank/Tier: 2

Vitality: ???

Mana Reserves: 1,000,000

Strength: 20,000

Defense: 15,000

Agility: 20,000

Speed: 15,000

Stamina: 15,000

Intelligence: 2,500

Health: ???

Lifespan: ???

Kibo Phantasm: Tome of Knowledge

Inherent skills:

Bloodwork (Active)

Hypersensitivity (Passive)

Ultra-Regeneration (Passive)

Codex of Time (Passive)

Expansive Mind (Passive)]

[Owner of Guild Card - Elena Silva

Age: N/A

Race/Species: Celestial Fae - Half-Blood True Dragon of Spatial Boundaries

Level: 1

Job(s): Summoned Heroine Level 1, Mage Level 1

Rank/Tier: 2

Vitality: 70,000

Mana Reserves: 2,000,000

Strength: 10,000

Defense: ???

Agility: 17,500

Speed: 1,500

Stamina: 8,000

Intelligence: 1,500

Health: 700,000

Lifespan: 1,000,000

Kibo Phantasm: Spatial Barrier

Inherent Abilities:

Codex of Space (Passive)

Spatial Malestorm (Active)

Aegis (Active)

Barrier Magic (Passive)

World Shift (Active)]

[Owner of Guild Card - Natalia Silva

Age: N/A

Race/Species: Celestial Fae - Earth and Astral True Fae

Level: 1

Job(s): Summoned Heroine Level 1, Mage Level 1

Rank/Tier: 2

Vitality: ???

Mana Reserves: 2,000,000

Strength: 1,000

Defense: 10,000

Agility: 7,500

Speed: 1,000

Stamina: 8,000

Intelligence: 2,000

Health: ???

Lifespan: ???

Kibo Phantasm: Phantasmal Gloves (Not Yet Manifested)

Inherent Abilities:

Descent of Earthly Spirits (Active)

Codex of Earth (Passive)

Summoning and Contraction Magic (Passive)

Celestial Body (Passive)

Tectonic Shift (Active)]

[Owner of Guild Card - Justin Ventura

Age: N/A

Race/Species: Astral True Giant

Level: 1

Job(s): Summoned Hero Level 1, Axe Master Level 1

Rank/Tier: 2

Vitality: ???

Mana Reserves: N/A

Strength: 100,000

Defense: 100,000

Agility: 1,000

Speed: 800


Intelligence: 2,000

Health: ???

Lifespan: ???

Kibo Phantasm: Heaven Cleaving Skyrim

Inherent Abilities:

Stellar Descent (Active)

Giant's Blood (Passive)

Giant's Rage (Active)

Ultimate Sacrifice (Active)

Magic Suppression (Passive)]

Elena, Bruno, Natalia, and Justin stood in a circle atop the altar beneath the Divination Crystal with their statuses revealed as projections of multicolored before them. The projections of light were released from crystal cards that they held in their hands.

These were their recently created Guild Cards, and they were blue in color, carrying the clarity of high-grade diamonds.

"You all can use these Guild Cards in order to prove your identities when entering the various cities, fortresses, castles, ect. Of this world. This is due to the fact that while information can be hidden on a Guild Card's projection it cannot be falsified. It also cannot be viewed without its owner's permission unless one wields a high leveled Appraiser or Diviner job. In the future since your blood has already fused with your Guild Cards the information contained within will automatically update. Along with this the Guild Cards will continue the process of binding with your bodies and souls, allowing for more things to be viewed through them."

Luna explained from her position next to Delilah at the altar's base.

Delilah nodded in agreement before speaking, " En. This is correct, and it seems you have already achieved the second rank and created your Ruhka. In addition, you all possess frighteningly high stats, that would be envied by some of the less talented adventures at even the 5th or 6th Rank."

"That's true, but I wonder what those 'Kibo Phantasms' are. They could possibly play a role in such high stat values." Luna spoke with a curious expression as she looked over their stats.

Quite a few questions went through Bruno's mind but he chose to focus on one of the more pertinent ones as he asked, "What exactly do you mean by rank?"

"Here on Cornith the cultivation of Origin Qi, the energy of life, is crucial to the evolution and purification of one's body and Bloodline. There are many different stages of cultivation that correlate to the various ranks. The first rank is the bringing of Origin Qi into the body and the opening of one's meridians. The second begins with the creation of one's Ruhk. While on this subject, you have most likely noticed the Level section as well. Levels are a quantification of one's progress. So a Rank of 4 and Level of 47 would mean that one has progressed along the 4th stage of cultivation by 47 percent. Jobs have levels as well, with each Level representing the level of mastery you have achieved over your Job. It is common for Jobs to evolve once they reach Level 100, but they sometimes don't because you're lacking in some area. Similarly just because you reach Level 100 doesn't mean that you will reach the next Rank, as each stage of cultivation has certain requirements. For example, the baseline requirement for one to reach the third Rank, completing their second evolution, is for one to completely saturate one's body with refined Origin Qi. One must then undergo some form of catalyst causing their bodies to undergo an evolution."

Delilah's explanation was concise and differed in some areas from what Gregory had told Sabrina and the others upon their arrival.

Bruno's initial confusion was cleared up, as he began to stroke his chin.

"As I thought the cultivation here is similar to the other's after all..." Bruno muttered to himself as he compared what he had just heard from Delilah to what he had learned from his visits to different worlds with The Milky Way; unaware that the omnipresent Heavenly Will ensured that all cultivation paths could be different, they would still be parallel and led to the same destination. He then happened to notice the word Sukah under his Race/Species section.

As he remembered that Luna had said that she recognized they were of the same Race due to his smell, he had to madly reduce the urge to open his Tome of Knowledge and spiral into a bout of reading.

Elena, witnessing the tensing of her cousin's fingers that gripped the book in his hand, gently shook her head in resignation as she thought; "This damn egghead is useless as a leader, why couldn't we at least get Elizabeth. She may be an egghead too, but at least she understands that there is a time and a place for such distractions..."

Natalia, taking note of both, her cousin's internal struggle and her sister's look of irritation, understood that the responsibility fell upon her to continue the conversation with Delilah, as Justin wasn't much of a talker.

She quickly stepped forward and cut off the flow of Mana between her and her Guild Card.

She then turned and gave Delilah and Luna a warm smile, that could throw a kingdom into upheaval.

"What's next?" She asked.

Delilah nodded in understanding as she spoke; "Well the original plan was to give you a more in-depth tour of the city and its defensive structures and show you maps of its surrounding territory tomorrow. But, on second thought why don't we push all of that back a few days and give you all some time to adjust in your pre-arranged living quarters?"

"Sounds good." Natalia nodded in agreement.

She grabbed Justin's free hand, who had kept his own Guild Card when she did and proceeded down the altar.

Elena began to follow after them when Bruno brushed past her in a hurry and spoke; "Put some pep in your step Elena, I've got places to be."

"Egghead!" She snorted as her eyes twitched and she just barely managed to resist the urge to punch him in the back of his head.

She took a calming breath before following him down the altar, where Delilah and Luna were speaking their goodbyes.