
Advent of the New World - Rise of the Celestial Empire

The greatest enemy and obstacle David Kingston has ever faced is his own sense of boredom. In an effort to escape this seemingly omnipresent feeling, he has pledged to become the Primordial Dungeon Master, One of the Creator's Primary Apostles, as well as the next Leader of The Human Realm. This is the story of his journey to quell his eternal sense of boredom and become one of the strongest beings to ever exist. Additional Tages include; Non-Linear Story Telling, Godly Powers, Tragic Pasts, and Wars Between Worlds [Stop by my discord if you want to comment directly as I support all CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I will leave a link at the bottom of chapter 1.] Disclaimer: I do not own my cover image and will eventually commission one that belongs to me.

Azuroth · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 13: Azure Dragon

Darkness now reigned over the entire Dungeon.

The black hole sat in the sky above, absorbing all rays of light within, along with the ambient Mana and Origin Qi.

The ground began to crumble and rise upwards into the pitch-black sky and swirl around the black hole like a miniature galaxy.

The black hole gradually increased in size as it sought to devour and assimilate everything around it, even the stars above seemed to sink downwards.

Yet an incomparably majestic mountain erected in the Dungeon's center remained unaffected. An azure-colored barrier had expanded outwards from its center, shielding it and the tens of miles around it from the black hole's attractive force.

A countless number of the Dungeon's inhabitants rushed toward the barrier in order to escape the fate of being pulled into the black hole with no means of escape. Their bodies were smoothly allowed entry into the barrier and they bowed piously towards the mountain in thanks.

The two women were now supporting one another's tired bodies as they hovered in the air above the mountain and peered at the black hole on the other side of the azure barrier.

"That was a close call. For some reason, I have the feeling, that if we had continued to fight with him for much longer he would have brought even greater harm to Mistress Erena." The woman wearing a pleated skirt and white shirt spoke.

The other woman responded bluntly: "I feel the same, but massive damage was done to the Dungeon already, which is most assuredly harmful towards Her Highness. But, what's worse is we had to resort to using 'Midnight's Obliteration'. As a result, Her Highness must be facing even greater stress in order to maintain the barrier. The man truly deserves death, my only regret is a missed opportunity to kill him myself!"

Her bloodthirst was palpable as a cold light flashed in her eyes.

At this moment a melodious voice resounded in both of their minds: "Akame relax, the threat has been contained and his death most assured. That being the case, the two of you quickly return to my side and rest."

"Yes." Both women responded in conjunction and their tense nerves began to relax.

The dark-haired woman, Akame, cast a final glance at the black hole before the two of them turned around and headed for a small entrance located at the mountain's base.

They walked into the entrance and proceeded down a long hallway leading deep within the mountain.

After a while, they reached a regal hall decorated with sconces carrying a blue flame and saturated with a calming Divinity that soothes one's very soul.

A woman of serene beauty sat in a meditative pose in the hall's center, exuding a comforting aura that seemed to envelop one within.

Her skin was pale white and carried a slight blush contrasting with her black dress and red hooded cape.

Her cape possessed golden embroidery and a blue lining, while the skirt of her dress was designed in a layered fashion.

She had luscious golden-blonde hair tied into a pair of twin tails by red ribbons, with some of her hair forming two bangs that hung over her forehead.

A black tiara rested gently upon her head.

Their beauty paled in comparison to hers and the two quickly adopted subservient auras in her presence.

Her crimson eyes slowly fluttered open and she have a serene smile as she spoke:" Akame, Maya, This Princess is truly useless having to rely on the two of you for protection all these years after a small accident in cultivation. Sigh... What would my sister say if she saw me like this barely able to move? Only capable of relying on my Divine Edicts to erect some form of defense when my own Dungeon is under siege after those around me have done all the hard work."

Her words carried no small amount of sadness as she mocked herself.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Just as the two women were about to speak up the world quakes as enormous explosions rang out.


A few moments prior.

David was once more surrounded on all sides by darkness. This darkness came in the shape of flames that were simultaneously sweltering hot and freezing cold and devoured the essence of everything they touched.

"This seems familiar." David laughed to himself despite the situation.

A key factor in his current calmness was the golden sword grasped within his right hand. It released intense rays of golden light which kept the flames in his immediate vicinity at bay, while also filling him internally with a sense of warmth and calmness.

He wrapped both of his palms around the sword's grip and raised it before him, focusing his attention on the connection established between him and the sword.

"From Light comes All-Devouring Darkness and from Darkness comes All-Illuminating Light." His voice resonated throughout the darkness which attempted to drown it out as he spoke in a Primordial Language.

His aura began to surge and his wings extended outwards as his body began to release Divinity in the form of endless rays of golden light. He simultaneously channeled three of his innate abilities; 'World Sovereign', 'Inedible Marks', and 'Primordial Source'.

'Inedible Marks' acted as a supportive ability for 'World Sovereign'; allowing him to extend its reach to any part of the world his Divinity or Soul had interacted with previously.

'Primordial Source' allowed him to create endless amounts of Mana and Origin Qi through the consumption of his own vitality, or absorb them from the world around him and convert them back into their original states before using them as he saw fit.

As such it was the perfect ability to use while contained within 'Midnight's Obliteration', which itself absorbed all of the Mana and Origin Qi in its surroundings for thousands upon thousands of miles.

When he used all three abilities in conjunction with the abilities of the sword in his hand golden light continued to bombard the flames of darkness surrounding him.


The light soon overran the black hole from within and cracks began to spread along its outside surface.

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Boom!"

A golden light began to escape the cracks, causing them to rapidly expand before eventually the black hole exploded and crumbled apart.

As it did golden light instantly exploded outwards and covered everything inch of the Dungeon, shining down on the earth below and illuminating the vast night sky above.

As it did David became one with the world in the truest possible sense. His will now ruled high above all else, effectively replacing the Heavenly Will which had long since faded from the Dungeon with the destruction of the Realm Gates which previously anchored them within, and the Divine Edicts whose control had been eroded by the black hole.

Yet, even though his will reigned above all it didn't infringe upon the world or alter its natural flow.

This was due to his fifth Inherent Ability; 'At Peace With The World'.

This ability made it so that when he used 'World Sovereign' to subject the world to his will he wasn't truly manipulating or altering 'it', 'it' was instead acting to fulfill his desires. In this way, the world catered to his whims.

The world calmed as the Dungeon began the process of mending itself as the sun began to peek out from the eastern edges of the sky.

David slowly opened his eyes and focused his gaze on the only section of space within the Dungeon where his will was not supreme, the mountain and surrounding forest contained within the azure barrier.

He grasped the sword in his hand and angled it at the barrier's topmost point.

The markings along the sword's body progressively lit up as he channeled Divinity into the sword again.

A rotating beam of golden light shot forth from the sword and slammed into the barrier.

As it did ripples began to spread across the barrier's surface and David's eyes glowed with golden light.

The ripples became increasingly exaggerated. Soon the mountain quaked before it lit aglow with more azure-colored light as a massive wave of Divinity reinforced the barrier. Seeing the barrier begin to stabilize, David once more activated 'Primordial Source' and began drawing power from the rest of the Dungeon. He quickly converted it into Divinity which he channeled into his sword.

The golden beam of light began to rapidly expand as gales of golden wind began to swirl around it.

The gales of wind forming at the point of impact were especially strong, making the clouds in the sky disperse as the barrier began to crack.

It soon gave out completely and shattered into countless motes of light.

The blue points of light then gathered together to form an Azure-colored dragon resembling those of western-myth.

Its body stretched for miles and its wings could eclipse the stars.

It spat out a beam of azure-colored light that counteracted David's forcing a brief stalemate.

"Hmph!" He snorted and stopped his attack.

He then flapped his wings and took off at the speed of light, dodging the dragon's attacks as he progressed toward it.

His sword dragged in the air behind him and began to grow in length.

When he had created he had used 'Bestowment' to give it an ability similar to his sixth Inherent Ability 'Polymerization'. This allowed it to change forms when imbued with Divinity while also evolving new abilities as the Anima taking form within continued to grow.

By the time he appeared before the dragon after dodging countless attacks, the sword was hundreds of feet long.

The dragon reangled its beam of light directly at his body when he appeared, forcing him to divert the attack upwards with the flat side of the blade as he continued to rush forwards.

He circled around to the dragon's body and threw the sword with all of his body strength.

The sword produced a sonic boom as it transformed into a spear that pierced through the dragon's body and nailed it to the ground below.

The dragon released a Heaven-piercing roar of anguish as it struggled to rise up.

As it did the spear shot out barbs which entrenched it in the ground and golden chains of light wrapped tightly around the dragon's body, giving it no chance at escape.

David chose not to waste more time with the struggling beast and continued onwards, making his way to the entrance at the mountain's base.

At this moment Akame and Maya, the woman with draconic features, rushed out from the mountain's depths and their eyes widened with shock at the scene before them.

David didn't bother to strike up a conversation, instantly appearing at their backside he gave them each a quick palm chop to the neck, knocking them unconscious, their eyes going completely white.

He then folded his wings and proceeded along the path they had previously returned from.