
Advent of the New World - Rise of the Celestial Empire

The greatest enemy and obstacle David Kingston has ever faced is his own sense of boredom. In an effort to escape this seemingly omnipresent feeling, he has pledged to become the Primordial Dungeon Master, One of the Creator's Primary Apostles, as well as the next Leader of The Human Realm. This is the story of his journey to quell his eternal sense of boredom and become one of the strongest beings to ever exist. Additional Tages include; Non-Linear Story Telling, Godly Powers, Tragic Pasts, and Wars Between Worlds [Stop by my discord if you want to comment directly as I support all CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I will leave a link at the bottom of chapter 1.] Disclaimer: I do not own my cover image and will eventually commission one that belongs to me.

Azuroth · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 15: Locating The Others

Bruno was sitting in the garden behind the library as he moved the Origin Qi and Mana throughout his body.

When he sensed them reach a type of equilibrium and released a breath of relief. He gradually opened his eyes and gazed at the starry sky above.

"It's time." He spoke aloud before rising to his feet and walking back into the library.

When they had originally arrived a few days prior, the library's shelves were already stocked with hundreds of books pertaining to Cornith's history, geography, various religious practices and customs, magical advancement, etc.

Bruno had immediately fallen in love with the library and hadn't left for days. Opting instead, to have his meals brought here as he lost himself in the study.

He had even requested that more books be delivered for his study, taking a particular interest in those related to Lost and Ancient forms of magic.

The others had instead decided to familiarize themselves with their living quarters and their bodies' recent evolutions.

They had also devoted themselves to adjusting to the density of Corinth's Mana which was a few times higher compared to even the most Mana-dense planets they had visited in the past and was countless times higher than Earth's. Its gravity was also stronger than that of Earth, so they needed to adapt to it as well.

Elena and Natalia soon realized that they could now fuse the Mana that their souls had refined with the Origin Qi that saturated their bodies. As a result, they too had secluded themselves and refrained from exploring the city under Delilah's guidance.

Although he could sense it Justin had never been able to manipulate Mana and his body had always been resistant to its effects. As a result, his body had always been a topic of research among the Magic Scholars of The Round Table, he had also been used to test Magical Weapons and explore danger zones on various planets as Earth expanded its reach across The Milky Way.

His body's properties hadn't changed since their arrival on Cornith and had instead been enhanced countless times, as his body now actively suppressed ambient Mana.

Yet, he was now able to sense Astral Qi and his body produced even denser amounts of Origin Qi than the others, which was of a purer quality.

According to Delilah, Cornith contained three types of Qi; Origin Qi, Astral Qi, and Demonic Qi. Astral Qi was a form of Qi emitted by astral bodies such as; the sun, the moon, and the various stars.

Astral Qi naturally suppressed Demonic Qi and possessed some of the qualities of Mana and was just as conducive to the evolution of the physical body as Origin Qi. Yet, it was very elusive in nature and only those possessing an Astral Constitution could cultivate it.

Due to this, many of its various properties were still unknown.

Demonic Qi could be sensed by all lifeforms, yet monsters lacked the intelligence to absorb it, and every other lifeform besides Demons ran the risk of suffering Qi deviation and losing their minds if they absorbed it.

Origin Qi was very gentle in nature and could be absorbed by all as it was the basis of life.

That leads us to now. Books were currently stacked haphazardly across the library's surfaces and maps were stretched across the walls. There were also crates containing various magic materials that Bruno had requested for research.

Bruno walked over to his prearranged space at the center of the library and took out his Tome Of Knowledge. He then began to channel the Divinity he had cultivated over the past few days into.

The book soon left his grasp and began to float in the air before him as it flipped open to a set of blank pages.

He then focused his mind on the bindings of fate which tied him to David, Sabrina, Elizabeth, Alexandra, Eric, Marcus, Akatsuki, and Akane.

As he did a golden Magic Circle resembling a compass slowly spread outwards from his feet. It soon spread across the entire library and the courtyard beyond.

Vast quantities of Mana and Origin Qi began to surge into his body before quickly coming together to form countless strands of Divinity which flowed into both The Tome of Knowledge and the Magic Circle beneath his feet.

Golden orbs of ethereal light began to wink into existence in the space around him. They gave off an ancient and time-worn aura as if they had existed since the beginning of time.

His eyes then began to release a similar light and aura, as his pupils became vertical slits and his mind grew calm as it connected with The Heavenly Will.

Gentle swirls of air began to cycle in the area around him and waves of both Mana and Origin Qi continued to rush into his body.

As they did, he focused his mind on the singular goal of locating the others within the chaotic flow of time that surrounded Cornith.

The needles of the Magic Circle resembling a compass soon began to move and Bruno began to move his hands with unparalleled nimbleness and he gracefully inscribed golden-colored symbols in the air.

As he did the cycling air around him became more violent. As it did, it whipped his already messy hair into a frenzy and the waves of Mana and Origin Qi rushed into his body with even greater momentum as they gathered from all across the city, causing everyone within to notice the change in their natural flow.

The symbols began to arrange themselves into specific lines of text, which only he could understand, before imprinting themselves upon The Tome of Knowledge's open pages.

After he drew the final symbol the gales of wind began to calm as the compass needles came to a stop.

The flow of the ambient Mana and Origin Qi quickly returned back to their natural course and the light faded from his eyes as his pupils regained their natural shape.

He then reached forward and took the book into his hands as the Magic Circle completely faded from view.

As he looked at the golden symbols now inscribed within, waves of information surged into his mind.

He sat on the ground with his legs crossed beneath him and closed his eyes as he sorted through the newfound information filling his mind.

A conflicted expression soon surfaced on his face as he once more opened his eyes and began to stroke his chin in contemplation.

"Well first things first, I suppose I should inform the others, though I'm pretty sure that I know how they'll react..."

He then closed The Tome of Knowledge as he communicated telepathically, "Elena, Natalia, Justin. Come meet me in the library. It's urgent."


Elena was sitting on her bed in a meditative pose when she sensed the massive disturbance in the flow of the ambient Mana and Origin Qi.

She was garbed in a ruby red gown with a pleated bottom, and a sleeveless lace bodice, that was very form-fitting, held up by a single knot of cloth at the base of her neck. The gown paired brilliantly with the red ribbon that was used to tie her hair up in a ponytail and accentuated the gentle curves of her body.

"What's egghead up to this time? " She thought offhandedly when she realized that both forms of energy were surging towards the library.

She opened her eyes and turned her gaze in the direction of the library before shaking gently her head. She then began to refocus her mind on cultivating Divinity and using it to further purify her Bloodline.

A few minutes later her cultivation was once more interrupted as Bruno's voice resounded in her mind with some sense of urgency.

Her eyes fluttered open once more and she slid out of the bed, her delicate brows furrowed in slight frustration.

She stretched her delicate body and muttered, "That egghead had better have a good reason for interrupting my cultivation. My understanding of Space and Barrier Magic has been developing at a rapid pace and if I'm not wrong, I may be on the cusp of fusing the two."

She moved across the granite floor and exited her bedroom, heading for the library on the first floor.


When Bruno began his actions sending the ambient Mana and Origin Qi into an uproar Natalia was standing on the terrace of her and Justin's living quarters.

She was dressed in a white gown similar to the red one her younger sister wore, yet hers revealed a large amount of her abdomen.

The breeze brushed past her causing her hair to billow gracefully in the air behind her.

She gazed in the direction of the library on the opposite side of the courtyard, the origin of the disturbance.

¨Bruno must be using his Tome of Knowledge in order to locate the others.¨ She spoke.

At this moment Justin walked outside and stood next to her on the terrace, as he too looked in the direction of the library.

He was dressed in a white T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans.

¨I agree, and while we are on the subject of Phantasms, have you made progress on manifesting your own, or figuring out why it has yet to manifest on its own? ¨ He spoke.

¨My Phantasmal Gloves are a physical manifestation of my Soul and as such require that my Soul be in a state of stability in order to manifest. But, as my body is still undergoing a phase of transition, my Soul and Anima are currently experiencing extensive growth as they fuse fully with my body. As such I should be capable of manifesting them once the transition is over. ¨ Natalia explained.

¨Well the state of transition is something we are all currently experiencing. And, according to Bruno's research, we are classified as Deva and Devaum, which possess bodies that have fused with their Souls and Anima. But, contrary to you we are already capable of manifesting our Phantasms, which must mean that your species relies heavily on the use of the soul.¨ Justin concluded as he leaned on the banister of the terrace.

¨I had come to the same conclusion. ¨ Natalia gave an enchanting smile as she responded.

He gazed upon her face as she laughed, overwhelmed by her beauty.

He reached out and pulled her close against his own body with his arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

As they stared into one another's eyes her twin peaks pushed against his chest.

He bent his head down, bringing his lips in contact with her own.

Their tongues then intertwined as they engaged in a deep kiss.

She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck as he began to grope her behind, tugging her body even closer.

As their body temperatures steadily rose, he moved one of his hands upward and slipped beneath her dress and his hand came in contact with her lace bra.

When he began to grope her breasts, she released a suppressed moan of pleasure.

She broke off the kiss as she panted and spoke with a seductive yet shy voice, ¨I want to taste you...¨

It was at that moment that Bruno's voice resounded in their minds requesting their presence.

A light of disappointment flashed in both of their eyes as Justin spoke, ¨It looks like you'll have to wait. ¨

He removed his hand from inside her gown and brushed against her cheek.

¨I guess I will. ¨

She unwrapped her arms from his neck before she left his embrace.