

Adelina Jones, a twenty year old college student and a strong willed female warrior who has always longed for her mate and when she finally found him, she does not know how she was gonna convince a green-eyed, very handsome greek god with a cold personality that they were mates and they were meant to be together Read to find out more about their journey

Red_Senorita · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter Three

The sun shone brightly, mercilessly burning my skin causing sweat to trickle down my face. All efforts to block the scorching sun from my face proved futile

I groaned irritably, cleaning my face with a handkerchief.

I turned to look at Laura who was walking beside me as if the sun was like a cool breeze on her skin.

'I swear this girl is abnormal ' I thought

I put up a mental reminder to bring an umbrella when coming tomorrow

"Have you heard about the new transfer student?" Laura questioned.

"No, why," I asked nonchalantly

"I've seen him and let me tell you my dear friend, He's hot like smoking hot" She said fanning herself and sighing in delight

"Laura, You have a mate" I deadpanned

"Yeah, I love Matteo, but that does not stop me from appreciating the goddess's creation" She defended rolling her bright blue eyes.

I frowned my eyebrows at her. This college is very big and consists of about twenty thousand students, I wonder how news travels so fast in this damn school.

We walked side by side as usual towards our class. We have different majors, mine is English while Laura's is Literature, so we had some classes together. We got to the class, Laura entered but I stopped at the entrance.

I perceived a mind-blowing, delicious scent of cinnamon mixed with rain. My wolf started pacing around. I scanned the whole room trying to locate where the scent was coming from. My eyes stopped at cold eyes looking at me with no emotion on his face.

"What happened? Are you going to stay there all day" Laura's voice snapped me back to reality. I removed my eyes from the cold stranger. Yeah, I'm just gonna call him that

"Huh...It's nothing" I went to my usual seat thankfully a little far from his seat. I tried taking my mind off him throughout the class. It didn't help that my wolf kept chanting 'Mate'. Why am I not jumping for joy? I mean I've been waiting for him for about two years now.

What baffles me most was that he is not a werewolf because he does not smell like one, He smells like a human. Why did the goddess pair me with a cold emotionless human?

"Don't judge a book by the cover?" My wolf said.

Or it might just be in my head, maybe my longing for a mate caused all this unnecessary drama.

After class was over, He was the first person to dash out of the class. I reluctantly went through my remaining class for the day. Maybe I should just sleep and by some miracle, all this might just be a dream.


"What would you like to order ma'am?" A male waiter asked holding up his notepad and pen to write down our order.

"One double cheeseburger, one large fries and a coke please" She replied sweetly.

"You?" I distinctly heard him ask

"Adelina" Laura called when I did not reply the waiter

"She will have the same please, just replace the large fries with medium fries" She smiled.

She turned to me narrowing her eyes "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Nothing" I replied looking everywhere but her because I knew she would be able to read my expression at that moment

"Are you sure you've been like this since yesterday, are you okay?" She asked worriedly

"I'm fine, Promise" I assured her giving her a small fake smile

That was when I made up my mind I was going to approach the new student who I still didn't know the name, I needed to make sure he was my mate.

I could feel the excitement of my wolf. She has been pacing more like jumping since yesterday and she was always pushing me to talk to him. I had no idea how she was very happy, I mean the guy does not even have a wolf who she can interact with.

As I approached my class, I could smell him from a mile away, luckily for me we had almost the same class. I sat down as normally as I could and turned my head casually to look at him.

I regretted it immediately when I saw Anna the school's head cheerleader leaning over his seat probably to show him her huge fake boobs. She smiled seductively at him whispering something in his ears. He smirked at what she was saying and lifted his eyes.

Our eyes came in contact and I averted my eyes as fast as I could. I practically had to calm Kiera, my wolf who wanted to claw Anna's face.

I could feel someone or rather him boring holes in the back of my head.

Anna was not even in this class, I mentally scoffed.

I won't lie and say I didn't feel anything, you would surely feel something probably anger when you see someone else in your mate's hands especially if you had been waiting for so long for that mate, but I was trained as a warrior to I had to always keep my emotions in check and that's exactly what I'm trying to do.

Mr Martins came into the class and told us to settle down. He opened his laptop to check something probably what he wanted to teach us.

"See you later babe," Anna said seductively, even if I could not see them I could hear her perfectly well thanks to my extraordinary werewolf hearing. She sauntered out of our class swaying her plastic hips more than necessary.

"Relax, He doesn't know we are mates" Kiera tried to calm me down.

"Wow look who is talking, I was not the one who was about to claw Anna's face a while ago" I scoffed rolling my eyes.

"Pfft... She deserved it anyways" She defended as she swayed her tails in a sign of pride.

After class, as usual, he was the first to leave the class but this time I scrambled after him

"Excuse me" I called walking briskly behind him.

Thankfully he stopped and I stopped too in front of him. Those beautiful green orbs of his captured me which made shivers run up my spine. He was even more handsome up close, his jawline was sharp and they looked ready to cut through anything, his soft pink lips were begging to be ravished.

He was about 6'2 making my 5'9 self look so short in front of him. He was strongly built, with not too many muscles just the way I like them. I could already feel so warm in his presence.

I cut myself off from my daydream, that was not my thinking, it was Kiera's, I'm very sure of it

I'm a warrior, I'm supposed to be 'emotionless'.

"What?" He snapped

"Uh. Hi, I'm Adelina" I looked up at him and extended my hand for a shake

He stared at me as if I grew two heads. He looked at my hand that was extended to my eyes and scoffed and continued walking leaving me there standing like an idiot.

That was rude and I won't lie it hurts. I could feel Kiera retract slowly.

Poor Adelina

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